英语人>词典>汉英 : 假死 的英文翻译,例句
假死 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

suspended animation · feign death
更多网络例句与假死相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No. 20 Guo Di Gong visited the prime minister into a sharply pointed out that to meet the Prince Wu Inheritance assassination plot, skillfully exquisite undercover in order to feign death to deceive everyone, successful rescue of Prince's entire plan is that he single-handedly planned.


New Talent - Survival Tactics: Reduces the chance your Feign Death ability and all trap spells will be resisted by 2/4%, and reduces the cooldown of your Disengage ability by 2/4 sec.


I'm gonna Freezing Trap and Feign Death to take him in.


This amazing process is known as suspended animation, or diapause.


Krist还语出惊人,"MJ's gonna fake his death, then they gonna fucking burn him and has his ashes scattered over Euro Disney"


This feign death reflex is frozen afterwards by dissolution of memory.


You will no longer die when Feign Death is finished channeling.


Some reported it will freeze up your system.


Adults use glowing,death mimic and reflex bleeding to defense,whereas larvae defend predators by glowing,death mimic,and small pairs of eversible glands.


And the real crash is different from suspended animation can be "saved."


更多网络解释与假死相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

apparently drowned:溺水假死

apparent 外观的明显的 | apparently drowned 溺水假死 | apparenttime 视时

feign death:假死

70) fauna 动物群,动物区系,动物志 | 73) feign death 假死 | 74) fermentation 发酵

feign death:假死 假死

奇美拉射击 奇美拉射擊 Chimera Shot | 假死 假死 Feign Death | 冰冻之箭 冰凍之箭 Freezing Arrow

Feign Deathwww:假死

丛林之王 King of the Jungle 15 | 假死 Feign Deathwww 10 | 生存本能 Survival Instincts 10


syncope 假死 | syncope 假死 | syncotyly 联生子叶式

asphyxy:假死 假死

asphyxia 窒息 窒息 Y | asphyxy 假死 假死 Y | asporogenous 不产孢子的 不產孢子的 Y


"柏油纸","asphalted paper" | "窒死,闷死,假死","asphyxia,asphyxy" | "肉冻,鱼冻,蔬菜冻,薰衣草","aspic"

death feigning:假死

(三)假死(death feigning) 假死是指昆虫在受到突然刺激时,身体卷缩,静 止不动或从原停留处突然跌落下来呈"死亡"之状,稍停片刻又恢复常态而离 去的现象.不少鞘翅目的成虫和鳞翅目的幼虫具有假死性.假死性是昆虫逃 避敌害的一种有效方式.根据昆虫的假死性,

death feigning:装死 假死

deamination 去氨基 去胺作用 Y | death feigning 装死 假死 Y | death mimicry 装死 擬死 Y

deth feigning:假死性

假囊壳 pseudoperithecium | 假死性 deth feigning | 假体腔动物门 Aschelminthes