英语人>词典>汉英 : 倒钩 的英文翻译,例句
倒钩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
barb  ·  barbs

更多网络例句与倒钩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's likely that he possibly died instantly when the barb hit him, and I don't think that he ...


These two new pumps are also available in hose barb and threaded connections.


Adoption special three layer structures,adopt the Japanese home nicety to roll the bead bearings inside the layer,is a high strength nylon in the center 66,a PU material,in the center the layer design become inverted barbs dentation.


1The hangs adoption special three layer structures,adopt the Japanese home nicety to roll the bead bearings inside the layer,is a high strength nylon in the center 66,a PU material,in the center the layer design become inverted barbs dentation.

1轮子采用特殊三层结构,内层采用日本进口精密滚珠轴承,中间为高强度尼龙66,外包 PU 材料,中间层设计成倒钩齿状。

40KG . The super mute hangs a product characteristics:1 The super mute hangs an adoption special three layer structures, adopt the Japanese home nicety to roll the bead bearings inside the layer, is a high strength nylon in the center 66, a PU material, in the center the layer design become inverted barbs dentation.

超静音吊轮产品特点:1 超静音吊轮采用特殊三层结构,内层采用日本进口精密滚珠轴承,中间为高强度尼龙66,外包 PU 材料,中间层设计成倒钩齿状。

A sharp point projecting in reverse direction to the main point of a weapon or tool, as on an arrow or fishhook.


"Barb:a sharp point projecting in reverse direction to the main point of a weapon or tool, as on an arrow or fishhook."


Million can not be torn hangnail, the correct way is to have barb water soaked hands, such as nails and surrounding skin becomes soft and after, and then a small pair of scissors to cut off his, and then wiping hand cream.


In the same way I had been frustrated when opening my fly box, armed with double and treble hooks, only to be told that the fishing rules stated single hooks, unbarbed, with no weight added to the fly.


Abaxial surface of nutlets with glochids only along center line keel; marginal glochids slightly expanded and confluent into a narrow wing

背面小坚果具钩毛只沿着中线龙骨;边缘的钩毛稍膨大和汇合的成为一狭窄翅 6b var。 glochidiatum 倒钩琉璃草

更多网络解释与倒钩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


barb (鱼钩的)倒钩 | barbed 有倒钩的,讽剌的 | barbarous 野蛮的


"山芥菜(芸苔科)","Barbarea vulgaris R.Br.var. stricta Regel" | "有倒钩的;有尖刺的","barbed" | "丝藓属(藓)","Barbella"


axons (神经的)轴突 | barbed有倒钩的wire | benzodiazepines苯二氮

barbed drainage:倒钩水系统

barb 羽支 | barbed drainage 倒钩水系统 | barbierite 钠正长石

barbed drainage:倒钩水系

放射虫土 barbados earth | 倒钩水系 barbed drainage | 倒钩支流 barbed tributary

barbed drainage:倒钩状水系

bankfull stage 满岸水位 | barbed drainage 倒钩状水系 | barchan 新月形沙丘


barbule 鸟的小羽枝 | barbwire 倒钩铁丝 | barcagegratings 栊


beard 髯毛 | bearded 有芒的,有倒钩的,有髯毛的,多棘的 | bedeguar 针褥瘿(瘿蜂)


barbate 具毛的 | barbellate 具倒钩短刚毛的 | barbellulate 具倒钩短刚毛的


barbellate 具倒钩短刚毛的 | barbellulate 具倒钩短刚毛的 | barbituric acid 巴比妥酸