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保加利亚 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Bulgaria  ·  Bulg

更多网络例句与保加利亚相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of or relating to or characteristic of Bulgaria or its people .


Christianization transformed Bugarian society : many elements of Byzantine civilization came into Bulgaria , while the old Turkic nobility fell into decline


He venerates the example of Rustchuk, a city on the border between Bulgaria and Romania whose residents once spoke Ladino, Turkish, Russian, Bulgarian, Romanian and German.


Experiment of the third part use the first part"s production as carrier, selecting Geotrich candidum and Candida tropicalis of higher production of protein also selecting producing the cellulose enzyme Bacillus subtilis FS and Lactobacillus bulgaricus by ourselves separated, design orthogonal test and a series of single factor experiment, finally assurancing the inoculation quantity of four strains germ, is Geotrich candidum 5%, Candida tropicalis 5%,Bacillus subtilis FS 5% of FS, Lactobacillus bulgaricus 3%, the most suitable development temperature is 30 "C , the development time is 15 days.


After orthogonal test analysis of three factors, three levels and 27 kinds of compositions,the causes of the putridity of the Rugosa rose fresh cuttings were investigated.

通过三因素三水平 2 7种组合的正交试验和分析,认为插穗腐烂病的发生是由于难生根的离体保加利亚玫瑰嫩枝插穗的抗性弱、空气和土壤的高温高湿条件所造成的;分析还表明土壤因素对保加利亚玫瑰嫩枝扦插腐烂病影响最大,其次是插穗因素和浸穗试剂,并据此提出感病率较低的 4种组合类型。

Because I've got the news that the European Union has demanded Bulgaria to close its nuclear plant.However,the closure of the nuclear plant is very sensitive in Bulgaria as it produces about 40% of the country's electricity.


Daniela Agre, a senior archaeologist at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, had said at the time that it was the first time a completely preserved chariot had been found in Bulgaria.

来自保加利亚科学院的资深考古学家Daniela Agre说在在此之前那是在保加利亚首次找到的保存完好的马车。

Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria, known by its Bulgarian acronym of GERB, took 39.7% of the vote on July 5th, entering parliament and government for the first time.


The capital and largest city of Bulgaria, in the west-central part of the country.


Officially known as the Republic of Bulgaria or Bulgarian Republic , Bulgaria is a beautiful mountainous country lying in Balkan Peninsula in Southern Europe .


更多网络解释与保加利亚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bulbul /一种鸣鸟/歌手/诗人/ | bulgar /保加利亚人/ | bulgaria /保加利亚/


请使用寻找的表格. 您也可以按"预订"键以进入每所住处的预订表格. 其它城市在 保加利亚 (Bulgaria) 的其它城市地址: Valnolom Street 19, Kraimorie - 布尔加斯(Burgas), 保加利亚 (Bulgaria)


共和国(AUSTRIA)AU-澳大利亚--澳大利亚联邦(AUSTRALIA)BD-孟加拉--孟加拉人民共和国(BANGLADESH)BE-比利时--比利时王国(BELGIUM)BF-布基纳法索--布基纳法索(BURKINA FASO)BG-保加利亚--保加利亚共和国(BULGARIA)BH-巴林--巴林


保加利亚语(Bulgarian)属印欧语系中南斯拉夫语的一支;使用人数约为八百五十万人. 发音跟俄语比较接近. 保加利亚语有东西两方言.西部方言又可分出西北及西南次方言,东部又可分出北、中、南三次方言.


保加利亚(Bulgarian)考古小组8月7日在保加利亚东南部挖掘一座Thracians古墓时,发现了一辆保存还算完好的古代的四轮战车. ...

Bulgarian Register:保加利亚船检局

Bulgaria 保加利亚 | Bulgarian Register 保加利亚船检局 | bulge carrier 散货船

bg Bulgarian:保加利亚语

be-BY Belarusian - Belarus 白俄罗斯语 白俄罗斯 | bg Bulgarian 保加利亚语 | bg-BG Bulgarian - Bulgaria 保加利亚保加利亚


保加利亚 索非亚(SOFIA)天气在线保加利亚 索非亚(SOFIA),明天天气,保加利亚 索非亚(SOFIA)的天气保加利亚 索非亚(SOFIA)天气预报,保加利亚 索非亚(SOFIA)未来一周天气

Varna:保加利亚 瓦尔纳

希尔兹在2005年5月底回国途中路经保加利亚瓦尔纳(Varna)时,被当地警方逮捕. 警方指控他用铺路板攻击保加利亚酒保格奥尔基耶夫的头部,而希尔兹企图谋杀的罪名成立,被判入狱15年. 现年22岁的希尔兹获释后,在记者会上感谢了所有人的支持,

Rose blossoms bulg., white , extra Rosa alba:白玫瑰 - 特级 保加利亚

玫瑰花 - 特级 保加利亚 Rose blossoms,Bulgarian, extra Rosa damascena | 白玫瑰 - 特级 保加利亚 Rose blossoms bulg., white , extra Rosa alba | 花梨木 巴西 Rosewood Aniba roseodora