英语人>词典>汉英 : 俗套的 的英文翻译,例句
俗套的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与俗套的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here were these former friends gossiping about her as if they were discussing a low-class Hong Kong movie star.


Whose would be man ,must be a nonconformist.


Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist.


Whoso whold be a man, must be a nonconformist.


Communist Party of China is also slowly resolve and remove this looks a little threadbare stereotypes of.


Schools are intended to produce through the application of formulae, formulaic human beings whose behavior can be predicted and controlled.


I see that inletting the letter"write itself" it took entirely too unconventional a form.


I said the corniest thing I could think of.


Nice, the capital of the region, fulfils the old cliche by having something for everyone.


Sometimes the stories it tells are run-of-the-mill melodramas that could have happened anywhere.


更多网络解释与俗套的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a set phrase:陈腔, 俗套; 固定词组

set a distance定距离 | adj. 惯用的; 固定的,已经确定的 | a set phrase 陈腔, 俗套; 固定词组

Julie Andrews:朱丽.安德鲁斯

后两部影片有着已有的影迷基础,不过>拥有创意十足的假设和不落俗套的片名. 如果这不管用的话,该片还可以依靠强大的明星阵容:除史蒂夫 卡瑞尔外,为该片配音的还有朱丽 安德鲁斯(Julie Andrews)和杰森 席格尔(Jason Segel).


phatic (谈话)落入俗套的 | haematic 血的,含血的 | schematic 扼要的,图解的

to learn by rote:由熟记而学某事

undergraduate n.[尚未取得学位的]大学生 a.大学生的 | unconventional a.非常规的,不落俗套的 | to learn by rote 由熟记而学某事

phatic talk:交際應酬話;落入俗套的話語

contact language 交際語 | phatic talk 交際應酬話;落入俗套的話語 | communication 交談;溝通;表情達意;資訊交流

Before Sunrise:爱在黎明破晓时

>作为>(Before Sunrise)的续集,仍然由理查德.林克莱特导演,伊森.霍克和朱莉.德尔佩出任男女主角. 1995年的那部>被影评们誉为最不落俗套的爱情故事,其开放式结局不仅让观众感到意犹未尽,

formulaic:公式的; 刻板的; 俗套的 (形)

formula bar 公式表, 每单元内容都打到电子数据表的区域 (计算机用语) | formulaic 公式的; 刻板的; 俗套的 (形) | formulary 公式集; 套语集; 处方 (名)

eschewing the poetic traditions of Europe:不落传统欧洲诗的俗套

Many considered him to be an imagist, but he was really more of a modernist,|很多人把... | eschewing the poetic traditions of Europe,|不落传统欧洲诗的俗套 | in favor of celebrating everyday circumstanc...

Sex Roles:性别角色

由理塔马罗和她的同事扎弗拉(Ester Lopez-Zafra)进行的研究刚刚发表在<<性别角色>>(Sex Roles)杂志上. 鼓动男女平等的团体福西特协会(Fawcett Society)主任凯瑟琳.莱克(Katherine Rake)说俗套的观念比女性竞争在阻碍女性事业发展方面危害更大.

I said the corniest thing I could think of:我只是按照最俗套的角度去推测

Actually, yes. How did you know?|正是如此,... | I said the corniest thing I could think of.|我只是按照最俗套的角度去推测 | If you knew Linda, you'd know how uncorny it would be to her.|如果你了解琳达,你...