英语人>词典>汉英 : 促成栽培 的英文翻译,例句
促成栽培 的英文翻译、例句


forcing culture
更多网络例句与促成栽培相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Forcing culture of Euphorbia pulcherrima \'Red Velvet\' was studied under the condition of the greenhouse in Hefei,as well as its physiological and biochemical changes and ornamental value.

本文以一品红"天鹅绒"(Euphorbia pulcherrima'Red Velvet\')为实验对象,研究了在合肥地区温室条件下一品红的无土·促成栽培,并研究了其生理生化、观赏指标的变化。

The research aimed to study the flowering time regulator of Chaenomeles cathayensis and investigate its forcing culture technique.


Because its production season often is the season which produces with difficulty under the open ground natural environment, therefore said that it is "the counter-season cultivation","the forcing culture".


The results could be provided as some theoretical guidance for cultivation technique of \'Red Velvet\' based on studies on culture matrix for forcing culture,nutrient solution and physiological and biochemical aspects.


Effects of different treatments of GA_3 and ABT on the forcing culture of tree peony was primarily studied using Paeonia×suffruticosa 'Cang Zhi Hong' as the material.


Gibberellin (GA_3); rooting powder; tree peony (Paeonia×suffruticosa); forcing culture


So the continuous lighteningprogramme was recommended for forcing Gladiolus in Beijing.


Glasshouse and heated plastic greenhouse can be used to force gladiolus in Bei-jing.


Sanitation treatment of bulbsand the soil is also important for forcing gladiolus.


The chilling requirement was one of the key factors in the forcing cultivation of Japanese quince.


更多网络解释与促成栽培相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

plant forcer:促成栽培箱

plant for smoke absorption 吸收烟灰设备 | plant forcer 促成栽培箱 | plant formation 植物群系

forcing culture:促成栽培

dairy farming#酪农业 | forcing culture#促成栽培 | history#历史


一串红(Salvia)又名串红、象牙红,属唇形花科鼠尾草属植物,常做一、二年生草本花卉栽培. 适应性强,对土壤的要求不严,花期容易控制,便于促成栽培. 常见园艺品种株型优美,叶色浓绿,花繁色艳,且花期很长,观赏价值高,为草花中的佳品,因而在我国城市环境布置和园


"促成栽培用品种","forcing variety" | "深叉状","forcipate" | "干花豆属(豆科)","Fordia"

Hippeastrum hybridum:{朱顶红}

大花朱顶红(Hippeastrum hybridum)是近年国际流行的球根花卉之一.商品供应品种约20个左右,单球售价30~40元,促成栽培的年宵花每盆200~300元.大花朱顶红花大色艳,多数为重瓣品种,花径达20cm已成为经济发达地区中高档盆花之一.目前生产用种球主要依靠进口.

plant for smoke absorption:吸收烟灰设备

plant for processing grain feeding ==> 谷物饲料加工工厂 | plant for smoke absorption ==> 吸收烟灰设备 | plant forcer ==> 促成栽培