英语人>词典>汉英 : 供奉 的英文翻译,例句
供奉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
oblation  ·  sacrifice  ·  sacrificing  ·  sacrificed  ·  sacrifices

enshrine and worship
更多网络例句与供奉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are also temples devoted to the gods of the sun and the moon, and one with two towers sacred to Anu, god of the sky, and Adad, god of storms.


The cult spread throughout the Mediterranean and by the fourth century B.C., over three hundred Aesculapian temples served as medical centres equally devoted to healing as to the worship of their god.


For Adihir, he said it is "Lingam", confirm with book, it was man's genitalia!! And some flowers on it, and there is an anadem hanging on it with some water dropped...


Rehabilitation force flower is to use consecrate the anchoret that 4 centuries control Baletan, calm anchoret - testament writings brush.


The whole temple construction constituted by the three groups, the East to worship "Jesus Christ Zongyao" Literature of the Wenchang Wenchang Palace as the center, south to the Mountain Gate; north shrine Chong; for the temple is dedicated to "Jesus Christ师表" Confucius places to Dacheng Hall as the center, the South Gate for Ji, lattice Star gate, bridge champion and Pan-Chyr; North for respect by the Court; West Institute for Liangzhou Joinet House.


Self-complacent, impudent, deluded by vanity and haughtiness due to wealth, the demoniac perform sacrifices out of pride, in name only, such sacrifices are performed without any regard for scriptural injunctions.


In my piece,"Goddess of Chamber Pots and Latrines,"I have created a throne for my goddess to sit on by piling up a stach of miniature anthropomorphized chamber pots.


With a floor space of 250 sqm, it embodies both architectural styles of Tang Dynasty and characteristics of Nepalese and Indian architecture of precious relics kept in the temple the most famous is the gold statue of Sakyamuni at the age of 12,which was brought to Tibet from inland China by Princess Winching.


Celibates offer for sacrificial obligations the senses such as hearing and seeing into the fire of renunciation; householders offer the objects of the senses such as pleasing sounds and pleasant sights into the fire of the senses.


Another reason is that pagans are an ecumenical bunch, welcoming those who worship a variety of pre-Christian pantheons (Celtic, Germanic, Greek and plenty of others) as well as druids, witches and fuzzy spiritualists with a fondness for the countryside.


更多网络解释与供奉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ananda Pagoda:蒲甘最美丽的佛塔,在里面供奉的大佛,从不同的角度看,其面部表情有喜怒的变化

* Shwe-san-daw Paya 这是有名的看日出日落的佛塔,白色的 | * Ananda Pagoda 蒲甘最美丽的佛塔,在里面供奉的大佛,从不同的角度看,其面部表情有喜怒的变化 | * Sulamani Pahto 此佛塔里面有很保存的很好的壁画

dedicatory:贡献的; 供奉的; 献纳的 (形)

dedicator 奉献者; 题献者; 献身者 (名) | dedicatory 贡献的; 供奉的; 献纳的 (形) | dedifferentiation 去分化; 反分化 (名)


endorsement 批准 | enshrine 供奉,把......置于神龛内 | Foreign Minister 外交部长,外相


immolation 祭物 | immolator 供奉牲礼的人 | immolator 供奉牲礼的人




41.Trisong Deutsen 藏王赤松德赞 | 42.propitiate 供奉 | 43.Dharmakaya 法身、真身、佛性


oblation 供奉 | oblatory 供奉物的 | oblatory 供奉物的

Typhonian Relief Seth:保护士兵 (需供奉Seth)

Bounty 好收成 | Typhonian Relief Seth保护士兵 (需供奉Seth) | Kitty Litter 散布瘟疫(需供奉Bast)

Big Dave Ptah:將摧毀一些工業的建築.(城市中必须供奉神Ptah)

Ancient Astronauts 加快金字塔建設的速度 | Big Dave Ptah將摧毀一些工業的建築.(城市中必须供奉神Ptah). | Bird of Prey 減少其他人與我們的貿易量.(城市中必须供奉神Ra)

工业破坏(需供奉Ptah):Big Dave

Kitty Litter 散布瘟疫(需供奉Bast) | Big Dave 工业破坏(需供奉Ptah) | Cat Nip 房子里装满粮食