英语人>词典>汉英 : 使觉醒的 的英文翻译,例句
使觉醒的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与使觉醒的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Elementalist: A Mage who has a kinship with nature becomes an Elementalist, able to control and manipulate the four elements of Fire, Ice, Light and Shadow She primarily resorts to long-range attacks, blanketing large areas with damage An Elementalist often specializes in one specific element, fully embracing its characteristics At level 48, an Elementalist awakens as an Archmage


He's grown disillusioned with Saudi Arabia's longtime ally, the United States. He is frustrated with the fecklessness of a divided Arab world.


Natural Dao method means that the humankind makes the Dao entity and the De entity interact and interfuse with each other with the awakened wisdom of humanity, that and it should attain to the state of natural operation.


"Tell him," he spoke, gently blowing into the shell of her ear and sending rippling thrill through her body in tingling and licentiously erotic arousal.

" / "告诉他,他说,逐渐地进入她的耳朵贝壳之内吹而且送在兴奋方面经过她的身体使震颤起涟漪和随便性爱的觉醒。

With the development of political civilization and the awakening of neighborhood committee ,the government has to exclude neighborhood committee from the system of administration.


Simmons is a lot of people in the heart of the mattress spring wire is referred to it.


Hormonal regulation is responsible for all of the physiological attributes that enable us to enjoy the myriad sensations of being vibrantly alive, including those related to sexual arousal, physical activity and mental-emotional states of being.


Si lo so Amore che io e te Forse stiamo insieme Solo qualche instante Zitti stiamo Ad ascoltare Il cielo Alla finestra Questo mondo che Si sveglia e la notte e Gia cosi lontana Gia lontana Guarda questa terra che Che gira insieme a noi Anche quando e buio Guarda questa terra che Che gira anche per noi A darci un po' di Sole, sole, sole My love che sei l'amore mio Sento la tua voce E ascolto il mare Sembra davvero il tuo respiro L'amore che mi dai Questo amore che Sta li nascosto In mezzo alle sue onde A tutte le sue onde Come una barca che Guarda questa terra che Che gira insieme a noi Anche quando e buio Guarda questa terra che Che gira anche per noi A darci un po' di Sole, sole, sole Sole, sole, sole Guarda questa terra che Che gira insieme a noi A darci un po' di sole Mighty sun Mighty sun Mighty sun Yes i know My love, that you and i Are together briefly For just a few moments In silence As we look out of our windows And listen To the sky And to a world That's awakening And the night is already far away Already, far away Look at this world Spinning with us Even in the dark Look at this world Spinning for us Giving us hope and some Sun, sun sun My love, you are you my love I hear your voice, And i listen to the sea.


Its alarm clock will be the subject of an epic quest, which once completed, will make it possible for everyone to learn shamanic skills.


Broadly speaking, it is whatever by imitative action rouses interest or gives pleasure.


更多网络解释与使觉醒的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

disenchantment:觉醒; 清醒 (名)

disenchanted 不抱幻想的; 不再着迷的 (形) | disenchantment 觉醒; 清醒 (名) | disencumber 使解脱; 摆脱 (动)

disencumber:使解脱; 摆脱 (动)

disenchantment 觉醒; 清醒 (名) | disencumber 使解脱; 摆脱 (动) | disenfranchise 剥夺...的公民权 (动)


disentrancement 使从迷惘中觉醒 | disentwine 松开 | disepalous 有两萼片的


特别是在快速动眼睡眠期(Stage REM).睡眠时的通气不足也常伴随短暂觉醒(arousal)而使患者有失眠或白天困睡的抱怨.临床症状包括无法解释的白天昏昏欲睡,肺高压症(pulmonary hypertension),肺心症(core pulmonale),红血球增多症(erythremia),高碳酸血症(hypercapnia),


这个会在格尔巴桥夫的"新思维"(Perestroika)开始之后以三个公开讨论会的形式举行,题目是东欧集团的觉醒. 根据这些内容我张开一把"目前市场经济也使东欧集团出现经济发展趋势"的伞. 在我具体谈导言(Leadsatz)之前,


rousing 使奋起的 | rousing 使觉醒的 | rousseau 卢梭

that I may waken from the dream of sin and look within upon my sinlessness:使我得以由罪的梦魇中觉醒,看到自己内在的无罪本质

此刻,愿祂的真实知见来到我心中, Now... | 使我得以由罪的梦魇中觉醒,看到自己内在的无罪本质 that I may waken from the dream of sin and look within upon my sinlessness. | 因为你看到他们的本来面目 and in oth...


5.塔波尔(Tabor) 塔波尔是离布拉格南约100公里的小镇. 捷克15世纪有一个重要人物胡斯(Jan Huss 1369?--1415 ) 胡斯引进了宗教改革 使捷克民族情绪觉醒 因反天主教而被捕处以火刑.

waiver clause:放弃条款

放弃条款 waiver clause | 醒;觉醒;唤醒;使振作;引起;船迹;尾流;涡区 wake | 条状隆起部;凸起的条纹;线圈纵行;横撑;箍条 wale


disenchanted 不再着迷的 | disenchanting 使不再着迷的 | disenchantment 觉醒