英语人>词典>汉英 : 使表现好 的英文翻译,例句
使表现好 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
behave  ·  behaved  ·  behaves  ·  behaving

更多网络例句与使表现好相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stores the first key condition of a check, a coffee shop exterior image of the results: the grade must be in line with the coffee shop, bearing in mind the personality and the impression of the performance of the shape, but also to maintain a sense of beauty. 2, signs "visible results" of performance: For the "easy to see a high degree of" certainty, we should still be able to make it clear in the distance, and attention should be paid to the suitability of the specifications. 3, store window charm: the performance of windows to be commensurate with the style, while attractive, will have to have induced. 4, to facilitate the import入店: the first shop to have the appropriate degree of openness, and easy to see the coffee-house, at the same time be able to have intimacy. 5, the first shop in the entire facility: a good performance must be able to store the image of the situation in order to avoid fouling, and even to consider closing the store after the first performance.

、店头状况检核重点 1、咖啡店外装形象的效果:必须与咖啡店品位符合,同时注意个性的表现与印象的塑造,而且要保持美感。2、招牌"易见效果"的表现:对于"易见高度"的把握,要使它在远处仍可以一目了然,且要注意规格的适合性。3、店面橱窗的魅力:橱窗的表现要能与风格相称,同时要具有吸引力,进而要具有诱导性。4、便于入店的进口:要有适当的店头开放度,并且易于看到咖啡店内部,同时要能有亲切感。5、店头的整个设施:必须要能表现好的店面形象,避免有污损状况,甚至要考虑打烊后的店头表现。

A,stores the first key condition of a check,a coffee shop exterior image of the results: the grade must be in line with the coffee shop,bearing in mind the personality and the impression of the performance of the shape,but also to maintain a sense of beauty. 2,signs "visible results" of performance: for the "easy to see a high degree of" certainty,we should still be able to make it clear in the distance,and attention should be paid to the suitability of the specifications. 3,store window charm: the performance of windows to be commensurate with the style,while attractive,will have to have induced. 4,to facilitate the import入店: the first shop to have the appropriate degree of openness,and easy to see the coffee-house,at the same time be able to have intimacy. 5,the first shop in the entire facility: a good performance must be able to store the image of the situation in order to avoid fouling,and even to consider closing the store after the first performance.

尤其对于店面的房子装修预算,要透过定期与不不定期的检查与清点;至于检核的重点,可以分成店头状况、店内家居装修设计图、陈列装饰及管理设施等方面进行。a、店头状况检核重点 1、咖啡店外装设计图的效果:必须与咖啡店品位符合,同时注意个性的表现与印象的塑造,而且要保持美感。2、招牌"易见效果"的表现:对于"易见高度"的装修设计图,要使它在远处仍可以一目了然,且要注意规格的房屋装修预算书性。3、店面橱窗的魅力:橱窗的表现要能与风格相称,同时要具有吸引力,进而要具有诱导性。4、便于入店的进口:家居装修设计图适当的店头开放度,并且易于看到咖啡店内部,同时要能有亲切感。5、店头的装修设计图设施:必须要能表现好的店面形象,制作淘宝装修素材有污损状况,甚至要 qq空间免费装饰打烊后的店头表现。

Painting which is the mainstream of the western art is extremely representational in the aspect of the space concept. But relieves combine the paintings'complanation with sculptures'extensity .so we decide to research the process of the evolvement and the interaction between paintings and sculptures. We expect to discuss the space and art expression in the western art and relieve ,so I can have a further comprehension about the space of optical art. The comprehension can not only help us understand the traditional western paintings and relieves better, but also make us comprehend the space concept of modern art better, to set the artistic creations of contemporary paintings and relieves into action.


Well, after his Astonishment was a little over at this, I pointed to him to run and fetch the Bird I had shot, which he did, but stay'd some Time; for the Parrot not being quite dead, was flutter'd away a good way off from the Place where she fell; however, he found her, took her up, and brought her to me; and as I had perceivd his Ignorance about the Gun before, I took this Advantage to charge the Gun again, and not let him see me do it, that 1 might be ready for any other Mark that might present; but nothing more offer'd at that Time; so I brought home the Kid, and the same Evening I took the Skin off, and cut it out as well as I could; and having a Pot for that purpose, I boil'd, or stew'd some of the Flesh, and made some very good Broth; and after I had begun to eat some, I gave some to my Man, who seem'd very glad of it, and lik'd it very well; but that which was strangest to him, was, to see me eat Salt with it; he made a Sign to me, that the Salt was not good to eat, and putting a little into his own Mouth, he seem'd to nauseate it, and would spit and sputter at it, washing his Mouth with fresh Water after it; on the other hand, I took some Meat in my Mouth without Salt, and I pretended to spit and sputter for want of Salt, as fast as he had done at the Salt; but it would not do, he would never care for Salt with his Meat, or in his Broth; at least not a great while, and then but a very little.


Using educational media make great strides in the sentience of painting personages of children of the face.


This difficult stepchild will unfortunately be in your life forever, so you might as well learn to deal with her in a way that will give you the most peace. If she acts nice, then you should be nice back. But if she acts ugly, don't reward her bad behavior by being nice to her. You'll only be teaching her that being nasty pays.


With the different laboratory compaction method and the real pavement, the study of particle stability and density indicated that Marshall compacted specimen can not simulate the real pavement, the rolling and gyratory compacted specimen are the most similar with real pavement, vibrating compacted specimen is second similar with the real pavement.


First,daubing a board with lacquer and dope as bottom layer and making the surface of this bottom layer smooth by grinding ,hen,drawing all sorts of ve-ins you liked by using colorful lacquer on the surface,by lacquering different thickness,bring changeful light andsh-ade surface with strong stereo,in the process of painting,in order to represe-nt the obgect more reality.we usually use some material such as precious st-one,eggshell,gold,silver,stannum,by enchasing process to make the printi-ng more rich and colorful,at last,grind-ing the surface and hooding it with tre-nsparent lacquer,just about thegrinding is embodiment of FUZHOU's painting skill,so we call it lacquer painting.


The effects of many factors in the wet end on drainage and retention of PEO/attapulgite system: During the scope of 2-12, pH has no effect on drainage, and retention ratio lower in acidic conditions and higher in neutral or alkaline conditions. There were some improvement on slurry's drainage and some impairment on retention efficiency for the existence of inorganic salts. Lignosulphonate had no effect on drainage and made retention ratio decrease 5-8%; lignosulphonate and xylan had no effect on drainage and made retention ratio decrease a little. 5 .Attapulgite could be modified by intercalation.


However, the trends of both improvement and degradation in eco-environment were coexist, and displayed their spatial hete...

与城市用地变化有关的土地利用类型也多分布在金昌、嘉峪关、张掖、武威和酒泉 5个地级市所在地区,表明这些区域的城市化过程相对活跃;3城市用地变化对生态环境影响的空间规律表现为:使生态环境原本较差的地区生态环境质量有所增加,而使生态环境质量较好的地区生态环境质量降低;4城镇用地与工矿用地对区域生态环境的影响表现出与城市用地总体基本一致的规律,但农村居民点则对生态环境正、负两方面影响都较为显著;5 城市用地扩展对区域生态环境的影响也体现出与城市用地总体类似的区域分异特征;而城市用地收缩的影响则与此趋势相反。

更多网络解释与使表现好相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Andreas Feininger:除非景物使我感兴趣,否则我会节省我的胶卷以便拍更好的东西

摄影师必须是照片的一部分-- Arnold Newman | 除非景物使我感兴趣,否则我会节省我的胶卷以便拍更好的东西-- Andreas Feininger | 摄影师眼里的真实就是他们照片所表现的那些东西-- Fred Picker




还有易激惹、好冲动等表现. 其常见的伴发心理障碍有:学习困难、品行障碍、抽动障碍及某些情绪障碍. 它是由于先天或后天的种种原因,使大脑内单胺类神经递质去甲肾上腺素(NE)、多 巴胺(DA)、5-羟色胺(5-HT)的失衡造成的.


此外在消磁功能方面,A781加粗了消磁线圈的直径从传统直径4.35mm变成6.4mm,增加手动消磁 (Degauss) 能力. 使显示器在日常生活中不小心着磁,也可以通过OSD按键轻松消磁,使得显示器的色纯表现更好.

fill up:填补;装满

fill out 填好,填写;使长大 | fill up 填补;装满 | find expression in 在...中表现出来


CodeIgniter 使用了模型(Model)- 视图(View)- 控制器(Controllers)的方法,这样可以更好地使表现层和逻辑层分离. 这对项目的模板设计者来说是非常有用的,它最小化了模板中的程序代码量. 我们在 MVC 各自的页面中对此做了更多的介绍.


再画一个圆角立方体,各"片段数"(Segs)都设为1,再加入一个"Meshsmooth修改器",使它变得圆滑,作为坐垫. 4. 复制一个坐垫,旋转适当的角度后放置在背靠的位置作为靠垫. 单人沙发模型就建好了,坐垫和靠垫为了表现出柔软的质感,