英语人>词典>汉英 : 使缓慢移动 的英文翻译,例句
使缓慢移动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
inch  ·  inches

更多网络例句与使缓慢移动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The final jump, there is no difficulty, pay attention to when to open the parachute when prompted, press the umbrella can make slow-moving forward, the role of a great, good at taking advantage of Oh, a perfect circle is not a problem into


As a tiny dot appeared on a Google map and slowly wended its way down the street, the crowd roared its approval .


That's because air at high altitudes is thin and holds less heat/ As the snow piles higher and higher,the bottom layers change into ice, forming a glacier---a slowly moving river of ice.


Coach Ola By Riise might bring in the quicker Vidar Riseth instead of one of them.


更多网络解释与使缓慢移动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


水银是在第12关击败Boss革律翁(Geryon)后获得,无需升级,但使用时需要消耗但丁的魔力,魔力耗尽自动停止. 使用时除了但丁之外的所有人都处在一个时间无比缓慢的时空中. 这时候敌人的攻击和移动速度只有原来的十分之一左右,

incestuously:乱伦地; 小团体地; 过分亲密地 (副)

incestuous 血亲相奸的, 乱伦的 (形) | incestuously 乱伦地; 小团体地; 过分亲密地 (副) | inch 缓慢地移动; 使缓慢地移动 (动)


MMORPG - Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game,大型多玩家在线角色扮演游戏. | SLOWER 缓慢攻击系(就是会施放减慢怪物攻击速度的人) | Snare 陷阱,使怪减缓移动速


Snare 陷阱,使怪减缓移动速 | SNARER 缓慢行动系(就是会施放减慢怪物行动的人) | Solo 这个词的本意是独奏,引申为单练,与组队相区别