英语人>词典>汉英 : 使模仿 的英文翻译,例句
使模仿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
model  ·  modeled  ·  modelled  ·  models

更多网络例句与使模仿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The truth is that, just as in the other imitative arts one imitation is always of one thing, so in poetry the story, as an imitation of action, must represent one action, a complete whole, with its several incidents so closely connected that the transposal or withdrawal of any one of them will disjoin and dislocate the whole.


The only way to be successful is to imitate successful people.


Without being a declared irrationalist,and without to have articulated a"criticism of the reason"in any form,Derrida would have thus contributed to disturb or discredit any exercise of rationality,by immersing it in"the writing".


Because it would have been useless and dangerous for Pertinax and Alexander, being new princes, to imitate Marcus, who was heir to the principality; and likewise it would have been utterly destructive to Caracalla, Commodus, and Maximinus to have imitated Severus, they not having sufficient valour to enable them to tread in his footsteps.


The college entrance examination as well as exams which are caused by it confused the direction of our country's education, we lose our way so we can't find the natural disposition and the soul; Children lose the puerility and fantasy, without enthusiasm and energy for study .


These are beings of the great neuter species: impotent men, parasites, cyphers, who have a little land, a little folly, a little wit; who would be rustics in a drawing-room, and who think themselves gentlemen in the dram-shop; who say,"My fields, my peasants, my woods"; who hiss actresses at the theatre to prove that they are persons of taste; quarrel with the officers of the garrison to prove that they are men of war; hunt, smoke, yawn, drink, smell of tobacco, play billiards, stare at travellers as they descend from the diligence, live at the cafe, dine at the inn, have a dog which eats the bones under the table, and a mistress who eats the dishes on the table; who stick at a sou, exaggerate the fashions, admire tragedy, despise women, wear out their old boots, copy London through Paris, and Paris through the medium of Pont-A-Mousson, grow old as dullards, never work, serve no use, and do no great harm.


These are beings of the GRE at neuter species: impotent men, parasites, cyphers, who have a little land, a little folly, a little wit; who would be rustics in a drawing-room, and who think themselves gentlemen in the dram-shop; who say,"My fields, my peasants, my woods"; who hiss actresses at the theatre to prove that they are persons of taste; quarrel with the officers of the garrison to prove that they are men of war; hunt, smoke, yawn, drink, smell of tobacco, play billiards, stare at travellers as they descend from the diligence, live at the cafe, dine at the inn, have a dog which eats the bones under the table, and a mistress who eats the dishes on the table; who stick at a sou, exaggerate the fashions, admire tragedy, despise women, wear out their old boots, copy London through Paris, and Paris through the medium of Pont-A-Mousson, grow old as dullards, never work, serve no use, and do no great harm.


Further ahead, by a combination of the great wealth this new age will bring and the technology it will provide, the construction of a vast, man-created world in space, home to thousands or millions of people, will be within our power.

一切尝试对多话的小孩的发展追踪从他们说的第一句话开始…… 169、这种自我模仿使他们故意模仿别人对他们说话的声音。

This self-imitation leads on to deliberate imitation of sounds made to them by other people.


Other women listed included actress Angelina Jolie, at No. 24, who has bolstered her public image with philanthropic endeavors; comedian Tina Fey, No. 51 in part for playing Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, in wildly popular TV impersonations during the election campaign; and 16-year-old pop star Miley Cyrus, who has a Disney franchise built around her and rounded out the list at No.


更多网络解释与使模仿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accidentally: adv.1:意外地,偶然地 2.次要地,附带地,附属地

emulate: v.1.努力赶超,与...竞赛(争) 2.仿效,模仿 | accidentally: adv.1.意外地,偶然地 2.次要地,附带地,附属地 | exaggerate: v.1.夸张(大),对...言过其实 2.使增大,使扩大,使过大


这关键就在于他运用了"乙醛"(Aldehyde),透过这种合成物质与香精油(EssentiaIOils)作用结成更活泼的组合,使香气的变化更丰富. 这样与众不同的结合方式,成功地创造了第一瓶花香--乙醛调(闯oral-AIdehyde)香水,也成为后世争相模仿的典范!

be all the fashion:(服装等)极时髦; 风行一时

after the fashion of 模仿; 照着...的样子 | be all the fashion (服装等)极时髦; 风行一时 | bring into fashion 使流行

caret m:蠵龟,玳瑁,制绳用的纺车

1215 caresser vt. 抚摸,爱抚,轻拂,轻掠,使感满意,抱有 NULL ~unespoir抱有一个希望 | 1216 caret m. 蠵龟,玳瑁,制绳用的纺车 NULL NULL | 1218 caricature f. 漫画,讽刺画,夸张的模仿,衣着可笑者 NULL NULL



Find Edges:强化颜色变化区域的过渡像素,模仿铅笔色边效果

Emboss 产生单色浮雕效果 | Find Edges 强化颜色变化区域的过渡像素,模仿铅笔色边效果 | Leave Color 使指定颜色保持不变,而把其它部分转换成灰色显示


imperative 绝对必要的;命令的,强制的;祈使的 | imperceptibly 察觉不到的 | impersonate 扮演;模仿


"......通过引起怜悯(pity)和恐惧(fear)而导致这些情绪的净化(purgation)"(第四章)首先是诗的起源,亚里士多德归结为两点:模仿的本能和音调、节奏感. 与柏拉图不同的是,亚里士多德在此强调,模仿可以使人们获得最初的知识,


一般来说,在游戏界,模拟器一词是相对于仿真机(simulator) 而言,仿真机主要指大部分用硬件模仿,模拟器主要指大部分用软件代码模仿,不过这两个词未标准化,在某些学术界可能也有部分人将两个词反过使来的,请注意它们的差别.

imitate v. take as an example; make a likeness of:模仿

gather v. obtain bit by bit 收集 | imitate v. take as an example; make a likeness of 模仿 | industrialize vt. cause to become industrially developed 使工业化