英语人>词典>汉英 : 使松弛 的英文翻译,例句
使松弛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
relax  ·  relaxing  ·  slacken  ·  slackening  ·  relaxes  ·  slackened  ·  slackens

更多网络例句与使松弛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When I told her that I was his brother from Australia, she loosed up and invited me into the parlour .


The efficacy of regular use of a variety of mask, for cleaning, providing nutrition, water, even water and oil balance, so that the skin becomes slack dim luster moisture and restore skin elasticity.


In this paper Laplace transforms is utilized in viscoelastic theory of polymers making the relations between various viscoelastic functions like relaxation modulus , creep compliance and functiqns representing dynamic behavior simple and clear, relaxation spectrum and retardation spectrum are defined in terms of Laplace transform to correlate all viscoelastic functions.


After summarizing the waveform relaxation methods and domain decomposition, we finish some research on optimal Schwarz waveform relaxation algorithm as follows: In the first part, we apply Schwarz waveform relaxation methods on telegraph equation system to get optimal transmission conditions to speed up the algorithm.


The findings were compared with those in cystogram and at operation. The results showed that B ultrasornd could evaluate the tension of intra urethral sphincter accurately and there by divided the degree of intraurethral relaxation, into mild, moderate and severe, as it was possible to diagnose unequivocally whether the neurogenic bladder of the patients were assocated with ralaxation ofo intra...


If you can stimulate her to laughter-I am talking about that real, out-loud, head-back, mouth-open-to-expose-the-full-6horseshoe-of-lovely-teeth, involuntary, full, and deep-throated 7mirth; the kind that is accompanied by a shocked surprise and a slight 8peal of delight-well, then, you have at least caused her to loosen up 使松弛 and to change her expression.


Pregnant bodies produce a hormone, relaxin, which softens tissues around the pelvis to prepare it for birth.


Pregnancy, oral contraceptie use, and use of estrogens during menopause may result in higher estrogen leels, resulting in an increased laxity of joints and ligaments through increased relaxin, resulting in chronic LBP, but not chronic UEP.


Relaxin helps the pelvis spread so the baby can exit the body, but it also affects the ligaments in the feet, causing a stretching of those ligaments.


Relaxin helps the pelvisspread so the baby can exit the body, but it also affects the ligaments in the feet, causing a stretching of those ligaments.


更多网络解释与使松弛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


fjord /海湾/峡湾/ | flabbergast /使大吃一惊/哑然失色/ | flabbily /软弱地/无生气地/无活力地/松弛地/

flaccid paralysis:松弛性瘫痪

肉毒杆菌素进入人体后,会经由血液循环来到我们的周边神经系统,然后粘结到神经肌肉交接处的神经末端,使一种叫乙醯胆碱(Acetylcholine)的神经传导物质的分泌受到阻断,结果由上源神经系统传来的动作命令无法传达给肌肉系统,因而发生松弛性瘫痪(flaccid paralysis).

irritate vt.1:使恼怒,使烦躁 2.使(身体某部分)不适,使疼痛

laid-back a.松弛的,悠闲的,懒散的 | irritate vt.1.使恼怒,使烦躁 2.使(身体某部分)不适,使疼痛 | psychiatrist n.精神科医生,精神病专家

keep sb up:使迟睡

keep to sth 履行诺言,限制自己 | keep sb up使迟睡 | keep it up继续下去而不松弛

melt away:(使某物)融化或溶解而消失; 逐渐消失

little by little 逐渐地; 慢慢地 | melt away (使某物)融化或溶解而消失; 逐渐消失 | slow down 减速, 慢下来; 松弛




flabbergast /使大吃一惊/哑然失色/ | flabbily /软弱地/无生气地/无活力地/松弛地/ | flabbiness /软弱/无气力/

scorify:使变成矿渣, 析取

internal stress relaxation 内应力松弛 | scorify 使变成矿渣, 析取 | axial thrust 轴向推力

slackening: slowing of speed:松弛, 放慢, 减弱, 减少, 减缓放慢

underlying: being at the basis of 在下面的, 根本的, 潜在的, [商]优先的 | slackening: slowing of speed .松弛, 放慢, 减弱, 减少, 减缓放慢 | compound: worsen v.(使)变得更坏, 恶化, 损害

skeletal muscular relaxants:骨骼肌松弛药

第二节 N2胆碱受体阻断药-骨骼肌松弛药 N2胆碱受体阻断药(N2-cholinoceptor blocking drugs)也称骨骼肌松弛药(skeletal muscular relaxants),简称肌松药,阻断神经肌肉接头的N2胆碱受体妨碍神经冲动的传递,使骨骼肌松弛,便于在较浅的麻醉下进行外科手术.