英语人>词典>汉英 : 使有缺陷 的英文翻译,例句
使有缺陷 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flaw  ·  flaws

更多网络例句与使有缺陷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This summary does not correspond with the conclusions of most researchers,(see, for example, this review of the homework literature ). Kohn also argues that two common justifications for homework—to automatize skills and to provide practice time for mastery—are based on flawed assumptions.

他的这个结论和大多数的研究结果向左(像《家庭作业制度调查报告》),Kohn 还反驳家庭作业制的两项用途——使学生能自行掌握所学技巧和给予他们掌握知识所需的练习时间,这两项假设是有缺陷的。

Other engineers are writing new programs allowing robots to make deci sions such as whether to discard defective parts in finished products.


In eutherian mammals, XCI is thought to be triggered by the expression of the non-coding Xist RNA from the future inactive X chromosome3, 4, 5; Xist RNA in turn is proposed to recruit protein complexes that bring about heterochromatinization of the Xi6, 7. Here we test whether imprinted XCI, which results in preferential inactivation of the paternal X chromosome, occurs in mouse embryos inheriting an Xp lacking Xist.


It aims to bring to the fore, how the education system is flawed.


In order to improve the device performance, we performed the NH3 plasma treatment to passivate defects, reduce leakage current, enhance carrier mobility, increase driving current and decrease subthreshold slope.


It is definitely not a productive use of resources to make defective items that have to be remade.

这绝非 资源用于生产,使有缺陷的项目,必须重做。

In the essay, Sontag argued that a piece of art may be bad yet considered good if it creates emotional feelings in the person looking at it.


At the same time, it produced a series of imaginings that became deeper and deeper – it was like a hypothetical point that allowed me to be completely immersed in the actual cultural background. Various human weaknesses have certain solemn and stirringly dramatic elements. In order to adapt to the basic visual experience, in order to allow the audience to easily accept and enjoy the underlying elements of the work, I intentionally left white spaces, they looked like hints in a guessing game. The viewer who understands would have a good laugh after becoming suddenly enlightened. This enables the viewer and me to have a sort of conspiratorial relationship, its meaning does not reside in the painting itself, but in the shared cultural background of myself and the audience as well as the shared attitude of such a cultural background. This makes it believable, a hidden bridge, often in a somewhat clear yet somewhat mysterious moment, two strangers who have never met are able to achieve a profound understanding, like that happiness of suddenly catching someone when playing hide and seek as a child ...


The study of vertical channel with high field effect mobility by Ni induced lateral crystallization, which can form larger grains on channel regions and reduce grain boundary defects. We detect the method of Ni induced lateral crystallization through high field effective mobility, but that accumulates too much Ni on floating N+ region and causes defects and metal contamination. As Ni is used to form silicde and then proceed to low temperature annealing, we can observe the floating region that has no Ni acumination regions or contaminations. This aids us in obtaining good electronic performance of this device, not only the remote field effective mobility but also the vast improvement of sub-threshold swing and on/off currents.


It is not yet known whether robots will one day have vision as good as human vision.


更多网络解释与使有缺陷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这张照片是用特写镜头(close up)拍摄的,有极强的光线效果,在他眼睛漆黑的眸子里面,你可以看见阿布斯的相机的光线,你能看见照片中人苍白皮肤上的每一个细微之处和缺陷部位;他直直地看着你,似乎无可隐藏;他的目光使人产生兴趣,


例如:狄摩西尼(Demosthenes)尚未成为希腊最伟大的演说家之前,有口吃的习惯;拿破仑身材矮小却成为一个伟大的将军. 诗人拜伦(Byron)有跛足的缺陷,却使大半个欧洲成为他献身的场所. 依照阿德勒的理论,上述每个人都以自己的方式"补偿"身体的缺陷.


•缺陷(flaw)是程序中的错误,或是程序的安装方法中的错误. 并不是所有的缺陷都与安全性有关. •安全性漏洞(vulnerability)就是一个缺陷,它使程序有可能无法满足其安全性需求. •漏洞利用(exloit)是一个揭示或利用安全性漏洞的程序.

gene therapy:基因治疗

"基因治疗" (gene therapy) 简单来说,是指拿一段外来的 DNA (去氧核糖核酸),植入有基因缺陷或突变的病患细胞体内,希望能针对突变基因的功能进行弥补,使之恢复正常的治疗方法.


根据台湾生殖医学会之定义,不孕(infertility)指的是有正常的性行为、且未使用任何避孕的方法,经过一年以上的时间而未能怀孕或使对方怀孕. 这样的定义有包含两种状况,一为:本身生理结构的缺陷或生理机能的障碍,


缺面: 铸物表面不规则的凹部或破损称为缺面,在横方向有很大的扩大面,大都出现於上模部,类似鼠尾(rat tail)或线缝(seam),主要的区别在铸模表面的大崩落,此缺陷及铸模肉渐上升的熔钢发生的辐射热所致,其热使铸模表面的薄砂层膨胀,


5.柔软(softening) 纺织品在染整过程中,经各种化学助剂的湿热处理并受到机械张力等作用,往往产生变形,而且能引起僵硬和粗糙的手感. 柔软整理是弥补这种缺陷使织物手感柔软的加工过程. 柔软整理有机械和化学两种方法,机械法采用捶布等工艺,


氨基酸代谢病即氨基酸病(aminoacidopathy),或称为氨基酸尿症(aminoaciduria). 可分为两大类:一类是酶缺陷,使氨基酸分解代谢阻滞,另一类是氨基酸吸收转运系统缺陷. 在Rosenberg和Scriver列举的48种遗传性氨基酸病中,至少有一半有明显的神经系统异常,

serialization proxy:序列化代理

教你如何最大限度地享有这些优势,又能使整个过程尽可能地简单化. 第11章阐述序列化方面的技术,并且有一项值得特别提及的特性,就是序列化代理(serialization proxy)模式,它可以帮助你避免对象序列化的许多缺陷.