英语人>词典>汉英 : 使普及 的英文翻译,例句
使普及 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
popularize  ·  vulgarize  ·  popularized  ·  popularizes  ·  popularizing  ·  vulgarized  ·  vulgarizes  ·  vulgarizing

更多网络例句与使普及相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is extremely important for the popularization of cyber air sports to let more people see the online air combat and aerobatics perform and more fresh men learn the skills of flying and fighting easier.


With continuously penetration of reform and opening, especially acceding into the WTO, speeded up the blending and ruing between the Chinese and Western culture. And with the popularization and swift development of electric network, it is wider in range and more convenient for university students to receive different culture ideas. And also causes the west political system, values, culture idea along with the life style such as economic denationalization, political multi-partyization, rights of human sympathyization and community pluralityization and so on become the university students public topics.


The steam-engine has relieved them of much exhausting and degrading toil; wages have risen; education has been improved and become more general; the railway and the printing-press have enabled members of the same trade in different parts of the country to communicate easily with one another, and to undertake and carry out broad and far-seeing lines of policy; while the growing demand for intelligent work has caused the artisan classes to increase so rapidly that they now outnumber those whose labour is entirely unskilled.


Solve the two problems, encourage the wealthy, and protect the poor, suppress misery, put an end to the unjust farming out of the feeble by the strong, put a bridle on the iniquitous jealousy of the man who is making his way against the man who has reached the goal, adjust, mathematically and fraternally, salary to labor, mingle gratuitous and compulsory education with the growth of childhood, and make of science the base of manliness, develop minds while keeping arms busy, be at one and the same time a powerful people and a family of happy men, render property democratic, not by abolishing it, but by making it universal, so that every citizen, without exception, may be a proprietor, an easier matter than is generally supposed; in two words, learn how to produce wealth and how to distribute it, and you will have at once moral and material greatness; and you will be worthy to call yourself France.


Due to the compatibility, comprehensiveness, real time and massiveness, TV communication becomes very much socialized; meantime, it has the characteristics of setting social example, directing the mass audience. In another words, audience's conceptualization, life style and social behavior are all under the exposure of TV communication.


The Centre for Strategic and International Studies, a think-tank in Washington, DC, that helped popularise the notion of smart power with a study on American foreign policy in 2007, issued a report in March which drew attention to a "strategic mistrust" between the two countries' leaders.


Long end theory thinks, the three-ply force that makes long end appear is respectively: Those who manufacture a tool gain ground make consumer is changed to generator, those who transmit a tool gain ground reduce consumptive cost, supply and demand join effectively.


By building a game model and using parameter simulation, we find that the job seeker with higher ability will overeducate to make the employer can separate higher ability first-time job seekers from lower ability ones when the expansion of higher education makes it easy to acquire a diploma. Once overabundant diploma due to the expansion of higher education universalization makes the employer can not discriminate higher ability candidates from lower ability ones, the employer reduces the salary of social freshman. Such phenomenon induces the equilibrium away from the Pareto optimality and decreases the total social production.


The computer has been played an important role in the model and method exploration of music educational, which caused the quantitive leap from the traditional teaching method to the modern one in music education. But it also have some urgent problems need to solve in the practice: the unbalancement between the computer popularization and the digital music technology method; The multimedia technology replaces all or the majority of teaching method, reduced or even neglected teachers leading role and so on.


On the basis of basically universalizing the nine-year compulsory education and eliminating illiteracy among youth and the middle aged by the year 2000, the educational sector must complete the universalization of the nine-year compulsory education by the year 2010 and universalize senior secondary education in urban and developed regions.


更多网络解释与使普及相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


43.普及(Dissemination) 通过散发信息资料,有目的、有系统地使他人了解一种新发展. 44.远距离教育(Distance Learning) 指任何一种学习者远离教学源点的教学情境,其特征为学习者与教师和其他学习者的有限接触.

Pervasive Computing:普及计算

因为科技发展的动力在某种程度上总是欲使人类自身更为舒适,所以未来必定是一个"普及计算"(pervasive computing)的时代,在诸如家庭网络(home network)、汽车网络(automobile network)、移动电子商务(mobile e-business)以及financial service everywhere等普及计算的重要内容中,


popular 流行的 | popularize 使普及 | populate 居住


popularity 大众性,通俗性 | popularize (使)大众化,(使)普及,推广 | popularizer 普及者,推广者

popularize ize:化,使... 使大众化,普及 推广

popularity ity 名词后缀,表示性质 大众性 通俗性 | popularize ize...化,使... 使大众化,普及 推广 | popularizer er者 普及者,推广者


popularize (使)大众化,(使)普及,推广 | popularizer 普及者,推广者 | popularization 普及,推广,通俗化


popularize 使普及 | popularizer 使普及的作家 | popularly 平易地

popularizer er:者 普及者,推广者

popularize ize...化,使... 使大众化,普及 推广 | popularizer er者 普及者,推广者 | pupularization ation表示行为 普及 推广 通俗化


universality /普遍性/一般性/普及/ | universalize /使一般化/使普遍化/普及/ | universally /普遍地/一般地/到处/


popularize(使)大众化,(使)普及,推广 | anthrop表示"人,人类" | anthropology人类学;