英语人>词典>汉英 : 使摆动 的英文翻译,例句
使摆动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
vibrate  ·  vibrated  ·  vibrates

更多网络例句与使摆动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The different notes of a stringed musical instrument are made by vibrating the strings.


A few obvious features help us to walk efficiently: we move our arms and legs in antiphase, thus keeping the total angular momentum more or less zero.


A few obvious features help us to walk efficiently: wemove our arms and legs in antiphase, thus keeping the total angular momentum more or less zero.


As the hurdler plants on his 8th step from the blocks, he must drive the lead knee of the free leg linearly towards the hash mark on the lead leg side of the hurdle.


With a spring installed inside table, you can move it up and down, and it can adjust the pressure, swing it before and after by eccentric wheel and pulley. The swing margin is about 12 degrees. The platform was installed in the L-plate and can correct center to ensure die non-deformation and roundness in polishing process.

工作台里面安装弹簧一根,可以上下移动,并可任意调整压力,利用皮带轮和偏心轮带动,使前后摆动,摆动幅度约12度,而工作台被安装在 L 型拖板上可以任意地对中心,确保在抛光的过程中,使模具不变形及圆度。

Yun-strip method, the circle-shaped bath temperature higher than the crescent-shaped article transport transport of temperature, the temperature was higher than the crescent-shaped article transport serrated Article transported bath temperature, in the 12mm flat bottom welded seal, using serrated transport of , and with the magnitude and the swinging groove on both sides of the pause, effective control of the bath temperature, so that pore size of the melt is essentially consistent with the roots do not form a welding groove tumor and decrease the chances of burn-through, no penetration has The improvement of the peace panels of the single-sided welding butt welding flat-sided shape is no longer difficult.


This puts the swing perpendicular to the wheel and produces the flattest surface.


Two of our wheels are driven by rotating power system to made the cylinder rotate . The swinging rack is driven by a set of crankshaft swinging bar which is mounted on the frame and the swinging rack is supported on the frame.


In this design, according to the principle of crank-rocker, a special four-bar linkage swaying mechanism combined with the flexible tail fin is adopted to guarantee the stable swimming of robofish. The skillful application of hall position sensors achieves the detection of critical position of the swing link, which makes it possible to detect the position of the tail fin and control the turning of robofish. For effective raising and lowering, a mechanism using a cylinder as a pump to imitate the swimming bladder is developed.


The principle that the cylinder drive swing lever to promote scraper plane rotation, so close to the blade surface Dryer (adjusted for normal 1-1.5mm) non-contact dryer, and then to the red balloon gas pressure, air pressure to promote post-marked increase on the blade Pressure, so that the blade surface close to Dryer.


更多网络解释与使摆动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



commie communist:的戏称 共产党

bob for apple 苹果跳跳游戏(万圣节玩) bob 使上下(来回)快速摆动 | commie communist的戏称 共产党 | midget 侏儒,小矮人

Cradle Song:摇篮曲

>(Cradle Song)又称催眠曲,是母亲为使幼儿安静入眠而哼唱的一首英文儿歌. 这首英文儿歌旋律轻柔甜美,曲调抒情静谧. 富有摇摆感的伴奏音型贯穿全曲,产生了摇篮有节奏的摆动感觉. 许多大作曲家如莫扎特、舒伯特、勃拉姆斯都写有这种歌曲.


而这些蛋白质与DNA结合. 为了确定BRCA1的作用,研究人员提取了这种 蛋白质的拷贝,使其在试管中与双链DNA结合. Gellert解释说,这些DNA带有模拟遗传学损伤的结 构,诸如Y-形分支或一个引致DNA长度自由摆动 (flap)的切口链.

a movement from side to side:摇摆;摆动

She wasn't swayed by his good looks or his clever talk. 他相貌不凡,谈吐风趣,但她... | a movement from side to side 摇摆;摆动 uncountable | The sway of the yacht was making her feel sick. 游艇左右摇晃,使...

A large pendulum swung back and forth inside the grandfather clock:在老式落地座钟里面有 一个大钟摆在摆来摆去

swing v.(使)摇摆,(使)摇荡; (使)旋转,(使)突然转向 n.摆动... | A large pendulum swung back and forth inside the grandfather clock. ;在老式落地座钟里面有 一个大钟摆在摆来摆去. | synthetic a.合成的,人造的; ...


其后的 250 年里,羽管键琴 / 拨弦古钢琴( harpsichord )靠拨动而不是弦槌敲击使弦摆动. 有众多拥护者的击弦古钢琴( clavichord )亦是如此,它的严重局限性是手指触键后声音缺乏层次变化. 17 世纪晚期,

physical libration:物理天平动

(A)物理天平动(physical libration). 上文所说,由月球中心到月脸中心的半径,大于由月球中心到月背中心,结果导致地对月的引力作用不平衡,使月球自转的速度不一律而出现摆动.


refocillate 使振作精神 | oscillate 摆动,犹豫 | titillate 使觉得痒,使......兴奋

The slightest wind agitates the leaves of the trees:极轻的风使树上的叶子摆动起来

(2).move or shake vigorously(动)摇摆 | The slightest wind agitates the leaves of the trees.极轻的风使树上的叶子摆动起来. | 3.architect: builder; planner; constructor(名)建筑师