英语人>词典>汉英 : 使成为敌人 的英文翻译,例句
使成为敌人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
disaffect  ·  disaffecting  ·  disaffects

更多网络例句与使成为敌人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bastinado and fan are having the color of widely different, as opposite as fan, nature of bastinado general put to good use is additional the might of two large elements, thunder and blaze, the destruction of tall harm output, long-range attack force, will make bastinado becomes battleground over another strong backup force force, in the meantime, because bastinado cannot be in close body battle,gain an advantage, because this maintains a distance with the enemy from beginning to end, will be the one and only way that bastinado develops its dominant position, and the instant of bastinado is mobile, will be the enemy in be kept constantly on the run, be defeated in make the foot of the person of bastinado falls.


Behold, the noise of the bruit is come, and a great commotion out of the north country, to make the cities of Judah desolate, and a den of dragons.

10:22 有风声。看哪,敌人来了。有大扰乱从北方出来,要使犹大城邑变为荒凉,成为野狗的住处。

Cyclops is quite low on defence, making him a good target before he can paralyze everybody.


If you treat them like that, you will make an enemy of them.


Cannot make him a slave,and the right to enslave him cannot therefore be derived from the right


Berlin's espousal of negative liberty, his hatred of totalitarianism and his experience of Russia in the revolution and through his contact with the poet Anna Akhmatova made him an enemy of the Soviet Union and he was one of the leading public intellectuals in the ideological battle against Communism during the Cold War.


If a man has a mind to be thought wiser, and a woman handsomer, than they really are, their error is a comfortable one to themselves, and innocent one with regard to other people; and I would rather make them my friends by indulging them in it, than my enemies by endeavoring to undeceive them.


That will antagonise his fellow politicians, who do so well out of the present wretched system,but it will send a firm signal that Nigeria is on the right track and it will delight the country's long-suffering voters.


That will antagonise his fellow politicians, who do so well out of the present wretched system,but it will send a firm signal that Nigeria is on the right track and it will delight the country's long-suffering voters.


2 God's honor devolved upon him, and the Lord strengthened him with fearful powers


更多网络解释与使成为敌人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


此招推荐:LEVEL18吸引术(ATTRACT):我认为这是男巫诅咒第一没用的一招. 他一次只能使一个单位成为众矢之的,又对BOSS无效,要来何用!此招推荐:LEVEL09迟钝术(DECREPIFY):说起这招,可让每个男巫感到遗憾. 它的效果是惊人的:可使敌人所受伤害加倍,

Berserker Rage:狂战士之怒(被动技) 将自身受到的伤害值的一部份转换成为回复魔法值

Berserker 狂战士,重视攻击 | Berserker Rage 狂战士之怒(被动技) 将自身受到的伤害值的一部份转换成为回复魔法值 | Taunting Shout 嘲弄呼喊 挑衅敌人使其主动攻击你,但是降低所造成的伤害

disadvantageously:不利地 (副)

disadvantageous 不利的; 情况不好的 (形) | disadvantageously 不利地 (副) | disaffect 使疏远, 使不满意, 使成为敌人 (动)


使成团agglomerate | 使成为敌人disaffect | 使成为附属mediatize


disaffect 使成为敌人 | disaffected 有叛意的 | disaffected 不服的

Pirate Ship:海盜船

(4)海盗船 (PIRATE SHIP) 配备重型激光器 ,别看火力挺猛,攻击力却不高,因为它的主要任务并不是去炸毁敌人的飞船 ,而是要通过强大的能量使敌军驾驶员投降,让敌机成为我方战机,真不愧为海盗.