英语人>词典>汉英 : 使恢复精神 的英文翻译,例句
使恢复精神 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
recuperate  ·  rejuvenate  ·  recuperated  ·  recuperates  ·  recuperating  ·  rejuvenates  ·  rejuvenating

更多网络例句与使恢复精神相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Indoor should maintain airiness, because of sexual life later, tired make a person very fast the person sleeps, fresh air conduces to good Morpheus , physical strength and spirit restore quickly.


And you have already done remarkable things to fulfill them: your dedication to service demonsSPANated in your exSPANacurricular engagements, your concern about the future of the planet expressed in your vigorous championing of sustainability, your reinvigoration of American politics through engagement in this year's presidential contests.


And you have already donedemonstrated in your extracurricular engagements, your concernchampioning of sustainability, your reinvigoration of Americanpolitics through engagement in this year's presidential contests.


And you hav e already done remarkable things to fulfill them: your dedication to service d emonstrated in your extracurricular engagements, your concern about the future of the planet expressed in your vigorous championing of sustainability, your reinvigoration of American politics through engagement in this year's preside ntial contests.


Therapeutics of certain and complementary sex, massage therapeutics and balmy therapeutics for instance, renascent to human body extensive force is very significant also, they can make the body is loosened adequately not only, and can make our physical ability times add, be inspired with enthusiasm.


I'll make you some fresh tea; that will set you up again.


We're trying to get rejuvenated as often as possible.


O Prince, O Chief of many Throned Powers, That led th' imbattelld Seraphim to Warr Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds [ 130 ] Fearless, endanger'd Heav'ns perpetual King; And put to proof his high Supremacy, Whether upheld by strength, or Chance, or Fate, Too well I see and rue the dire event, That with sad overthrow and foul defeat [ 135 ] Hath lost us Heav'n, and all this mighty Host In horrible destruction laid thus low, As far as Gods and Heav'nly Essences Can perish: for the mind and spirit remains Invincible, and vigour soon returns, [ 140 ] Though all our Glory extinct, and happy state Here swallow'd up in endless misery.

大魔王立即用急激的话语回答他: V2:大王,掌权天使的首长啊,掌权者们率领英勇的撒拉弗天军在您的指挥之下去作战,大无畏地,投身于惊险的行动,使天上永生的王陷于危急,他靠暴力、侥幸,或靠命运,来支持自己至高无上的权力,我目睹而哀痛这次可怕的事件,可悲的覆没,可耻的败绩,使我们失去天界,这样的大军竟遭到这么大的失败,沉沦到这样的阴间里来,我们原是神灵,气质轻清,论破灭可说已经到了尽头,因为我们还留有心志和精神,不可战胜,很快就会恢复元气。

They are your rallying points: to build courage when courage seems to fail; to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for f aith; to create hope when hope becomes forlorn.


Their proportions are 4:4:4:4:3. Then choose the healthy mice. Firstly, to set up the reflex of escaping lightening stroke by trained mouse; secondly, to make it vertiginous by rotation. The consciousness response period is the measuring time which every mouse needs from vertigo to consciousness comeback; and the freedom movement response period is the measuring time which every mouse needs from vertigo to freedom movement comeback. We used CRP and FMRP to scale the extent of vertigo. At the same time, we inspected the mice's appetite and psychosis. Above all, we observed the effect of this prescription in preventing and curing kinetosis. Besides, we contrasted this prescription with Dimenhydrinate and Scopolamine.


更多网络解释与使恢复精神相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

restore law and order:恢复法律和秩序

14.restored 恢复:使恢复存在或使用;重新建立: | restore law and order.恢复法律和秩序 | She felt refreshed after her sleep. 她睡了一觉就精神了

recipe book:食谱书

215rationalizevt. 合理化(合理地说明,使...消根) | 216recipe book食谱书 | 218refreshv. 使...生气蓬勃,提起精神,恢复精神


regenerate 使重获新生,使改过自新 | rehabilitate 精神重建,恢复 | rehash 旧事新弹,改成新形式

rejudge:重新判断 (动)

rejoinder 回答, 答覆, 答辩 (名) | rejudge 重新判断 (动) | rejuvenate 使年轻, 使恢复精神, 使复原 (动)


rejuvenation 返老还童 | rejuvenator 使返老还童者 | rejuvenesce 恢复精神


She felt refreshed after her sleep. 她睡了一觉就精神了 | 16.revived 使复活,使恢复: | a celebration that revivified our spirits. 振奋我们精神的庆典

the Young Pioneer:少先队员

154. pick up掘地,捡起,获得,使...恢复精神,随便地认识 | 155. the Young Pioneer少先队员 | 156. take one's place 就位,代替,坐某人的位置


rejuvenator 使返老还童者 | rejuvenesce 恢复精神 | rejuvenescence 回春

a celebration that revivified our spirits:振奋我们精神的庆典

16.revived 使复活,使恢复: | a celebration that revivified our spirits. 振奋我们精神的庆典 | 17.captivated 用魅力、美貌或优点使着迷或吸引住


refreezing 再冷冻 | refreshable 可刷新 | refresher 使恢复精神的人或物