英语人>词典>汉英 : 使失明 的英文翻译,例句
使失明 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
blind  ·  blinds  ·  blinded

更多网络例句与使失明相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But I don't know if my tongue's able to talk Your beauty is just blinding me.


He is half-blind in his left eye, which gives him a wild, cockeyed look, and a pack or two of American Spirits every day have left him with a voice like gravel.


Ultraviolet radiation increases the risk of cataracts, which cloud the lens of the eye and can cause blindness.


To deprive of sight:使失明: was blinded in an industrial accident.


Let us imagine a coming generation with such intrepidity of vision, with such a heroic penchant for the tremendous; let us imagine the bold stride of these dragon-slayers, the proud audacity with which they turn their back on all the weaklings' doctrines of optimism in order to "live resolutely" in wholeness and fullness: would it not be necessary for the tragic man of such a culture, in view of his self-education for seriousness and terror, to desire a new art, the art of metaphysical comfort, to desire tragedy as his own proper Helen, and to exclaim with Faust


That's because lye , which was used in the process , could cause chemical burns or even make people blind.


Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless , and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self pity.


Measles can lead to weak immune systems, which may make patients susceptible to xerophthalmia, blindness, and premature death.


Instead, it causes a series of abnormal symptoms such as nervous disorder, behavioral dyscontrol, dysphoria, heart and liver failure, and even ablepsia.


The Chinese routinely turn powerful lasers skywards, demonstrating their potential to dazzle or permanently blind spy satellites.


更多网络解释与使失明相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


失明(BLINDNESS) 消耗魔法值:九 令目标部队地动手条进度结束前进,没办法攻击、移动或施法. 但是只要目标遭受伤害,失明状态就会被解除. 持续零.贰五×P 个回合(这个回合指主动性为一零地生物1回合地时间) 5级魔法 支配大师(PUPPET MASTER) 消耗魔法值:一贰 使英雄可以暂时控制敌人某支部队地动手.

Pendant Of Second Sight:使部队对失明魔法免疫

69、Pendant Of Life:使部队对死亡波纹魔法免疫. | 70、Pendant Of Second Sight:使部队对失明魔法免疫. | 71、Pendant Of Total Recall:使部队对忘却魔法免疫.

Pulseless Disease:无脉症

目的 无脉症(pulseless disease)为大动脉非特异性炎症,其管腔狭窄闭塞后引起眼部缺血,导致视力、视野逐渐受损最终失明. 以往眼科无有效治疗方法,我们用复方樟柳碱(compound anisodine)注射液治疗4例无脉症,使患者视力、视野有明显恢复.

17:5 If a man denounces his friends for reward, the eyes of his children will fail:17:5 控告他的朋友、以朋友為可搶奪的、連他兒女的眼睛、也要失明

17:4 因你使他們心不明理.所... | 17:5 控告他的朋友、以朋友為可搶奪的、連他兒女的眼睛、也要失明. 17:5 If a man denounces his friends for reward, the eyes of his children will fail. | 17:6 神使我作了民中的笑...

Pendant Of Total Recall:使部队对忘却魔法免疫

70、Pendant Of Second Sight:使部队对失明魔法免疫. | 71、Pendant Of Total Recall:使部队对忘却魔法免疫. | 72、Orb Of Driving Rain:使水系魔法伤害+50%.