英语人>词典>汉英 : 使变狭窄 的英文翻译,例句
使变狭窄 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
narrow  ·  narrower  ·  narrowed

更多网络例句与使变狭窄相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In fact, sometimes knowing without understanding is no better, if not worse, than not knowing at all, because it provides such a narrow angle of observation which could potentially lead to a distorted, generalized conclusion.


Cervical spondylosis is due to cervical back muscle strain as well as the unbalanced paravertebral muscle strength caused by long-term working with head drop, which thereby leads to a set of syndrome: cervical intervertebral disc degeneration, narrow intervertebral space, unstable vertebrae unit, protruded or extruded nucleus pulpous; hyperosteogeny, ligament pachynsis, narrow neural canal or nerve root canal; oppressed nerve root and spinal cord, stimulated vertebral artery and sympathetic nerve; aching and discomfort cervix; numbness and disability of the body; functional disorder in relieving the bowels; dizziness and nausea, etc.

颈椎病的原理及颈椎功能锻炼的原理 Theory of Cervical Spondylosis and Cervical Vertebrae Dirigation 颈椎病是由于长期低头工作等原因所导致的项背肌劳损、颈椎周围肌群肌力不平衡,从而使颈椎间盘退变、椎间隙狭窄、椎节失稳、髓核脱出或突出、骨质增生、韧带肥厚,使椎管或神经根管狭窄,压迫脊髓、神经根、刺激椎动脉及交感神经,出现颈部酸痛不适、躯体麻木无力、大小便功能障碍、头晕恶心等症状的一组综合症。

There must be established regulations to protect investors\ interests, in the mean time, the vitality and vigorousness of private placement can not be deprived of, otherwise the currently limited investing channel would be further narrowed.


Results; The injection of mixed bacteria caused a pathological alteration of oviductal wall, such as edema in mucous, shortened cilia of epithelium, inflammatory cell infiltrating, dilation and hyperraemia in blood capillary within lamina propria and obstruction of oviductal lumen. These pathological changes were recovered following the treatment of FGST intragastrically administrated.

结果 在使用混合菌接种后,小鼠输卵管管壁结构发生改变,主要包括黏膜层水肿、上皮细胞顶端纤毛变短或消失、固有层炎性细胞浸润、毛细血管充血、管腔狭窄甚至闭塞。;附归参汤;长期给药后明显使上述病理改变向正常组织转归。

Also, take steps to keep your circulation healthy: Avoid cigarettes and caffeine, both of which narrow blood vessels; stay away from vasoconstricting meds such as decongestants; and hit the gym regularly.


Occasionally, as the ground and situation permit, the guns are set up on a nose or fold in the ridge running at right angles to the defending line, in such a way that their fire will take in flank any body moving directly into the position.


更多网络解释与使变狭窄相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

annular eclipse:[日]环食

有时月亮轨道的微小改变会使其圆盘变小,在这种情况下会有一圈太阳光在其边缘闪耀,导致日环食(annular eclipse). 从地球上任一处于狭窄的日食轨迹(落在地球表面的条带状阴影)之外的地方看去,月亮不会全然出现并遮住太阳.


催眠疗法(Hypnotherapy)是指用催眠的方法使求治者的意识范围变得极度狭窄,借助暗示性语言,以消除病理心理和躯体障碍的一种心理治疗方法. 通过催眠方法,将人诱导进入一种特殊的意识状态,将医生的言语或动作整合入患者的思维和情感,从而产...


后来其含义变得狭窄起来 ,专指某一文化群体沿传而来的神话体系( Mythology )里的一个故事;它不仅传达基本的世界观和人生观,而且使文化群体的成员社会化,个人在故事里的地位随之有所确定.


退化性膝关节炎(Osteoarthritis)主要是因关节处的软骨被磨损,严重者膝盖上,下方关节的缝隙会变得狭窄,因此引发疼痛. 因为软骨令膝盖骨於滑动时能减少磨擦,使滑动更加自如,并且吸收体重的重量,并润滑关节,一旦软骨被磨损,骨头暴露后,

valvular insufficiency:瓣膜关闭不全

瓣膜关闭不全(valvular insufficiency)是指心瓣膜关闭时不能完全闭合,使一部分血流返流. 瓣膜关闭不全是由于瓣膜增厚、变硬、卷曲、缩短,或由于瓣膜破裂和穿孔,亦可因腱索增粗、缩短和与瓣膜粘连而引起. 瓣膜口狭窄(valvular stenosis)是指瓣膜口在开放时不能充分张开,