英语人>词典>汉英 : 使受欢迎 的英文翻译,例句
使受欢迎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
recommend  ·  recommending  ·  recommends

更多网络例句与使受欢迎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In modern times Spanish guitarist Andres Segovia helped make the instrument extremely popular.


This is especially true if there is the "hope" you'll be liked, respected or loved as the result of your giving...


Your thoughtfulness combined with your brainpower makes you very popular now.


The clean casework has an understated elegance that will make it a welcome addition to any living room or multipurpose family room.


Cheapness is not the only factor that makes it acceptable.


She'd know that would just make me a martyr and make my book even more popular.


According to the literature review, the measurement of self-conscious used the theory of "Looking-glass Self" by Cooley. Besides, children tend to care about peer operation. The researcher used the way of social mutual reactions, and he used sociometry to evaluate students' sociometric status, especially those students who are popular and those who are easily rejected. The purpose is to let the samples to notice their behaviors in class and in the long run, to reflect the real inside as what a mirror can do.


A is for Apple B is for Ball C Candle D is for Door E is for Egg F is for Fall G is for Grass H is for Hall I is for Ice J is for Jam K is for Kite L is for Lamb Mmmmmmmmm M Moonlight N Night O Orange P is for Pie Q is for Queen R is for Rain S is for Smile T is for Train Mmmmmmmmm U Umbrella V is for Vell W is for Whale X X-ray Y Yo yo Z is for Zero Mmmmmmmmm 持田香织是日本当红组合ELTEvery Little Thing


However, the top-rating TV series Gokusen (2002), a live action version of the popular manga , established her as one of Japan's most bankable and popular actresses.

但真正使她走向成功的电影还数这电视连续剧 gokusen ( 2002 ),一个极受欢迎的真人版日本漫画,这一巨作使她成为日本炙手可热且风靡全国的女演员。

ISlot games are extremely popular today and the slick graphics, upbeat soundtrack and fascinating gaming experience make Reel Crime 2 Art Heist Slots particularly popular.


更多网络解释与使受欢迎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


9 这一决定使她在工作人员(staff)中很受欢迎(make,popular with)11 我觉得很惭愧(ashamed),因为我对朋友说了谎话(lie to)9 这一决定使她在工作人员(staff)中很受欢迎(make,popular with)11 我觉得很惭愧(ashamed),因为我对朋友说了

cast light upon:使人们明白,使真相大白

carry off * 夺去(生命),夺得(奖牌) | cast light upon* 使人们明白,使真相大白 | catch on 理解,受欢迎

commend itself to:为所喜爱, 受欢迎, 给好印象, 使感兴趣

commencing signal | (发射)起始信号 | commend itself to | 为所喜爱, 受欢迎, 给好印象, 使感兴趣 | commend oneself to sb | 给某人好印象


Kova &T最受欢迎的设计单品是PVC材料的裤袜(Legging),受到了凯特.莫斯(Kate Moss)等街拍女王们疯狂追捧. 独特的设计再加上价格公道,使Kova &T 非常受年轻人的欢迎. 目前Kova &T在全世界已经有83个专卖店. GCCC的开幕展览十分成功,


说服效果最大) 影响说服者说服效果的另一个因素是说服者的受欢迎程度,人们经常会改变自己的态度,使其与自己喜欢的人的一致.而说服者是否受人欢迎却由三个方面的因素决定:说服者 的外表 (Physical appearance) 是否可爱 , (Likability)以及与被说服者的相

and that made him persona non grata with the Royal Family:使他成为不受王室欢迎的人

Well,I was with him when the story broke about Prince Ch... | and that made him persona non grata with the Royal Family.|使他成为不受王室欢迎的人 | Except with Diana. They always remained good friends....

wear on:时间的消逝; 沉闷地过去; 使疲乏不堪; 骚扰

wear off 逐渐减弱, 消失, 磨损, 耗损 | wear on 时间的消逝; 沉闷地过去; 使疲乏不堪; 骚扰 | wear out one's welcome 待太久而不受欢迎


fraternity 兄弟关系,友爱,互助会,兄弟会 | wagering 赌,赌博,赌注;下赌注 | recommend itself to 使自己成为可取,使自己受欢迎

make a hit:受欢迎;流行

139. Turn up 扭...使大声 | 140. Make a hit 受欢迎;流行 | 141. Come out 放映


recommend itself to 使自己成为可取,使自己受欢迎 | ricocheting 跳飞,跳弹 | dock hands 码头人手,码头雇员