英语人>词典>汉英 : 使反常 的英文翻译,例句
使反常 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pervert  ·  perverting  ·  perverts

更多网络例句与使反常相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In such a medium, the direction of the Poynting vector monochromatic plane wave is antiparallel to that of its phase velocity. Because of that, DNG displays some unusual electromagnetic properties such as backward-wave effect, negative refractive effect, perfect lens and a limit situation, zero index of refraction materials.


The artificiality of some of the experiments that can be conducted may make the behavior of the participants abnormal.


Then, she was supported by an unnatural tension of the nerves, by all the combative energy of her character, which enabled her to convert the scene into a kind of lurid triumph.

那天,她为一种反常的神经紧张和个性中全部8ttT8好斗的精神所支撑,使她能够 SSBBww 将那种场面变成一种惨淡的胜利。

After the vanadium content in PD3 steel was more than 0.33%, vanadium carbides would precipitate a lot, and make the lamellar gap sizes of pearlite abnormally coarsen, it was beneficial to toughness of material.


Perversely, this lets his Tory opponent avoid tough choices too: if Mr Brown insists current spending can and should go merrily up, David Cameron need only attack him for evasiveness to score points.


Later Stalin and his associates' persisted in their belief in the indestructibility of a truce they had contrived, even when the evidence indicated the imminence of invasion.


Perversely, the disaster makes it easier to meet his pledge of raising growth to 6 per cent.


But in the anomalous dispersion regime,the quintic nonlinearity only changes the peak value of the gain spectra and almost does not influence the width of the gain spectra.


Extra care is needed not to break up the twisted, strange-looking roots; that could make them less desirable.


It has been unseasonably warm this spring and if Michael can disable the air conditioning unit, that might be enough to aggravate the prisoners.

这个春天反常的热,如果 Michael 能够使空调系统失灵的话,也许能够煽动起囚犯们的激情。

更多网络解释与使反常相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


admonition 警告 | befuddle 使迷惑,使迷糊 | anomalous 不规则的,反常的


befuddle 使迷惑,使迷糊 | anomalous 不规则的,反常的 | hyphenate 以连字符号连接



paradoxical splitting:反常分裂

见于某些情况如右室排血时间延长,使肺动脉瓣关闭明显延迟(如RBBB、PS、MS)或左室射血时间缩短,主动脉瓣提前关闭(MR、室间隔缺损)反常分裂(paradoxical splitting) 指主动脉瓣关闭迟于肺动脉瓣,


按照吉登斯的说法,社会实践的易变(mutability) 和反常(perversity) 已使今日之世界如横冲直撞的巨型货车(juggernaut) ,这就更需要我们加强反思,而"社会学是这种反思的主要工具"( Giddens,1987:21 ) .


abnormalities 异常情况 | abnormalize 使反常 | abnormalstate 不正常状况


尿道上裂(epispadias)系先天性尿道发育反常,尿道口位于阴茎之背侧,其远端尿道之背侧壁缺如,呈沟状. 其发生是在胚胎发育过程中,尿直肠膈向前发育. 使尿生殖窦不是正常的位于生殖结节之后方,而在生殖结节之前相连接. 影响了生殖结节在前上中线的融合.