英语人>词典>汉英 : 使化脓 的英文翻译,例句
使化脓 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
maturate  ·  suppurate  ·  maturated  ·  maturates  ·  maturating  ·  suppurated  ·  suppurates  ·  suppurating

更多网络例句与使化脓相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If neglected treatment, or a hand to squeeze the child facial rash, vulnerable to secondary bacterial infection, caused by suppuration, so that aggravate their condition, forming nodules, cysts and even scarring.


Manual, recommending birch for treating the purulent wounds, the prolongedly unhealing ulcers, advises:"so that the rotten meat from the ulcer was eaten away, ground birch crust should be poured into the rotten wound ".


This saint not only put up with an unbearable husband but also developed a suppurating sore on her forehead that made her an outcast even when she ran away to a nunnery.


Use: The goods quick, effective component to the rapid infiltration Doudou roots, so that the pain of the swollen Red Doudou rapidly shrinking diluted, in a short period of time so that Anchuang drying shed, in particular against the suppurative can speed up the Shell Nosing Doudou, to prevent infection caused by scar .


Thereon. And at the request of the Exorcist he can cause the seas to be right stormy and to appear full of ships. Also he maketh men to die in Three Days by Putrefying Wounds or Sores, and causing Worms to breed in them.


更多网络解释与使化脓相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


简介: 脓肿(abscess)是指由于金黄色葡萄球菌侵入组织或血管内使组织坏死、液化,形成脓液积聚的急性化脓性感染. 纵隔脓肿则指病变部位在纵隔的脓肿.

autosensitization dermatitis:自身敏感性皮炎

自身敏感性皮炎(autosensitization dermatitis)是患者对自身内部或组织产生的某种物质过敏,导致局限性炎症灶广泛扩展或于远隔出现类似表现的过程. 本病的病因尚不十分清楚. 通常发病前某处存在湿疹样皮损,由于处理不当(过度搔抓、外用药物刺激等)或继发化脓性感染而使原有皮损恶化,

pericardial effusion:心包积液

1.心包积液 心包积液(pericardial effusion)的液体可为浆液性、浆液血性、血性、化脓性及乳糜性等. 心包积液时,心包腔内压力升高,当达到一定程度时,便可压迫心脏,使心房和腔静脉压力升高,以至静脉回流受阻,同时,心室舒张及血液充盈亦受阻,


脓疱疮(impetigo)是一种常见的化脓性皮肤病,具有接触传染和自体接种感染的特性. 易在儿童中流行. 病原菌主要为金黄色葡萄球菌或乙型溶血性链球菌单独或混合感染. 夏秋季节气温高湿度大皮肤浸渍等;都为使致病菌侵入皮肤繁殖为促发本病创造有利条件.


使滑动slither | 使化脓maturate | 使化脓的suppurative

Purulent pericarditis:脓性心包炎

四、化脓性心包炎(purulent pericarditis) 由胸内感染直接蔓延、膈下或肝脓肿穿破、或心包穿透性损伤感染而引起,也可由血行细菌播散所致. 心包渗出液最初为浆液纤维蛋白性的,其后转为化脓性,随着病程进展,炎症可使渗液脓稠、机化导致心包粘连,


suppurative 吸脓药 | suppurative 足使化脓的 | suppurative 化脓促进剂


suppuratesuppuration 流脓 | suppurative 使化脓的 | suppurative 吸脓药


suppurative 使化脓的 | suppurative 吸脓药 | suppurative 足使化脓


19世纪以前认为化脓是伤口愈合的正常过程,甚至称感染为医院病(Hospitalism). 1846年匈牙利舍蒙尔威斯(Semmelweis)首先提出在检查产妇前用漂白粉水将手洗净,遂使他所治疗的产妇死亡率自10%降至1%,这是抗菌技术的开端;