英语人>词典>汉英 : 使僵硬 的英文翻译,例句
使僵硬 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ankylose  ·  stiffen  ·  ankylosing  ·  stiffened  ·  stiffens

更多网络例句与使僵硬相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As for the spirituality that we can feel in this times, these images can only put themselves in the abysm of nothingness, while it tries to demonstrate a kind of posture of flying and climbing, it is ready to look for the grounding for his position.


The healing touch of massage may stimulate the flow of blood, bringing heat and relief to stiff joints.


Introduction】Enriched with several kinds of plants protein, particularly the Dextrorotation high protein molecule and the high protein molecule and high anti-oxidant substance-Q22 owned by the berries, balance the value of the PH of the hair, makes the hair shiny and vibrant, and moisture lost, no stimulus, leaves the hair shiny and elegant.


The over-all conclusion that must be drawn from the disarrangement experiments are first, that motor coordination (and certain behavior patterns dependent upon it) is driven by a rigid, unalterable cycle of neurophysiological events inherent in a species' central nervous system; second, that larval, fetal, or embryonic tissues lack specialization; this enables these tissues to influence one another in such a way as to continue to play their originally assigned role despite certain arbitrary peripheral rearrangements.


The scientific fumigation, professional shoulder and neck traction and massotherapy, health-keeping music would sooth and relax your shoulder, neck and the entire body.


In the process see that the musculature of the body is not hardened, but kept responsive.


A stiff hand due to stroke sequelae resumed agileness after TCM treatment.


A good book can soften the stiff soul and refresh the sackless thinking.


Hamstring flexibility enables easy high steps and wider stems. Good stemming technique allows you to rest and relax in the middle of hard climbs, which in turn keeps you loose and unpumped.


Many professionals believe that a fear of falling contributes to a stiffing of the body, the unnecessary contraction of muscles.


更多网络解释与使僵硬相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anchorman 末棒运动员 | anchylose 使强硬 | anchylosis 关节僵硬

ancien regime:社会及政

anchylose 使强硬 | anchylosis 关节僵硬 | ancien regime 社会及政


ankylose 使成僵硬 | ankylose 使骨长合 | ankylose 长合


ankylodeireankylodereankyloderis 颈粘连 | ankylose 使成僵硬 | ankylose 使骨长合

hyperventilation syndrome:过度换气综合征

过度换气综合征(hyperventilation syndrome)表现为反复发作的意识丧失,但无癫痫、发作性睡病的证据. 这种病只要使患者快速呼吸2~3分钟就可诱发,病人先感眩晕,然后昏厥或感头昏产生脱离现实的情感;耳鸣、眼花、肢体的刺痛或麻木、肌肉僵硬、手足痉挛等...

Locomotor Mortis:腿立僵停死

V* H2、阿拉霍洞开(Alohomora) 可以使门打开的咒语,在第一册中赫敏曾多次帮助罗恩和哈利逃脱危险\3、统统石化(Petrificus Totalus) 使人变得像石头一样僵硬,赫敏曾使可怜的纳威做了牺牲品,在第五册的大战中也有使用过\4、腿立僵停死(Locomotor Mortis)使腿僵硬如石头的咒语,

Locomotor Mortis:使两腿僵硬不能动

阿拉霍洞开Alohomora | 使两腿僵硬不能动Locomotor Mortis | 照亮物体Lumos


stiff-necked 顽固的 | stiffen 使硬 | stiffener 使僵硬的人


stiffener 使僵硬的人 | stiffly 顽固地 | stiffness 坚硬


Stiff 僵硬(比赛呈现凝固状态) | Stone dead 停球不动(球旋转至果岭,使球静止不动) | Strading 双脚过度开放站姿