英语人>词典>汉英 : 使人感动的 的英文翻译,例句
使人感动的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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His son,orpheus,took over such skill from the father that his lyre moved man and animals alike.


In the end, it's the sensation of making someone happy that I like.


Following picture affected many people: Because of the heavy snow, Guangzhou Train station crammed full has wanted to go home human, a passenger fell ill suddenly, to enable her to obtain the treatment promptly, the people use both hands to lift one after the other her exiting which the top of the head delivers; In France, disabled girl Jin Jing does not give a thought to individual safety to protect the Olympic Games ceremonial fire; Mr./Mrs. Tan gives up own life, but hides under platform's four students is actually safe and sound; Many people of good intention donate money contribute goods to charity; The volunteer rushes toward the disaster area, helps people who in the earthquake loses the homeland.


I'm not saying he didn't, just that he couldn't have impressed many people with his sportsmanship.

" / "我没有在说他没有,正直的他就不会用他的运动家精神使许多人感动了。

She was also touchingly concerned that my children not become "addicted" to anything: Sesame Street, ice cream, pop music.

而且她使人感动地担忧我的孩子不会对任何东西"上瘾": Sesame Street,冰淇淋,流行音乐。

It has and important role in modern life and should be made physically , intellectually or emotively accessible to the general public.


It has and important role in modern life and should be made physically , intellectually and/or emotively accessible to the general public.


Based on a true story, a present of mystery, dedicated by a mother to her attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder child, the "Snow Angel and Pea Wee" is a musical play about children that need special care, and the complexity of a single parent family in dealing with child education issues. In the play, Pea Wee, the hyperactive child encountered a great deal of obstacles; however, his innocence touched the tender spot in the poppet Snow Angel and people around him; hence a series of magical, heart-warming adventures unfold.

内容 改编自真人真事,ㄧ个母亲献给其过动症之子的神秘礼物──「雪天使与豆豆」,是一部以关怀特殊儿童及单亲家庭教育为题材之儿童歌舞剧,故事描述单亲过动儿豆豆在成长中遇到了各种困难,却因为ㄧ颗纯真的心感动了布偶雪天使及其身边的人,而开始了一段神奇温馨的际遇。

Her story should soften the stoniest of hearts.


Acts 11:27 2f3 in the religious assemblies of the Christians, they were moved by the Holy Spirit to speak, having power to instruct, comfort, encourage, rebuke, convict, and stimulate, their hearers 3 a poet (because poets were believed to sing under divine inspiration) 3a of Epimenides Tit.

2f3 在基督徒虔诚的聚会中,他们受圣灵的感动而说话,有能力的教导,安慰,鼓励,谴责,使人知罪,和激动他们的听众 3 一个诗人(因为相信诗人都是受到神圣的感动而吟唱的) 3a of Epimenides 多1:12

更多网络解释与使人感动的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


英国的第一位殉道者阿尔本(Alban)原是一位异教徒,为人乐善好施,藏匿福音使者爱裴巴勒(Amphioalus)在他家里. 爱氏的品行和劝导深深感动了他,使他悔改归主. 当人搜寻到他家里时,他因爱友心切,与爱氏交换衣衫,使他逃循. 兵士抵达寓所,

look back on:回忆

18. sensational adj.使人感动的,非常好的 | look back on回忆 | 20. struggling adj.奋斗的,努力的,苦斗的

folk music:民间音乐

流行音乐(pop music)的欢快节奏,在年轻人中间很受欢迎,古典音乐(classical music)的高雅,更使人感动;民间音乐(folk music)简单但很特别,有自己的个性.

fretful:烦躁的, 起波纹的, 焦躁的

sensational 使人感动的,了不起的,非常好的 | fretful 烦躁的, 起波纹的, 焦躁的 | remorseful 懊悔的, 悔恨的

fools on parade:夸夸奇谈的傻瓜们

It hurts don't it它会使人受伤, 不是吗 | fools on parade夸夸奇谈的傻瓜们 | taint it, own it被它感动, 喜欢上它


sensation 感觉 | sensational 使人感动的 | sensationalism 追求轰动效应


sensational 使人感动的 | sensationalism 追求轰动效应 | sensationalist 感觉论者


--译者海德格尔在此暗示了德语中"本源"(Ursprung)与"源出"(entspringen)和"跳跃"(Sprung)的字面联系. --译者重视艺术的人大都发现,最使我们感动的艺术品,大部分是学者们说的"原始作品". 当然原始作品中也有不好的. 例如,