英语人>词典>汉英 : 使人工化 的英文翻译,例句
使人工化 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与使人工化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In view of above condition, this article carries on the smooth noise reduction to the actual gathered annual ring image with the use of computer imagery processing method.


A method to model the operation curve for calculating arbitrary time short circuit current with the model identification method is suggested.


Such belief had brought public fear concerning the machinery parts, gigantism, excessive noise and speed created by mechanical arts.


With the computer assistance Karnaugh Map the method of the logic function will overcome the weakness of the manual simply, making turn alone more convenient and valid.


But turn alone with the calculator assistance Karnaugh Map the method of the logic function will overcome the weakness of the artificial calculate way, making turn alone more convenient and valid.


In chapter 4, basing theories and methods of scientific visualization, and artificial neural network BP algorithm, we integrate the Visual C++, OpenGL graphics library and Excel VBA technique to develop the program of artificial neural network and to make the BP algorithm visually, this program works can be divided into four parts: Using C language to develop program about BP algorithm; Using Visual C++, develop the GUI Interface, make input parameter visually; Using OpenGL graphic technique to display the training sample point in three dimension; at last using Excel DDE technique display the error graphic tables in Excel system In chapter 5, on the view of engineering application, we establish new method of surface reconstruction basing artificial neural network, develop interface program between module and commercial CAD/CAM system, meantime deeply discuss some key problems, for example, setting up the base plane, using the API technique, cutting and editing surface boundary, and also discuss the more compliant problem: how to intersect surface, at end we finish the work of translation from our surface reconstruction module to commercial CAD/CAM system, then make reverse engineering system basing artificial neural network more useful.

第四章基于科学计算可视化理论,依据人工神经网络BP算法理论模型,综合Visual C++,OpenGL图形库以及Excel VBA等多项软件开发技术,编制了人工神经网络程序,实现了BP算法的可视化映射。具体工作分为四部分:利用C语言实现人工神经网络BP算法;利用VisualC++的GUI技术开发图形用户界面,实现参数设置可视化;利用OpenGL图形技术进行三维映射,显示学习样本及训练样本点;利用微软电子表格DDE动态数据交换技术,在Excel上动态显示学习误差曲线图。第五章从工程应用的角度出发,提出了一种新的基于人工神经网络算法的曲面裁剪重构方法,完成了曲面重建模块与通用CAD/CAM系统的接口设计工作,对其中的若干关键问题进行了深入讨论,例如基平面设定、API技术的应用、边界裁剪等问题,同时,对曲面计算中较为困难的曲面相交问题也进行的专门探讨,最终完成了曲面重建模块向CAD/CAM系统的数据传输工作,使人工神经网络逆向工程系统趋向实用。

In order to use the function of this ANN model more applicably and more conveniently, the visual manipulation platform of simulating and forecasting ANN model with powerful function and friendly interface is projected.


Along with vehement market competition, the technical request that relates to exploit banausic and advanced network resource management is put forward,How to increase the operational level of the telecommunication network everywhere, how to complete the communication guarantee responsibility given from the superior, how to keep the high level service quality, how to manage the equipments of the different manufactory in unification, moreover how to carry through the assistant decision-making that relates to feasibility and maneuverability of the preparative scheme of the emergency communication base on the network resource.


Simulating the near region forestry community to build the metropolitan park,cause artificial natural system trend naturalizing,not only may enhance the ecological benefit of the metropolitan park,reduce the high costs of maintenance and management,but may also create the local characteristics vegetation.


Simulating the near region forestry community to build the metropolitan park, cause artificial natural system trend naturalizing, not only may enhance the ecological benefit of the metropolitan park, reduce the high costs of maintenance and management, but may also create the local characteristics vegetation.


更多网络解释与使人工化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

artificially acquired immunity:人工获得性免疫

artificialize | 使人工化 | artificially acquired immunity | 人工获得性免疫 | artificially frozen rink | 人工冷冻冰场


artificiality 人造物 | artificiality 不自然之物 | artificialize 使人工化


artificialize 使人工化 | artificially 人工 | artificialness 人为之事


使人工化artificialize | 使人混乱的bewildering | 使人沮丧地discouraginglydishearteningly


tion) 指以灯光照亮之动作或被灯照亮之状态29白炽灯(incandescent filament lamp) 藉将灯丝通以电流使之白炽化发光之电灯33电灯(lamp) 人工光源之一般通称35电灯遮光角(lamp shielding angle) 指介于电灯遮蔽体或铠板平面,

linseed oil:亚麻油

不光滑的陶瓷比较软,和砖一样,可以上亚麻油(linseed oil)或者蜡,既保持原有的自然面貌,又可以使之光滑. 但是用聚氨酯(polyurethane)打磨密封的效果看上去就很人工化. 总之,这些硬质材料的地板很昂贵,你要认真设计,发挥出它们高贵独特的视觉效果.


artificiality 人工 | artificialize 使人工化 | artificially 人工

使氧化,使生锈 (亦作: oxidise):oxidize vt., vi

vomit vi.呕吐, 大量喷出vt.吐出, 呕吐 | oxidize vt., vi.使氧化,使生锈 (亦作: oxidise) | synthesize vt.<化>合成,化合,人工合成