英语人>词典>汉英 : 使不安的 的英文翻译,例句
使不安的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Beyond this flood a frozen Continent Lies dark and wilde, beat with perpetual storms Of Whirlwind and dire Hail, which on firm land Thaws not, but gathers heap, and ruin seems [ 590 ] Of ancient pile; all else deep snow and ice, A gulf profound as that Serbonian Bog Betwixt Damiata and Mount Casius old, Where Armies whole have sunk: the parching Air Burns frore, and cold performs th' effect of Fire.


The noise s rasped his feelings .


The decision seems to have rattled the staffs of the college.


He had drawn himself away from all familiar haunts, and had shut himself in his lonely rooms with the perpetual trouble of his mind for his sole companion, until he had grown as nervous as habitual solitude will eventually make the strongest and the wisest man, however he may vaunt himself of his strength and wisdom.


President Vicente Fox declared a state of emergency today in Colima, a coastal state hit overnight by a powerful earthquake that rolled across central Mexico from the Pacific Ocean, killing at least 29 people and rattling millions of Mexico City residents.


Of or relating to the oculomotor nerve.


The music had just begun when it stopped again, raggedly, as Dr. Lang quieted people from the mike stand.


Gardenbird May 3 2005, 09:42 AMThe music had just begun when it stopped again, raggedly, as Dr. Lang quieted people from the mike stand.


And it was such vapouring all about his ears, like a troublesome confusion of blood in his own head, added to a latent uneasiness in his mind, which had already made Charles Darnay restless, and which still kept him so.

查尔斯 -达尔内此时满耳朵就是这样的论调,它们使他感到仿佛脑袋里的血流已经乱成了一团,再加上早已使他不安的隐藏的内疚,他益发心乱如麻了。

Calcium, blood calcium decreased, the brain caused by increased nerve excitability plant, resulting in baby night waking, night terrors, night irritability, sleep; baby should be given calcium and vitamin D and more sun: A, calcium: elemental calcium daily 200-300mg (1) Composite Calcium Granule: 2-3 packets a day (each contains calcium 100mg)(2) the activity of calcium granules: 4-6 packets per day (calcium per tablet 50mg) B, fill D : daily 400-800IU (1) concentrated cod liver oil drops: 2-4 drops per day (2) vitamin D2 candy: the daily 400-800IU (3) vitamin D3 injections: once a month, 20-300000 IU attention these objects must be a doctor's prescription, prescribed application. C, to the sun to vitamin D, ultraviolet radiation to the skin 7 - dehydrocholesterol into vitamin D3, to help calcium absorption, could be a day outdoors on the sun for half an hour each afternoon. 3, bile is a yellow pigment bilirubin, was it yellow staining and faeces, after bilirubin by oxidation into biliverdin, thus making green manure, the manure discharge encountered in diapers in the air oxygen, so that oxidation of bilirubin biliverdin, so that the surface of green manure.


更多网络解释与使不安的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abash: To make ashamed or uneasy; disconcert. Synonym: embarrass:使羞惭,使不安;使窘迫, 使脸红

bargain-basement adj. 质量不佳的; 便宜的 | abash: To make ashamed or uneasy; disconcert. Synonym: embarrass 使羞惭,使不安;使窘迫, 使脸红 | Nothing can abash him. 没有什么能使他感到惭愧.

abashed:不安的, 窘迫的

abash | 使局促不安, 使困窘 | abashed | 不安的, 窘迫的 | abashment | 羞愧, 害臊


discombobulate 使混乱 | discompose 使不安 | discrete分离的 a


disquieting /令人不安的/ | disquietude /使不安/使忧虑/ | disquisition /论文/研究/探究/


15,"v.","ransack","彻底搜索,仔细搜查" | 16,"adj.","flustered","激动不安的;慌张的" | 17,"v.","befuddle","使迷惑,使昏迷"

frantic: a.1:慌乱不安的 2.(因恐惧,焦急等)发疯似的,发狂的

fracture v. 使断裂,使折断 n.骨折,折断 | frantic a.1.慌乱不安的 2.(因恐惧,焦急等)发疯似的,发狂的 | friction n.1.摩擦力 2.不和,抵触


qualm /晕眩/不安/疑虑/ | qualmish /使人**/不安的/受良心责备的/ | quandary /困惑/


rushed匆忙的.繁忙的 | smitten使极度不安;折磨;使神魂颠倒的 | sneaky鬼鬼祟祟的.偷偷摸摸地


congestion 拥塞;挤满 | unsettling 扰乱的;使人不安的 | fly into a rage 勃然大怒

unsettling 1:使人不安的 2、(消息)混乱的

comical adj.好笑的, 滑稽的 | unsettling 1、使人不安的 2、(消息)混乱的 | veneer n.薄板, 单板, 胶合板, 饰面, 外表, 虚饰