英语人>词典>汉英 : 作客 的英文翻译,例句
作客 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
guest  ·  guesting  ·  guested  ·  guests

更多网络例句与作客相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anil and Ruba invited us, including me, Sharon, Renee and Jackson, to their home.

Anil和Ruba邀请我们,包括我、Sharon、Renee,还有Jackson ,到他们的家作客

Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

25:44 他们也要回答说:主啊,我们甚麼时候见你饿了,或渴了,或作客旅,或赤身露体,或病了,或在监里,不伺候你呢?

Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?


Mathur Babu was a very proud man. How could one expect him to go to another man's house uninvited?


I drank some barley wine when I was visiting a Tibetan friend.


I would like to invite you to dinner and be our guest .


She also often go to Copenhagen Jia Zuoke Bohr.


While you were feasting at your bountifully spread table, I was famishing in the hovel or the empty street.


Whenever he encountered a chance shipmate, and there were many in San Francisco, he treated them and was treated in turn, as of old, but he ordered for himself root beer or ginger ale and good-naturedly endured their chaffing.


And such a luxury to him was this petting of his sorrows, that he could not bear to have any worldly cheeriness or any grating delight intrude upon it; it was too sacred for such contact; and so, presently, when his cousin Mary danced in, all alive with the joy of seeing home again after an age-long visit of one week to the country, he got up and moved in clouds and darkness out at one door as she brought song and sunshine in at the other.


更多网络解释与作客相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


也许你因各种原因不能回家(home-bound), 就让安迪陪(accompany)你在这里学习英语, 安迪都快变成"三陪男郎"了. 回家的同学, 你是多么幸福, 一定在吃爸爸妈妈为你烧的美味菜肴(yummy dishes)了. 什么时候请安迪到你家作客呢?


unrest 不安;骚动 | fellow-guest 一同作客的人 | conquest 攻取,征服;克服

have up:把某人请来作客

have trouble with 同...闹纠纷 | have up 把某人请来作客 | head first 头向前地;冒冒失失地

have up:把某人请来作客 R??螱蝏

have only to / / 只要...就能 %恗箟?詽? | have up / / 把某人请来作客 R??螱蝏? | head first / / 头向前地;冒冒失失地 I铐鑣

have up:把某亻请来作客

have trouble with 同...闹纠纷 | have up 把某亻请来作客 | head first 頭向前地;冒冒失失地

have up:把某汕尾手机窃听器人请来作客

have out 将...除去 | have up 把某汕尾手机窃听器人请来作客 | head first 头向前地;冒冒失失地

Miranda suggested he be her houseguest, because his e-mails, always entertaining:米兰达建议他到她家作客 因为他的电子邮件

...writing for The Economist. He was coming t... | Miranda suggested he be her houseguest, because his e-mails, always entertaining...|米兰达建议他到她家作客 因为他的电子邮件 | ...had started to border...


继太阳周日4场横扫马刺后,魔术、湖人周一同以场数4:0横扫(sweep)对手出局. 东岸魔术作客以98:84大炒鹰队,西岸湖人作客以111:96大胜爵士,卫冕湖人晋级后,将于周一(香港时间周二)主场出战,与太阳展开西岸盟主争夺战!

There is no place like home:[谚]作客固佳, 在家更好; 在家千日好, 出门一时难

take place发生, 举行 | The darkest place is under the candlestick. [谚] | There is no place like home. [谚]作客固佳, 在家更好; 在家千日好, 出门一时难.

Als Gast:作客

23.Besuch 拜访 | 24.Als Gast 作客 | 25.Einen Termin ausmachen 约会