英语人>词典>汉英 : 作为最后的手段 的英文翻译,例句
作为最后的手段 的英文翻译、例句


in the last resort
更多网络例句与作为最后的手段相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Again, this should be used as a last resort.


As a last resort, it can use GTalk to create a connection on top of the service.


Fire an employee as a last resort, but, do not jeopardize your company success.


The final option, surgery, is often used as a last resort.


As a last resort you may also be reported as a UTS debtor with the Credit Reference Association.


" As the world's "consumer of first and last resort, the latest macro data show this engine has effectively shut down.


Bacula is designed to protect your data following the rules you specify, and this means reusing a tape only as the last resort.


That's why a job that many on the outside would take only as a last resort is the most coveted in the compound: Ernestine the telephone operator.

这就是为什么一份工作,许多对外界将采取只作为最后的手段,是最觊觎在复合: ernestine电话营办商。

The goal of this tool is eventually build a white-list (as well as black-list) database on various administrative actions, and to enable users to make smart decisions without unnecessary prompts, using prompts only as a last resort.


Hospitalisation is only used as a last resort if the individual is at a risk of severe self- injury or suicide.


更多网络解释与作为最后的手段相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

prescribe these as a last resort:(开处方时)把这些作为最后的手段

sleeping pill 安眠药 | prescribe these as a last resort (开处方时)把这些作为最后的手段 | insomniac 失眠者

You can do a brain biopsy, but only as a last resort:你可以做脑部活检 但只作为最后手段

Run the tests.|做测试去 | You can do a brain biopsy, but only as a last resort.|你可以做脑部活检 但只作为最后手段 | Start running down cuddy's list of diseases it's not.|照着Cuddy的清单 逐个排除吧


prescribe these as a last resort (开处方时)把这些作为最后的手段 | insomniac 失眠者 | natural method 自然方法

national unity:国家的统一

最后,作为Gobitis案判决的核心的是,它认为 "国家的统一(National unity)是国家安全的基石",政府"为了达到国家的统一有权采用合适的手段. ",因此它得出了下面的结论,此类实现"国家统一"的强迫手段是合宪的(同上,页595).