英语人>词典>汉英 : 余象 的英文翻译,例句
余象 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
afterimage  ·  coimage  ·  spectra

更多网络例句与余象相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If any person B, in any imaginable situation at any time t', were warranted in believing that at an earlier time t some specified person A sincerely made the statement "My present afterimage is red," and also that A did not immediately revoke or otherwise discredit it, then B would not be warranted at t' in believing that at t A had an afterimage that was not red.

这里排除A所可能发生的"使用和表达错误",A确实有红色的余象( afterimage :视觉刺激结束后持续的图像);而且这里不仅要表明B没有证据表明A的陈述是错的,而且之所以如此是因为A的陈述意味着被描述为红的是余象而非其他,不是一个反思,不是一个玻璃杯上的红点,不是墙上的红斑。B不能矫正的不是A的陈述,而是A的余象

Photographic paper texture photos would normally have been developed, the media meet the " ouality business card printing technology " available with photos as realistic as possible, and you can provide a picture size from the General to the A3 + four size, suitable for all levels of user business card printing; kaixin-stick is a unique business card printing medium, the user you can use a business card printing papiermaschinen software provides more than 300 species of colourful background image box and photo overlappedness, the most imaginative, made of very attractive paper kaixin-pastes; ink-jetprinting matte coated paper is a three-metre-long A2 format with oil painting business card printing effect of medium, apply to the business card printing a variety of significant photos, pictures of art and design needs; users can use the t-shirt transfer paper production has its own unique style t-shirt, the effect is quite good; ink-jetprinting transparency can provide the perfect projection effect, apply to the projection, Convention and advertising and lively, images, making 36 0dpi; banner headline in the paper available 360dpi, 720dpi or 1440dpi business card printing that is tailored to a variety of activities business card printing banner.

照片纸的质地与通常冲洗的照片一样,该介质配合"照片质量制卡技术"可获得同照片一样逼真的效果,并且可以提供从普通照片大小到A3+的四种尺寸,适合各层次用户照片制卡的需要;开心妙妙贴是一种独特的制卡介质,用户可借助制卡机配套软件提供的300余种五彩缤纷的背景图框与照片叠加,进行最富想象力的搭配,制成极富个性魅力的开心妙妙贴贴纸;喷墨布纹纸是一种A2幅面三米长具有油画制卡效果的介质,适用于制卡各种大幅照片、艺术设计图片的需求;用户可以用T恤转印纸制作具有自己独特风格的T恤衫,效果相当不错;喷墨透明胶片能提供完美的投影效果,适用于投影、会议及广告等,图象生动逼真,可制卡36 0dpi;横幅大标题纸可用360dpi、720dpi或1440dpi 制卡,适合为各种活动制卡横幅。

An information steganography algorithm based on image chroma redundancy is structured.


In order to provide an scientific basis and technology support to local agricultural by–products export quarantine, an investigation was carried out on the species of stored insects of export agricultural by–products from 2003 to 2005 in the region. The quarantine significance of different stored insects and the insect community structure characteristics of five stored export products were analyzed, besides, a study was conducted on the ecology of Dermestes maculatus Degeer in the laboratory. The main results were as follows. 1. The ordinary and systematic measures were used to investigate stored insect species on export products, such as Willow, Brush, Feather, Leather, Woodwork, grain, coconut funicle, lotus leaf etc., in the finished product, transferring, material reserve and processing storages of the export industries.

为了给该地区农副产品的出口检疫提供科学依据和技术支持,笔者于2003-2005年对江苏沿江地区各类出口农副产品检疫场所的仓储昆虫种类进行了调查,分析了各种仓储昆虫的检疫重要性以及5类出口农副产品仓储昆虫的群落特征,并对重要仓储害虫白腹皮蠹的生态学特性进行了研究,现将结果总结如下: 1、2003-2005年通过对江苏沿江地区的草柳藤制品、笔刷制品、羽绒制品、皮革制品、木制品、粮饲库存点、椰壳纤维、荷叶加工厂等出口企业的成品储藏库、中转库、原料储备库、加工车间等检疫场所的昆虫种类进行了普查和系统调查,共采集标本1800余件,从中鉴定出130种仓储动物,隶属2纲、9目、51科,其中害虫6目、40科、105种,益虫5目、10科、25种;此外,还发现2中国新记录种,即阔鼻谷象Caulophilus oryzae和黑斑豆象Bruchus dentipes。

HIgh on a Throne of Royal State, which far Outshon the wealth of Ormus and of Ind, Or where the gorgeous East with richest hand Showrs on her Kings Barbaric Pearl and Gold, Satan exalted sat, by merit rais'd [ 5 ] To that bad eminence; and from despair Thus high uplifted beyond hope, aspires Beyond thus high, insatiate to pursue Vain Warr with Heav'n, and by success untaught His proud imaginations thus displaid.

V1:撒旦带着王者赫赫的气概,坐在宝座上,高高在上,那宝座的豪华,远远胜过奥木斯和印度地方的富丽,或鲜艳的东方,毫不吝惜蛮夷的金银珠宝,像雨一样洒在他们君王的头上;他凭实力登上高位,心高气傲,在绝望之余,出乎意料地,能升到如此高度,更激发了他的雄心壮志,虽经对天交战而徒劳、败绩,却不灰心,向大众宣告自己傲慢的遐想: V2:撒但带着王者赫赫的气概,高高地坐在宝座上,那宝座的豪华,远远胜过奥木斯和印度地方的富丽,或鲜艳的东方,不惜蛮夷的金银珠宝,象雨一样洒在他们君王的头上;他凭实力登上高位,意气扬扬,出乎意料地,在绝望之余,能升到如此高度,更引起他的雄心壮志,虽经对天交战而徒劳、败绩,却不灰心,向大众披露傲慢的遐想

In defiance, India, who is watching from the wings, blasts on her mouth organ, disturbing the performers' concentration and destroying the show.


The plant Quarantine Lab had intercepted more than 200 quarantine pests such as : Tilletia indica , Tilletia controversa , Bursaphelenchus xylophilus , sorghum halepense , Acanthoscelides obtectus , Sternochetes mangiferae , Bactrocera dorsalis , Coptoermes curvignathus for nearly 5000 batches ; The Animal Quanantine Lab had intercepted about 20 cow which had some pathogens evidence of infectious disease such as : bovine infectiouse rhinotracheitis , leukaemia bovum , paratuberculosis and so on ; The food microorganism lab had detected over 300 unqualified products such as Salm-Sury , Listeria monocytogenes , Mycobacterium paratuberculosis etc .

多年来,分中心各实验室切实履行严格把关的职责,植物检疫共截获大豆疫霉病菌、小麦印度腥黑穗病菌、小麦矮腥黑穗病菌、松材线虫、假高梁、菜豆象、芒果果核象甲、桔小实蝇、大家白蚁等国家禁止进境的危险性有害生物220 多种近10000 批次;动物检疫发现感染牛传染性鼻气管炎、牛白血病、副结核等传染病的疫牛20 多头;食品微生物检测共检测沙门、单增、副结核的不合格商品300 多批;分子生物学实验室为国内企业出具非转基因证书和不含有牛羊源成分证书50 余份,使相关的产品能够顺利出口到欧盟、韩国和日本等国。

N is the number of pixels to process. bound, which is basically considered as incalculable for the nonce. The feasibility and reliability of proposed method have been verified on a group of ISO test images naturally acquired by various imaging sensors.

对于当前公认基本不可计算的给定图象的无损压缩极限,给出了一个实用的极限估计新方法,在对利用各种不同成象传感器自然获取的十余幅ISO JPEG标准测试图象的实验中显示出该方法的可用性和准确性。

In this article, the author centers in the letter category in WanYong ZhengZong BuQiuRen published by Yu Xiang-dou in the years reigned by Emperor Wan Li, and lay stress on letters from home in the above category, and discovered that their content desalts ethical emotions obviously, their forms despise letter etiquette deliberately.


Center is equipped with luxury hotel rooms and suites, double standard, the couple Standard Room, room decoration unique, clean health, there are high-end entertainment reprovisioning tables, allows you to spare time to relax tense; Special-class massage, foot treatment technician 24 hours to provide you with more than ten kinds of massage and foot treatment, can play Shujin active, with the exception of poor relief, and enhance the body's metabolism, the role of promoting blood circulation, etc., throughout the day to open the internal video.


更多网络解释与余象相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




coideal 上理想 | coimage 余象 | coincidence 一致

coimage:余象, 上象

coilpolymer | 螺旋状聚合物 | coimage | 余象, 上象 | Coimbatore | 哥印拜陀(或译科因巴托尔)

coimage of a morphism:态射的余象

态射的余核|cokernel of a morphism | 态射的余象|coimage of a morphism | 态射分歧指数|ramification index of a morphism

cokernel of a morphism:态射的余核

态射的象|image of a morphism | 态射的余核|cokernel of a morphism | 态射的余象|coimage of a morphism

conormal image:余法线象

conormal 余法线 | conormal image 余法线象 | conrol chart technique 控制图法


conoid 劈锥曲面 | conormal 余法线 | conormal image 余法线象

with the dissenter? I would leave him and go far away:杂瑶象以为车

为余驾飞龙兮, is decorated with jade and ivory. How could I c... | 杂瑶象以为车. with the dissenter? I would leave him and go far away. | 何离心之可同兮, I turned my way toward Kunlun Mountain.The way...

memory span method:记忆广度法

全部报告法测量被图9-12 是斯珀灵证明残留影象(或余象)(icon)假设实验的结果被记忆广度法(memory span method)乃是研究记忆材料呈现一次后所能分散注意法(distractor method)程序的关键是在记忆的保持阶段.


coimage || 余象, 上象 | Coimbatore || 哥印拜陀(或译科因巴托尔) | COIME || Committee on Industry, Minerals and Energy 工业、矿业与能源委员会(ASEAN)