英语人>词典>汉英 : 余数 的英文翻译,例句
余数 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
remainder  ·  residual  ·  residue  ·  remaindered  ·  remaindering  ·  remainders

complement of a number · arithmetical compliment
更多网络例句与余数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Packet checksum algorithm, the use of division and the balance principle for error detection.


Since the remainder is more than half of 10, the best approximation is obtained by rounding up


Record ways presented by grade four students in test question five (Divide three-digit by three-digit, can get one-digit and a three-digit, which is an inclusion division with reminder question) and test question 7 (Divide two-digit by three-digit, can get one-digit and a two-digit, which is a halved division with remainder question) of the written information are the least.


The use of the Chinese remainder theorem transforms the operation of producing the multiplicative inverses into two corresponding operations with shorter numbers and a faster combination step so that, compared with methods not using the Chinese remainder theorem, an acceleration by factor 4 can be achieved.


In this dissertation, we carry out a comprehensive introduction for the relevant theories of the residue number system and the relationship between the residue number system and the binary system.


Residue Number System shows high performance of "area × power × delay" in VLSI design because of its parallel characteristic.


Parallel processing characteristic of the Residue Number System is display a high "area × power × delay" performance in VLSI. Modulo adder is one of the basic units in RNS, meanwhile, its performance has decided the performance optimization of the Residue Number System.


If p and q leave remainders of 1111 and 1234 respectively when divided by 2004, what is the

若p 和q 除以2004 时的余数分别为1111 和1234,则 pq+除以2004 时的余数是多

If p and q leave remainders of 60 and 70 respectively when divided by 2004, what is the


The method comprises the following steps of: starting the watchdog; counting from 0, the watchdog detects that the system reads the counting value; calculating the remainder after the counting value is divided by a pre-arranged value; re-counting from the remainder by the watchdog.


更多网络解释与余数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

casting out nines:除九余数核对

casting 转型 | casting-out-nines 除九余数核对 | Catalan 卡达隆尼亚文

casting out nines check:除九余数核对

铸件 casting | 除九余数核对 casting-out-nines check | 触须 cat whisker

arithmetical compliment:余数

arithmetic 算术 | arithmetical compliment 余数 | arithmetical mean 等差中项

residue class:余数制

余数核对 residue check | 余数制 residue class | 余数代数 residue class algebra

residue class:余数类

残余检查 residue check | 余数类 residue class | 余数类代数 residue class algebra

residue class ring:余数环

余数制 residue class | 余数代数 residue class algebra | 余数环 residue class ring

residue class ring:余数类环

余数类代数 residue class algebra | 余数类环 residue class ring | 残余码,剩余码 residue code

congruential generator:同余数生成程序

congruent generator 同余数生成程序 | congruential generator 同余数生成程序 | conic projection with two standard parallels 双标准纬线圆锥投影

congruential method:乘同余数法

congruential generator 同余数生成程序 | congruential method 乘同余数法 | conic brake 锥形制动器


PULSE 产生处理器状态 | REMS 带符号的除法余数 | REMU 无符号的除法余数