英语人>词典>汉英 : 体轴形成 的英文翻译,例句
体轴形成 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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1The axial evolution law on the structure and the aerodynamic characteristics of the asymmetric flows around slender bodies of revolution at incidences is summarized:whether the flow asymmetry is powerless or powerful,the flow always appears in the structure that lee-side vortices rise,and shed vortices form,and new lee-side vortices come into being alternately on opposite sides of a slender body of revolution axially from nose apex downstream to afterbody,and always induces the sectional side force of waving quasi-sinusoidally downstream axially.


Thus spatial segregation of xNorrin activity in the animal pole is essential for correct germ layer formation in early embryos.


During embryonic development, many animals form a number of temporary structures along their anterior-posterior axis-somites. Cells in somites differentiate into sclerotome, which gives rise to vertebral column, dermatome, which gives rise to dermis, and myotome, which gives rise to skeletal muscle.


Many animals form a number of temporary structures along their anterior-posterior axis during embryonic development – somites. Cells in somites differentiate to form the sclerotome, the dermotome and myotome.


On the other hand, in spite of the severely distorted axis, the FoxD5-overexpressed embryos displayed neither somite nor muscle defects. Based on these results, we speculate that FoxD5 plays different roles in axis and somite formation. During somitogenesis, FoxD5 functions in the maintenance of the anteroposterior polarity of somites, and in turn plays roles in proper formation of somites.


These data suggested that the centrin isoforms played different roles in different stages of spermatogenesis. The centrin-1 gene was revealed to be relevant to the centriolar translocation to the posterior pole of cell and the elaboration of flagellum during spermiogenesis, while the centrin-2 and centrin-3 might play roles in spermatogonial mitosis but were not involved in the spermatid differentiation process.


A heavy duty tire comprises a tread portion, a pair of sidewall portions, a pair of bead portions each with a bead core therein, the bead core with an aspect ratio (HC 1 /WC) of from 0.43 to 0.58, and a carcass comprising a carcass ply of cords extending between the bead portions and turned up around a bead core in each bead portion from the inside to outside of the tire so as to form a pair of turnup portions and a main portion therebetween, the turnup portion comprising a turnup main-part extending along an axially inner surface, a radially inner surface and an axially outer surface of the bead core smoothly, and a turnup sub-part extending from the turnup main-part toward the main portion near the radially outer surface of the bead core.


Spinel is a compound of magnesia and alumina(Al2O3) and is thus a magnesium aluminate(MgAl2O4), found as accessories in igneous rocks, in metamorphosed aluminous schists, in contact metamorphosed limestones and sometimes in high temperature iore veins.


BACKGROUND: The HOX gene family is a highly conserved transcription factor family, which affects the formation of basic axis and secondary axis during embryonic development, at the same time, it plays a pivotal role in the development of the central nervous system, axial skeleton, stomach intestine, urogenital system and external genitalia.


During embryogenesis,the axial skeleton is formed by a process called somitogenesis, which produces transient segmental tissue known as somites.Disruptions in somitogenesis have been shown to result in vertebral malformations,including segmentation failure and formation failure.


更多网络解释与体轴形成相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


axially symmetrical stress distribution | 轴对称应力分布 | axially | 向轴的方向 | axiation | 轴化体轴形成


神经细胞体就是细胞的核周质,核周质延伸形成一个轴丘,进一步伸长成为轴突,每根轴突都由轴浆(axoplasm)和包在外周的质膜所构成. 根据细胞体外突着生的形式,神经元可分为单极、双极和多极3类. 单极神经元只有一个轴突和侧支.

body of revolution:旋转(形成)体

body moment 彻体力矩 | body of revolution 旋转(形成)体 | body-fixed axis 物体固定轴

emergence angle:外露角 :由种植体长轴的假想延长线与基台的校正轴所形成的角度

Embrasure 楔状隙 | Emergence angle 外露角 :由种植体长轴的假想延长线与基台的校正轴所形成的角度. | Emergence profile 种植体穿龈部外形.


axially | 向轴的方向 | axiation | 轴化体轴形成 | axicon lens | 展象镜, 展象透镜, 旋转三透镜

axonal transport:轴突运输

轴突运输(axonal transport)神经元的胞体和轴突在结构和功能上是一个整体,神经元代谢活动的物质多在胞体形成,神经元的整体生理活动物质代谢是由轴浆不断流动所实现.


背腹分化) 具小的基生果脐 稀由于侧腹面相接而形成大而显著、高度有时超过果轴一半的果脐 极稀近背面相接(具基部--背部的合生面 如薰衣草属LavandulaLinn.) 稀花托的小部分与小坚果分离而形成一油质体(elaiosome)(如筋骨草属Aju


这就是卵裂,卵裂(meridional cleavage),即彼此呈直角平行于卵的极轴(pol-ar axis)2.囊胚形成(blastulation)在卵裂形成一定数量的分裂球之后,例如3.原肠形成(gastrulation)在形成囊胚之后,胚体继续分化发育,

axial skeleton:中轴骨

随后,体节中分化出了骨骼肌,中轴骨(axial skeleton),以及部分的真皮(dermis). Dequéant等研究者对准体节中胚层的基因表达做了系统性分析,发现成纤维细胞生长因子(fibroblast growth factor),Notch通路,以及Wnt通路之间的拮抗(antagonism)促进了体节的最终形成.

axial skeleton:轴骨

随后,体节中分化出了骨骼肌,中轴骨(axial skeleton),以及部分的真皮(dermis). Dequéant等研究者对准体节中胚层的基因表达做了系统性分析,发现成纤维细胞生长因子(fibroblast growth factor),Notch通路,以及Wnt通路之间的拮抗(antagonism)促进了体节的最终形成.