英语人>词典>汉英 : 低音歌手 的英文翻译,例句
低音歌手 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
basso  ·  bassos  ·  bassi  ·  bassists

更多网络例句与低音歌手相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We got rid of all gloom in the excitement of the exercise, and our pleasure was increased by the arrival of the Gimmerton band, mustering fifteen strong: a trumpet, a trombone, clarionets, bassoon French horns, and a bass viol, besides singers.


They were called Generation Gap, because of the differences in ages of the members; the bassist was like 48 and the drummer was like 60


Positions available in: Drums, Bass and/or Double Bass, Keyboardist with vocal or backing vocal ability preferred.


Known as MP, the band consists of guitarist Tino, drummer Jota, bassist Summer and lead singer Ba-Keung. Considered one of the emerging local bands with the greatest potential, MP came second in the inaugural All-Macau Teen Band Competition in 2003, with Ba-Keung winning the award for best lead singer and best original lyrics. MP has shown great courage in staying true to the creative spirit while attempting a variety of styles to reflect their surroundings through music and representing the fantasy world of their imaginations.

由结他手 Tino ,鼓手 Jota ,低音结他手 Summer 及主音百强四人组成的 MP ,被视为当前本地最具潜力的新晋独立乐团之一,2003年获第一届全澳青少年流行乐队比赛亚军乐队、最佳主音歌手兼最佳原创歌词,勇於尝试多元乐风与坚持原创精神,透过音乐去反映他们身处的生活环境,同时营造出他们进入心目中的异想世界。

Frank Sinatra is one of America's most famous crooners .


The single most popular crooner of all time, Frank Sinatra had early ambitions of becoming a journalist.


The single most popular crooner of all time, Frank Sinatra hadearly ambitions of becoming a journalist.


He is a bass player in the band.


Oliver displays a point of view that sometimes contrasts conventional soul crooners, occasionally opting for skewed narratives, likely a reflection of one of his main influences, George Clinton.


The gravelly voiced French crooners of the past have given way to bands like The Do, Hey Hey My My, or Cocoon, whose latest album is called "My Friends All Died in a Plane Crash".

过去法国那些拖着颤音的低音歌手早就被一些现代乐队及其音乐所取代,像The Do,Hey Hey My My以及Cocoon, Cocoon 的最新专辑叫就做&My Friends All Died in a Plane Crash&。

更多网络解释与低音歌手相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


barytine /重晶石/ | barytone /男中音/男中音歌手/低音的铜管乐器/ | bas-relief /浅浮雕/


bassing 钓鲈鱼 | bassist 低音歌手 | basso 低音部

bassist:低音歌手, 低音乐器的演奏者

bassing | 钓鲈鱼 | bassist | 低音歌手, 低音乐器的演奏者 | basso | 低音部, 低音歌手


solipsist 唯我论者 | bassist 低音歌手,低音提琴手 | progressist进步分子,改良主义者

bassist:低音歌手; 低音乐器演奏者 (名)

bassinet 摇篮, 摇篮车 (名) | bassist 低音歌手; 低音乐器演奏者 (名) | basso 低音部; 男低音歌手 (名)


bassisterol 美果甾醇 | basso 低音部 | basso 低音歌手

It's time:是时候了

2005年,布伯雷的专辑>(It's Time)令他在美国打响了名堂. 美国>称赞他"如丝绒般柔滑的男中音,独具品味地轻触你心",>称赞他"这个令人注目、充满感情的低音歌手使人想起年轻的法兰克辛纳屈",


bassist 低音歌手,低音提琴手 | progressist进步分子,改良主义者 | narcissist自我陶醉者,自恋者

bassie:装面粉的木盆 木碗

bassi | 低音部, 低音歌手 | bassie | 装面粉的木盆 木碗 | bassine | 柏辛纤维

bassi:低音部, 低音歌手

bassetite || 铁铀云母 | bassi || 低音部, 低音歌手 | bassie || 装面粉的木盆 木碗