英语人>词典>汉英 : 低水平的 的英文翻译,例句
低水平的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与低水平的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Furthermore, mothers of low-birth-weight children had significantly lower levels of DHA and ARA in their red blood cells.


In our country, the development of road transportation is mainly simple scalar expansion of low level, The growth of factor productivity contribute small to the economy increase, and the mainly character is: The development of road passenger transport and road freight is mainly the expansion of quantitatively and scalely;the development of road transportation depends on the infrastructure's high devote and market demand increase; technical is draggle and energy consumption is high, the Structural upgrade of industry is slow.


They are used mainly in people with raised triglyceride levels, often associated with low levels of HDL cholesterol.


The effects of low level N、P、K on seedling height and ground diameter of Agathis dammara were better than high levels. The treatment N1P1K1 namely urea 2.2 grams, fused calcium-magnesium phosphate fertilizer 16.6 grams, potassium chloride 1.7 grams showed the best fertilization and high significant to other treatments.


Sympegma regelii community, a rangeland desert vegetation, has the highest Shannon-Winner species diversity indices (1.706); the communities of Haloxylon ammodendron and Ephedra przewalskii, which have obvious feature of desert vegetation, are in the middle in species diversity indices (0.875-0.890); the communities of Calligonum mongolicum, Populus euphratica, Tamarix ramosissima and Glycyrrhiza inflata, characterized by desert forest of which saline desert bushes and saline meadows are scattered in the communities, have lowest value of the species diversity indices (0.079-0.495). 3 The structure of desert plant community is dominated by the bush layer. The species diversity indices of bush layer (0.769-1.451) is much higher than that of herb layer (0.193-0.254), and the diversity in herb layer is strongly influenced by bush layer. 4 The species diversity of desert plant communities shows a gradient of change with respect to longitude, latitude and elevation. For example, rangeland plant Sympegma regelii, with a high level of diversity indices (1.706), is in transition to desert plants Haloxylon ammodendronn community (with a low level of diversity indices of 1.379) in a longitude gradient and to saline Tamarix ramosessima community (with a low level of diversity indices of 0.376) in a latitude gradient. Calligonum mongolicum community, with a low level of species diversity (0.819), is in transition to Ephedra przewalskii (with a low level of diversity indices of 0.890) and Haloxylon ammondendron community (with the diversity indices of 0.645) in an elevational gradient.


At the formation of floral receptacle and floscule, high levels of ZRs, ABA and low level of GA1 3, IAA were observed . At the forming phase of floral receptacle and floscule, with high ratio of ABA/IAA, ABA/GA1 3, ZRs /GA1 3, ZRs/IAA .

在花托和小花形成阶段,芽内需要较高水平的ZRs、ABA和较低水平的GA_(1 3)、IAA;同时ABA/IAA,ABA/GA_(1 3),ZRS/GA_(1 3)和ZRs/IAA均有较高比值。

WTHZ Results The telomerase activity and expression of telomerase rela ted genes were significantly higher in 42 leukemia patients in progress stage th an that in complete remission/chronic stage and in normal/anemia cases (P.01).The telomerase activity and expression of TP1,hTR gene in 14 cases of acute leuk emia complete remission/chronic myelogenous-chronic stage were h igher than that in normal/anemia cases (P.05). Low levels of telom erase activi ty and telomerase related genes expression could be detected in part of normal b one marrow cells. The levels of telomerase activity and telomerase related genes expression in 3 cases of anemia increased after short-term culture.

结果 42例白血病进展阶段标本的端粒酶活性和相关基因表达水平高于急性白血病完全缓解期、慢性粒细胞白血病慢性期、正常和贫血标本(P.01);14例急性白血病完全缓解期和慢粒慢性期标本端粒酶活性和TP1、hTR基因表达水平高于正常和贫血标本(P.05);在部分正常和贫血标本中检测到相对低水平的端粒酶活性和相关基因表达,3例贫血标本经短期常规培养后检测到端粒酶活性和基因表达增高。

The results showed that OsAgpS1a transcripts and the reporter gene GUS driven by the OsAgpS1a promoter had a similar expression pattern that abundantly expressed in endosperms but very low in leaves, whereas OsAgpS1b transcripts and the reporter gene GUS driven by the OsAgpS1b promoter own other similar expression pattern that expressed at a low level in leaves, roots and early development endosperms of rice.


The results showed that fruit bud differentiation needs the high Z、ZR content and low IAA content,meanwhile need the high ratio of CTK to GA 3,CTK to IAA and CTK to ABA.

结果表明,花芽分化期间需要有高水平的Z、ZR,低水平的IAA,高水平的CTK/GA3 、CTK/IAA、CTK/ABA 比值

CHAPEL HILL — People with low levels of LDL cholesterol are more likely to have Parkinson's disease than people with high LDL levels, according to researchers at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine at Chapel Hill.


更多网络解释与低水平的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

an acceptably low level:可接受的低水平

approach the materiality level 接近重要性水平 | an acceptably low level 可接受的低水平 | the overall finacial statement level and in related 财务报表层面和

接近重要性水平 an acceptably low level 可接受的低水平:approach the materiality level

the suspected noncompliance 涉嫌存在违法行为 audit commi... | approach the materiality level 接近重要性水平 an acceptably low level 可接受的低水平 | the overall finacial statement level and in related ...

all-time low:(股票价格等的)历史最低点,最低值

low 低水平,低数字,低点 | all-time low (股票价格等的)历史最低点,最低值 | record low (股票价格等的)历史最低点,最低值


这通常与胃的机能不良(dysfunction)有关系,例如胃酸不足,或者是胰腺的功能不足. 吸收不良是这样的,人体需要的饮食营养成分,包括氨基酸,被输送到大肠,然后随大便排出体外. 吸收不良可以通过低水平的苏氨酸以及其必须氨基酸来发现;

Network gateway:网关

网络网关(Network Gateway)是一个Internet网络系统,它结合了有不同协议的两个网络. 一个网络网关能够被在软件或硬件中完全执行,或作为两者的结合. 依赖于它们的执行,网络网关能够操作在OSI模型的任何水平上,从应用协议到低水平的信令.

hold sb down v.1:用力按住(某人)防止逃脱 2.剥夺(某人)的自由或权利 3.使...保持在低水平

hold back v.1.退缩;担心,犹豫,踌躇 2.保守(秘密等),隐瞒 3.阻挡,抑制 | hold sb down v.1.用力按住(某人)防止逃脱 2.剥夺(某人)的自由或权利 3.使...保持在低水平 | hold forth to v.发表冗长冗长的议论

low keyed:低调的,有节制的

low-key 低调的,有节制的 | low-keyed 低调的,有节制的 | low-level 低水平的,低位准的,低能级的,初级的


缺少蛋白质引起的综合征统称为恶性营养不良病(Kwashiorkor). 迪克曼(Dieckmann)等人1951年分析了612名孕妇的膳食蛋白质摄人量与婴儿健康、流产的关系后指出. 低水平的蛋白质摄入与妊娠前期流产和婴儿疾病的发生有关(见下表):


low-level 低水平的 | low-lying 低的 | low-minded 卑鄙的

at local level:以低水平地

in literature 在业内/在领域内 | at local level 以低水平地 | tasks with 具有.....的任务