英语人>词典>汉英 : 位标志 的英文翻译,例句
位标志 的英文翻译、例句


bit denotation
更多网络例句与位标志相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By modern design idea of humanism, the paper briefly analyses the big problem in corporation image design and propagandizing at present; and it puts forward allotrope theory as measure of solving the problem. It narrates the advantages of symbol allotrope with figures from four aspects, propagandizing reality, information receiver, psychology and information theory; and it gives objective analysis for the prospect of allotrope theory.


The cell's data value should be a collection of bitwise flags that indicate which images should be drawn.


Bit 6 is AC,bit 7 is carry flag,bit 4 is for register bank select and bit 5 is user controlled flag.


IPv4 addresses have 32 bits and are set up in octets in dotted decimal notation.

IPv4 位址有 32 位元而且在有点的十位标志的八位组中被建立。

Using no spaces after the equals sign, type your font name in quotes, as so:"arial".


You can turn on/off each extension list with the allow bit flag.


These macros are identical to DT_TRACE[0..3] except the additional f parameter allows you to pass a 32 bit flag field which will be and'd with the trace filter flag and only traced if at least 1 set bit matches.


When storage space is at a premium, it may be necessary to pack several objects into a single machine word; one common use is a set of single-bit flags in applications like compiler symbol tables.


COOLANT LEVETL: In newer cars look at the level markings on the overflow tank next to the engine, With order cars wait until the engine is cool and remove the radiator cap.


QL. Reporting of organic impurities should cover (1) specified identified impurities by name,(2) specified unidentified impurities by location/identifier,(3) any unspecified impurities, and (4) total impurities.


更多网络解释与位标志相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


PUSHF:标志进栈 | SAHF:AH送标志寄存器 | STC:进位标志置1

bit, check:位校验

247bit arithmetic位运算 | 248bit check位校验 | 249bit denotation位标志

bit denotation:位标志

248bit check位校验 | 249bit denotation位标志 | 250bit depth位深度

carry flag:进位标志

并检查它%虚拟大小(VirtualSize)计算%这个简单的东西最初是由Demogorgon/PS为了隐藏代码而使用的. 但是正如我要显示给你看的,它可以节约一些字节. 例如,让我们想象一个如果有一个错误就会设置进位标志(carry flag)而如果没有错误就清除的例程.

CF carry flag:进位标志

ZF zero flag 零标志 | CF carry flag 进位标志 | AF auxiliary carry flag 辅助进位标志

Clear Carry Flag:消除进位标志

Computer Lnaguage 计算机语言 | Clear Carry Flag 消除进位标志 | Clear Confirmation 清除确认

CLC Clear Carry Flag:清空Carry标志(位)

BVS Branch on Overflow Set 溢出位被设置的时候跳转 | CLC Clear Carry Flag 清空Carry标志(位) | CLD Clear Decimal Mode 清空十进制模式

flag bit:标志位

标志设置 flag settings | 标志位 flag bit | 标注 markup


USER qmail-command 设置 当前的用户 | USER qmail-inject 使用 邮件头From中的用户名 (3) | QMAILINJECT 标志位 QMAILINJECT Flags


CLN 负标志位清零 N ← 0 N 1 | SEZ 零标志位置位 Z ← 1Z 1 | CLZ 零标志位清零 Z ← 0 Z 1