英语人>词典>汉英 : 位 的英文翻译,例句
位 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)

bits per pixel
更多网络例句与位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bit Arithmetic 64位算术运算 Modern 32-bit software frequently uses larger-than-32-bit integer data types for various purposes such as high-precision timers, high-precision signal processing, and many others.


1Niche construction can lead to stable coexistence of diverse genotypes in spatially structured population, which supports a stable polymorphism even without heterozygote superiority.(2)With habitat deterioration, niche construction accelerates the formation of steady polymorphism and hence impedes the harmful influences of environment on the population, which might embody a life-history strategy of organism under the unfavorable environment.(3)Niche construction results in the coexistence with alternative polymorphism through genotype-environment feedback and limited gene flow.(4)The niche-constructing organism is an active force to alter its environment and hence the direction of natural selection in order to better survival.(5)Spatial dynamics and distribution pattern of metapopulation are profoundly influenced by time-lagged niche construction.(6)Metapopulation size can reach a fixed level in the recency effect and equal weighting of time lag but is statistical stability in primacy effect, which implies the primacy effect is most remarkable.(7)The increment in the relative weightingof each generation\' niche construction and the length of time lag are significant factors for system destabilization.(8)Moderate capacity of positive niche construction benefits the metapopulation persistence.(9)The narrowing of niche breadth can decrease the metapopulation size and thereby increase the extinction risk.(10)The coupled function of time lag and niche construction make the system oscillation and generate the spiral wave, spiral-broken and circular wave in heterogeneous habitat.The spatial distributions of metapopulation and resource content are complementary due to a phase lag of their both frequencies.(12)Metapopulation persistence with niche construction depends not only on the balance between colonization and extinction, but also on the balance between the ability of niche construction and natural dissipation of habitat.(13)Metapopula-tion can survive under certain condition when the percent of suitable patches in habitat is lower than the ration of extinction to colonization.(14)Two thresholds exist in the process of transition of habitat quality dynamics from unsuitable to suitable, which include the intensity of niche construction and the initial condition of system.(15)Metapopulation size is positive correlated with the ability of positive niche construction, which means that organism or population who has strongly positive influences on their environment plays an important role to maintain the available habitat.


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What to do from the beginning to now find themselves moving slowly will not know squat significantly, then watched Lee fruit Brother video that was something fishy about this technology jump And encountered a second person were killed and seconds playing a ghost jumped俩位skilled chef, gradually began to study rapid technological ghost dance.


Predeterminer):all,both,half;double,twice, three times,etc;one-third,two-thirds,etc;what,such, etc 中位限定词:the,a,zero;this, that,these,those;my,your,etc:John's,the old man's,etc; some,any,no,every,each,either,neither,enough,what, which,whose,etc 后位限定词:one,two,etc;first,second,etc;next,last,other,etc; many,much, few,little,fewer,fewest,less,least,more,most;several,plenty o f,a lot of,lots of, a great number of,a greatdeal of,a largeamount of;such,etc

在三类限定词中,中限定词是最关键的。所谓前限定词是指那些可以于中限定词之前的限定词,所谓后限定词是指那些可以于中限定词之后的限定词。例如: all the four teachers 所有这四教师前中后上述限定词的置是固定的,不能掉换,就是说它们必须按"前—中—后"的顺序排列。以此类推,如果出现两个限定词,则只能按前—中,前—后或中—后的顺序排列。

This回抽three points should be said that 1800 has posed a more obvious pressure, but today will be on the final trading day of its decision directly on the closing line, the amount can not be released to show that closed on line and short-term back pumped into the critical period, if confirmed at the early stage of 1800-2300 Box破位effective, then the A shares of the bottom of the road, I am afraid will continue; the contrary can be cautiously optimistic.


Although many scholars had attempted to define it, the typical definitions of niche are Grinnell's space niche, Elton's functional niche and Hutchinson's hypervolume niche; Niche metrics include niche breadth, niche overlapping, niche volume and niche dimension, among which niche breadth and niche overlapping are two important indexes that can be used to characterize a species niche and the relationships between species niches.


And investment that benefits the state has two signal disk may become cause for concern: The first concerns the policies and external, as well as the company shortly after Huijin signal holdings; the second main concern Pupil Fighting 1800 — 2000 points in the end who can win the region, to put it simply is affected破位build the double bottom.

和投资有利于国家有两个信号的磁盘可能成为令人担忧:一是对信号后不久,汇金持有的政策和外部,以及公司,第二个主要关注的瞳孔搏击1800 - 2000年在终点谁可以赢得该地区,简而言之,是影响破建立双层底。

Last Monday when the market破位1800, half of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock went there daily limit.


A coordination compound 配位化合物 is one in which the metal ion or atom is bonded to one or more neutral molecules or anions so as to be a defined and integral structural unit.


更多网络解释与位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acceptor site:受位

(一)转肽酶以及给与受 核糖体相当于"装配机"能够促进 tRNA 所带的氨基酸缩合成肽.核糖体有 2 个置分 别称为给(donor site)与受(acceptor site) ,供携带氨基酸或新生肽链的 tRNA 附着.给 又称为 P (peptidyl site,肽) ;

University Archives:單位、部門二級單位校史檔案室

871.單、部門二級單電機與通訊工程研究所Graduate Institute of Electrical... | 872.單、部門二級單校史檔案室University Archives | 873.單、部門二級單資訊處系統發展組Systems Development Section, Off...


1063.單、部門單簡稱技授中心(簡稱)OTL | 1064.單、部門單簡稱育成中心(簡稱)bic | 1065.單、部門單簡稱奈米中心(簡稱)nano

College Life Guidance Section:單位、部門二級單位生輔組

907.單、部門二級單媒體研製中心Digital-Media Research and Production Ce... | 908.單、部門二級單生輔組College Life Guidance Section | 909.單、部門二級單課外活動組Extracurricular Activity Sec...

central determiner:中位限定词

■限定词的相互搭配关系为:前+中+后 ■在这三类限定词中,前限定词与前限定词以及中限定词与中■按照限定词与限定词的相互搭配关系,限定词可分为前限定词(pre-determiner)、中限定词(central determiner)和后限定词(post-d

parity bit:检验位

异步通信规定一帧由起始(start bit),数据(data bit),奇偶检验(parity bit)和停止(stop bit)组成. 起始表示一帧的开始,用低电平表示. 数据的接收过程即由起始触发. 数据紧接着起始,表示要传送的信息.

start bit:起始位

UART 传送一个字符以起始(Start Bit) 开始,以停止(Stop Bit )结束,字符之间没有固定的时间间隔要求. 每一个字符的前面都有一个起始(低电平),字符本身由5~8 数据组成,然后是一校验(可选),最后是停止(1 ,1 半或2 ),

bit stream:数据位流

MIDI数据流是单向异步的数据流(bit stream),其速率为31.25 kbps,每个字节为10(1开始,8数据和1停止). MIDI乐器上的MIDI接口通常包含3种不同的MIDI连接器,用IN(输入), OUT(输出)和THRU(穿越).


他把小句划分成"主"(Theme)、"述"(Rheme)和"连"(Transition)三部分. [1]系统功能语言学继承了这一观念,把述和连合并,将小句划分主和述两部分. 主是信息的出发点,是小句其余部分的表述基础;在语法形式上,

Admissions Section:單位、部門二級單位招生組

905.單、部門二級單通識中心Center for General Education | 906.單、部門二級單招生組Admissions Section | 907.單、部門二級單媒體研製中心Digital-Media Research and Production Center