英语人>词典>汉英 : 似女性的 的英文翻译,例句
似女性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与似女性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We report a 57-year-old female patient with suspected systemic lupus erythematosus presented with general anasarca, pleural effusions, hypercholesterolemia and severe hypoalbuminemia.


Eustacia , a rebellious , ambitious and passionate girl , is incompatible with the victorian society .


Eustacia, a rebellious, ambitious and passionate girl, is incompatible with the Victorian society.


The fenchyl hypochlorite is used for fair bleach, and the perborate is used for detergent. Other ester, such as the fenchyl benzoate is a kind of perfume fixative, the fenchyl butyrate is dressing agent, and the fenchyl isobutyrate has slightly fruity, sweet herbal and vetiver base odor.


The shoes also had a two-tone effect, and the swell of celestial voices in David Motion's "Buoyancy" on the soundtrack underscored the twisted religiosity. The bi-collar was a foretaste of what can only be described as a male bikini, which combined a bib front with what appeared to be a visible jockstrap (or maybe male garter belt?) and closed at the back like a waistcoat. Wags instantly dubbed the look "wedgie chic," but it was more disturbing than that—as if traditional concepts of masculinity had been turned inside out. Of course, this is something Miuccia's talked about for years, but it was still striking to see it rendered so graphically. Even more so when a couple of back-buttoning blouses walked past—male vulnerability wrapped up in a shirt.

这是本季男装戏谑趣味又颠覆传统的其一;仿似神职人员的double小领结及以两种色调呈现的皮鞋、再搭上伦敦著名作曲配乐家David Motion综合了圣乐与电子节拍的秀场主题曲"Buoyancy",成功的带出Miuccia意欲传递给大家的矛盾和滑稽;更夸张傻眼的紧接而来:儿童使用的围兜(也很像中国古代女人的性感肚兜)配上男运动员专用的弹性下体护身、穿在合身的双领衬衫外,就活像是男性比基尼的外穿,然后转过身来,我们更看到,肚兜上衣的背后或交叉缕空的有如女人的性感马甲、或呈排扣有如女性内衣。

Diagnosis/testing. A diagnosis of ocular albinism is probable in the presence of congenital nystagmus, iris translucency, and significant hypopigmentation of the ocular fundus periphery in males with normal skin pigmentation and foveal hypoplasia, reduced visual acuity, and aberrant optic pathway projection, as demonstrated by crossed asymmetry of the cortical responses on visual evoked potential. X-linked inheritance is documented by either a family history consistent with X-linked inheritance or the presence of typical carrier signs (irregular retinal pigmentation and partial iris transillumination) in an obligate carrier female.


This waterfall of colour will sell for little short of $40m and that's before Graff adds a 70-carat baby pink pear-shaped diamond that abseils from the collar into the lady's cleavage.


The shoes also had a two-tone effect, and the swell of celestial voices in David Motion's "Buoyancy" on the soundtrack underscored the twisted religiosity. The bi-collar was a foretaste of what can only be described as a male bikini, which combined a bib front with what appeared to be a visible jockstrap (or maybe male garter belt?) and closed at the back like a waistcoat. Wags instantly dubbed the look "wedgie chic," but it was more disturbing than that—as if traditional concepts of masculinity had been turned inside out. Of course, this is something Miuccia's talked about for years, but it was still striking to see it rendered so graphically. Even more so when a couple of back-buttoning blouses walked past—male vulnerability wrapped up in a shirt.

这是本季男装戏谑趣味又颠覆传统的其一;仿似神职人员的double小领结及以两种色调呈现的皮鞋、再搭上伦敦著名作曲配乐家David Motion综合了圣乐与电子节拍的秀场主题曲&Buoyancy&,成功的带出Miuccia意欲传递给大家的矛盾和滑稽;更夸张傻眼的紧接而来:儿童使用的围兜(也很像中国古代女人的性感肚兜)配上男运动员专用的弹性下体护身、穿在合身的双领衬衫外,就活像是男性比基尼的外穿,然后转过身来,我们更看到,肚兜上衣的背后或交叉缕空的有如女人的性感马甲、或呈排扣有如女性内衣。

更多网络解释与似女性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

choroidal osteoma:脉络膜骨瘤

脉络膜骨瘤(choroidal osteoma)病因尚不明确,多认为是一种骨性迷芽瘤. 好发于青年女性,单眼居多. 肿瘤多位于视盘附近,呈黄白色或桔红色的扁平隆起,可见色素沉着,肿物边缘不规则,似伪足向四周伸出,可形成视网膜下新生血管膜,伴有出血或浆液性视网膜脱离.

Narciso Rodriguez:纳西索.罗德里格斯

另外,着墨于个人风格的缔造,以性感优雅著称的美国品牌纳西索"罗德里格斯 (Narciso Rodriguez)在本次展会上展出了一款让人无力抗拒的的香水-Essence. 整个瓶身感性纯净,一气呵成中蕴含女性的细腻和似水柔情,似乎是一个暗藏魔法的镜子,

womankind:妇女们; 女性 (名)

womanhood 女人, 女人气质 (名) | womankind 妇女们; 女性 (名) | womanlike 似女子的 (形)

womanliness:女性气质 (名)

womanlike 似女子的 (形) | womanliness 女性气质 (名) | womanly 像女人的, 有女子气质的 (形)

womanlike:似女子的 (形)

womankind 妇女们; 女性 (名) | womanlike 似女子的 (形) | womanliness 女性气质 (名)




18日凌晨2点15分,帕沙迪纳(Pasadena)老街区Los Robles街的小圆环,靠近Wallis路口发生一起因车祸导致伤人事件,23岁拉朋地(La Puente)女性疑似因与他车碰撞起口角遭人刺伤,被害人伤处分别在上半身及下肢,凶器不明,目前情况危急.