英语人>词典>汉英 : 伦敦一地区 的英文翻译,例句
伦敦一地区 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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GO FOR a walk in Chelsea, an expensive bit of London, and you may stroll by the Coldstream Guards' barracks, now the property of the government of Qatar; a branch of the venerable Barclays bank, soon to be part-owned by the People's Republic of China; and then buy a picnic at Sainsbury's , Britain's oldest supermarket, which the Anglophile Qataris are trying to buy too.


Tensions with many Muslims have been exacerbated by raids, searches and incidents such as the shooting of a man during a raid in the Forest Gate neighbourhood of London in 2006, when police searched in vain for evidence of a chemical bomb.

许多穆斯林的不安因为搜捕,调查和一些突发事件而加剧,例如:2006年,当警察在邻近伦敦的Forest Gate地区气急败坏地搜索化学炸弹证据的时候,枪击了一名男子。

However, one copy managed to get smuggled to London London is the capital of the United Kingdom and of England, and with over seven million inhabitants in the Greater London area, is the second-most populous conurbation in Europe.


An earlier review by Graham Badman, a former head of children's services in Kent who is now based at London University's Institute of Education, found that in some areas a disconcertingly high proportion of home-schooled children were known to social services—ie, cause for concern.


Hajji, of Hackney, east London, had concealed a 6,000-pound engagement ring inside a helium balloon.


LZ43 LZ43 L 12 L 12 June 21, 1915 1915年6月21日 5 reconnaissance missions; towed back to Ostend after taking heavy damage in a raid on London, Harwich and the Humber region on August 10, 1915 but burned out during subsequent disassembly.


They were predominantly sailors who worked for the East India Company and set up home around Limehouse and the Liverpool dockyards areas that subsequently became synonymous in Victorian consciousness with opium dens .

伦敦唐人街18 世纪末,第一批中国人来到了英格兰,他们其中的绝大部分是东印度公司的海员,在莱姆豪斯和利物浦的船坞区落户。到了维多利亚时期,在人们的意识里,这一地区成了吸毒场所的代名词。

Poitier takes a teaching position in the rough part of London in order to pay his bills.


It has not harmed the modern Viking cause that, in a devolutionary era, the old Norsemen exerted their greatest influence in the highlands, islands and regions of Britain rather than in London - for once, Wirral, Wigton or the Wash Estuary can be as important as Westminster.


A very important measure in constitutional revolution is devolution. Then central government granted many powers to Scotland, Wales, North Ireland and Great London, and established a parliament and assemblies there, namely Scotland parliament, National Assembly of Wales, Northern Ireland Assembly and London Assembly. In addition, New Labour government introduced Single Transferable Vote and Additional Member System, a hybrid voting system of first-past-the-post and proportional representation, in the devolved institutions elections.


更多网络解释与伦敦一地区相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Alsace 阿尔萨斯 | Alsatia 伦敦一地区 | Alsatian 阿尔萨斯



sinfonia concertante:交響協奏曲

交响协奏曲(Sinfonia Concertante)是一种盛行于巴洛克晚期,特别为巴黎、伦敦、曼罕地区所偏好的协奏曲类型,它可以说是巴洛克大协奏曲、独奏协奏曲、以及当时小编制交响曲结合下的形式,也可说是当时风潮所至而形成的协奏曲型态.


1948年的春天,儿子皮尔斯(Piers)出生. 德瑞克在伦敦谋得了一份工作,负责编辑一份会计刊物. 于是,这一家人也就在伦敦南方郊外的Purley定居下来. Purley是一个很多人向往的中上阶层地区,是一个规划过的社区,道路两傍绿树成荫,