英语人>词典>汉英 : 任务转换 的英文翻译,例句
任务转换 的英文翻译、例句


task switching
更多网络例句与任务转换相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The model of the task system is set, and the model is described via formalization method.


The process of switching from one task to another in a multitasking operating system.


So, it is sufficient to design a linear translation scheme to transform theoretical values linearly with coefficients specified by the application task. In the second case, the performance or application-specific parameters to be controlled are not linearly related to the abstract notion of resource requests, or it may be the case that rather than parameter tuning, reconfiguration options are to be adopted.


The ETL tool achieves the loading of daily incremental data by the data superaddition technology basis of timestamp; If the task requires be changed, Users can also re-configure the task.


Instead, any task switching took place when a program had finished processing a message and had returned control to Windows.


Based on analyzing combat unit mission reliability and maintainability requirement, the models of mean time between failure and mean time to repair of combat unit are given. The transformation model from combat unit mobile mission to MLDT is constructed.


The graduation design is based on single chip microcomputer intelligent design of a power source, hardware design is the main task of the circuit design, battery, the three groups of different size power design, system design, manostat ADC0809 adc design, display design, the watchdog circuit module design, 3-8 decoder circuit design, AT89C51 basic circuit design, 74LS161 prescaler design and auxiliary circuit design, Software design task is: initialize program design, and key process design, charge control program design, A/D conversion program design, over-current protection program design, display design program.


This design primary mission is completes the static heavy accelerator the principle and the design proposal, its main design mentality is: Determines in the vessel by the sensor the fat liquor quality, carries on the cyclical sampling under the certain time-gap, transforms after the A/D switch, bequeaths the initial datum the register, the afterwards data bequeaths CPU, the register cancels with some time data namely for flows out the fat liquor the quality, again demonstrates its value by the monitor


This paper presents the Proteus software under a micro-controller board simulation method, and gives a digital-to-analog converter, analog-to-digital conversion、ISP programming、numeral clock 、real-time digital clock ﹑ Lantern experimental keyboard ﹑lattice LED ﹑ Relay, voice and other tenets of the hardware modules and software flow chart.

论文编号:JD607 包括开题报告,任务书,外文翻译,论文字数:10522,页数:46本文介绍了在Proteus软件下实现了一套单片机实验板的仿真方法,并给出了数模转换、模数转换﹑ISP编程﹑数字钟﹑实时时钟、键盘﹑彩灯实验﹑点阵LED显示屏﹑继电器、语音等模块的硬件原理及软件流程图。

For solving complexity of this work,we hope RoMAS has a correct method which is designed for transforming analysis models to design models automatically,if transformation system is correct ,then analyst can get accurate executable code and get guarantee in design phase.


更多网络解释与任务转换相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Preemptive Multitasking:抢先多任务

如果你决定更改你的应用程序只作为32位 (基于Win32)应用程序运行(例如,你需要诸如线程和抢先多任务(preemptive multitasking)等Win32特性),你可以将你的应用程序转换到Win32 API上,并删除冗余的Windows 3.x调用和依赖.

task switching:任务转换

科学家说,人脑的速度其实非常快,很多地方都胜过计算机,不过,计算机在很早期就有一个很棒的功能,那就是"任务转换"(task switching),计算机可以做一份任务,做到一半,很快的被另一份任务给打扰,先处理它,再安详的回到第一份任务,正确无误!


坐标轴主要任务是绘制轴及其刻度(Tick)和刻度值,因为它绘制时是按一定的比例绘制的,所以它需要有一个比例尺将实际坐标值转换值成屏幕坐标值. 这就引出了Scale这个类. Scale类主要完成实际坐标值到屏幕坐标值以及屏幕坐标值到实际坐标值的相互转化.

time-consuming task:耗时的任务

time consuming method;耗时法 | time consuming task;耗时的任务 | time conversion;时间转换


7.3.3 局部描述符表(LDT)及其描述符7.3.4 任务状态段(TSS)及其描述符12.2 数/模转换器芯片(DAC)及其接口技术12.3 模/数转换器芯片(ADC)及其接口技术13.3.1 中央处理器(CPU)和存储器

UTS UnboundTaskSet:无约束任务集

UTS UnitedTranslationSystem 联合翻译系统 | UTS UnboundTaskSet 无约束任务集 | UTTC UniversalTapetoTapeConverter 通用带间转换器

task time:任务时间

task switching 任务转换 | task time 任务时间 | task to task communication 任务间通信


例如,Eclipse Way 流程定义了针对缺陷(Defects)、任务(Tasks) 和增强功能(Enhancements)的工作项类型. 每个工作项类型可以具有自己的状态转换和自定义字段. 工作项按分类(Categories)进行归档,分类使您可以按功能领域对工作项进行组织.