英语人>词典>汉英 : 以权谋私 的英文翻译,例句
更多网络例句与以权谋私相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Namely: to emancipate our minds, seek truth from facts, opposed to following the beaten track and make progress; theory with practice, and opposed to copy, bookishness; insist on close ties with the masses, against the situation, and bureaucracy; adhere to the principle of democratic centralism and oppose arbitrary, weak and lax; adhere to the Party's discipline, oppose liberalism; insist on honest and clean, and oppose abuse of power; insist on hard work and opposing hedonism; uphold meritocracy and oppose unhealthy trends in the appointment.


Prohibite wind baggary,prohibite bad manners;Prohibite offending clients,prohibite weaseling out;prohibire without result,prohibite calumniate competitors;prohibite power corruption,prohibite disobeying regulation system;prohibite being conservative and complacent,prohibite complaining about fellows.


I have learned you need someone in charge with the power to pull things together as long as they don't take advantage of that power.


Some governments ignored the ideological and political education, it makes the civil servant desalinate the purpose of serving for people. The phenomenon of disordered moral is serious day by day.


At present under the socialist market economy condition, completes the enterprise staff thought political work the key is the Central Party Committee 17 big spirits in every sense of the term implementations basic unit Since the specially reform and open policy, has had many head of undertaking, deceives both superiors and subordinates works for one's own interests under the guise of working for the public, thought the present does not have the movement, in the waist the animal pen axe, the fan which in the hand takes, often on greatly sends the arms, teaches whips the staff, often on to the authority coerces the staff, simply not staff when the person looked, the wages casually decides, bully softly, is hard feared, pays out the wages not to have the pay list, wants to give how many to give how many, Sunday does not let the staff rest, does not pay adds the spot to spend If you offer an opinion to him, regards you is the thorn in one's side, the thorn in the side, does everything possible to carry on retaliates you, and direct descendant wilfully tolerates using the hand in authority to oneself, to give the green light to something, to holds the different political view greatly to open killing They use in the hand two "magic weapon" to benefit as the third party in a dispute, deceive both superiors and subordinates flatter the higher authority, exploits power, violates the country head of undertaking the cadre relative about to forbid in this enterprise to be engaged in production management the stipulation Also uses in the hand the authority private full center pouch, is greedy, does everything possible to concoct pretexts makes the forged account, high keeps off the office supplies with the government money purchase modern age to converge the oneself to have, makes the forged account to reimburse the beach person cost, digs national the corner of a wall Then receives using the duty gives the sales commission,包产 outside the package exits the enterprise outside, fishes for the wealth, even allies the annual bonus, violates the country and the enterprise stipulated, then 参股using the duty manages the enterprise But greatly gives the discount in the staff benefit treatment aspect, in 工资分 is joined to greatly makes the issue, drills the national policy spatial, borrows the wage reform is the excuse, seeks the benefit for own clique, borrows the work then to provide the special sedan car for the enterprise basic unit leadership, all expenses completely are responsible by the unit, to become not to pay the solid private sedan car The party and the country stressed repeatedly that, strictly prohibits the leading cadre to exploit power, but such stipulation into head of undertaking cadre's neglected advice, really it may be said in has the policy, gets down has the countermeasure If the country does not carry on effective supervising and managing to the enterprise, does not carry on the strengthened management, gets down for a long time, they can depend on right and not the improper income become the millionaires and surely the wealthy man, the state asset can massively drain, but government's policy can become a mere scrap of paper, loses it in common people's prestige Let these clothes eating insects embezzle national the property, thus causes the enterprise to move towards goes out of business, such example is too numerous to cite individually The working class is the national master, such formulation until now is does not have the question, but present working class's actual condition how?


As melancholy as a catsick as a cat as weak as a cat (=as weak as water) barber's cat bear cat bell the cat blowing cat Cheshire cat copy cat dead cat Dog my cats! enough to make a cat laugh enough to make a horse laugh enough to make a cat speak fat cat fight like Kilkenny cats flog the cat grin like a Cheshire cat Has the cat got your tongue?


The customs will be the country use for to attack smuggling, the maintenance normalimport and export economic order and the safeguard country tax revenue functiondepartment, because it instate economy activity special status, once the custom houseofficer the authority which will entrust with using the country and the people carrieson exploits power, the embezzlement bribe even participates in smuggling to put the private illegal activity to be able the loss which will create to the country cannot bemade up.


Is stressing the party spirit, the heavy conduct, to make the model aspect, had the problem which truly is noteworthy: In few party members and in the leading cadre, the ideal faith is faint, the world outlook, the outlook on life, the values distortion, are not divided the right and wrong, does not insist the truth; Studies not really to party's elementary theory, believes not really, uses not really; To harms the party and the national interest words and deeds ignores, is overcautious and indecisive, the evasion contradiction, does not rest on principle; Craves in politics in exploiting one's connections, looks for the seat, the running official to want the official; Exploits power in the economy, forgets honor at the sight of profits, resorts to all means; Seeks ease and comfort in the life, is dissolute, is wanton and luxurious living; Is desolate to the populace emotion, is indifferent, numb, disregards the populace safety changes in temperature; Some existence bureaucracy, formalism, pick the easy jobs and shirk the hard ones, use deception.


Family members have admitted to venality, and Mr Chen himself sits in jail accused of graft and embezzlement.


Want to make sure state-owned company leads the duty of the person that personnel trustily performs its management , the state-owned company that is in to its is responsible , besides prohibit outside the behavior of any malpractice , the most important is to make the standard that avoids interest conflict .


更多网络解释与以权谋私相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abstain from voting:弃权

absolute majority 绝对多数 | abstain from voting 弃权 | abuse of power for personal gain 以权谋私

abstain from voting:弃权;不投票

8.absolute monarchy 君主专制政体 | 9.abstain from voting 弃权;不投票 | 10.abuse of power for personal gain 以权谋私

these officers undertook all manner|of criminal misdeed:以权谋私

Working in collusion|and under the aegis of the N.Y.P. D..... | ...these officers undertook all manner|of criminal misdeed.|...以权谋私 | Investigators from Internal Affairs|have isolated the involveme...

self-discipline, self-examination, self-caution and self-motivation:自重、自省、自警、自励

自重、自省、自警、自励self-discipline, self-examination, self-caution and self-motivation | 以权谋私、贪赃枉法、腐败分子to abuse power for personal gains, take bribe... | 小康社会、小康生活well-to-do society...

the present day politics of China:当代中国政治

以权谋私 贪赃枉法 abuse power for personal gains, take bribe and bend the law | 当代中国政治 the present day politics of China | 早就指出 be long pointed out

well-to-do society.e:小康社会、小康生活

take bribe or bend the law, 以权谋私、贪赃枉法、腐败分子 to abus power for person gains. corrupt elements | well-to-do lif 小康社会、小康生活 well-to-do society.e | 四项基本原则 Four Cardin Principles

office buildings,auditoriums,hotels:楼堂馆所

滥发奖金 to indiscriminats distribution of bonuses | 楼堂馆所 office buildings,auditoriums,hotels | 以权谋私 abuse of power for persnal gain