英语人>词典>汉英 : 代理人业务 的英文翻译,例句
代理人业务 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
agentry  ·  brokage

更多网络例句与代理人业务相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Name of the attorney, attorneyship, terms of reference, time limit as the attorney and other related matters.


Jack is also a bush league real estate agent.

Jack 是一个业务不盛的房地产机构代理人。

One, the network system actual application in international freight representative international freight representative is traffic the carrying trade Wu that agent of carriage branch, foreign trade branch and other owner of cargo, freight deals with, it is the important segment of foreign trade, be nodded through carrying the time according to the agreement, land and condition commodity consign the other side, trade whole process just is finished finally, sex of policy of its business flow is strong, involve laws and regulations of a lot of law, transit road long, link the much, combination that also is a variety of carriage means.


An agent is not allowed to practice the commercial agency on behalf of a principal who has another agent in the same area running the same business.


In practice, it is a good idea for the attorney to keep accurate records and receipts for all transactions made on behalf of the grantor.


The focuses of corporate governance are that the client and deputy are absent; the course of commission agent is too long; the mechanism of throwing the daylight on the information is not healthy. Then the countermeasures are the separation of the three agents and power; reforming the officialism; carrying ou...


While the Individual Insurance Agent is playing its positive effect, in the condition that the information is anisomerous, all kinds of problems exist like defaulting, pocketing and embezzling the premium because of its faulty inspiriting mechanism and the supervision is deficient.


Agents sign up bond services for investors should hold valid ID document of his own and investor and fill in all vouches at designated ICBC Business Office.


16 When an agent applies for a motorized vehicle driving license for his customer, the agent 代理人申请办理机动车驾驶证业务时,应当提交代理人的身份证明和签字的

Achievements: 1997-2000, planned, organized lodging claims against a German shipyard under a shipbuilding contract and won the arbitration case conducted by London Maritime Arbitrators' Association; 1999-2004, Represented CMC to participate five arbitration cases before CIETAC with satisfactory outcome for each;2001-2002, participated in negotiations as the leading counsel and successfully concluded contracts for several projects, including: a Cairo Cement Project (CMC as the general contractor, contractual value at US$65 million), Egypt; and b Barapukuria Power Plant Project (CMC as the general contractor, contractual value at US$220 million), Bangladesh.2002, participated in negotiations of equipment and technology transfer of Gas-Turbine between CNTIC and GE, successfully concluded contract; planned, organized lodging claim against BK a German company and recovered 15 million USD.2004, participated the tender project of nuclear power plant and technology transfer, particularly in designing the transaction structure; 2005, planned, organized solution of a dispute between CMC and a Danish company in a project under NORDIC loan and represented CMC to appear before SCC Arbitration Institute; 2005-2006, organized and participated legal work as the leading counsel for CMC the contractor in Turkish high speed railway project.

主要业务成果: 1997-2000年参与德国政府贷款船舶进口项目争议的解决,策划、组织了对外商索赔并赢得了由伦敦海事仲裁庭审理的仲裁案;作为代理人参加了5起贸仲仲裁案件和多起国内诉讼案件,均获得较好审理结果;2001-2002年参与出口埃及水泥厂项目和出口孟加拉坑口电站等多个海外项目,进行法律风险评估,参加合同谈判,修改合同文本并出具法律意见,促成交易;2002年参与燃气轮机打捆招标项目,审核合同文件,参加了与美国GE公司的谈判,成功签约;策划、参与对德国BK公司的索赔,成功获偿1530万美元;2004年参与核电站及技术转让招标项目,参与设计交易结构、审核相关合同文件;2005年作为代理人组织、参与了与丹麦公司因北欧投资银行项目产生争议在瑞典斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院的仲裁案;2005-2006年主持、领导土耳其安伊高速铁路项目中方总包方的法律工作,包括包括参与设计交易安排,参与组织行政复审、司法复审程序等。

更多网络解释与代理人业务相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

agentive:施事( 格) 的

agentive verb | 施事动词 | agentive | 施事( 格) 的 | agentry | 代理人业务(或职责)


agentive | 施事( 格) 的 | agentry | 代理人业务(或职责) | ageof discretion | (能辨别善恶是非的)懂事年龄, 负责年龄

business background:企业背景

business agent 营业代理人,业务代理人 | business background 企业背景 | business building 办公楼


broilled chicken | (用铁叉子)烤好的童子鸡 | brokage | 代理人(中间人)业务,经纪业,付给经纪人的手续费 | broke beater | 打浆机

consignment agent:寄售代理人

consignee 收货人 | consignment agent 寄售代理人 | consignment business 寄售业务

Freight Forwarder:货运代理人

实际上,"货运代理人"(Freight forwarder)有"代理"(Agent)的意思,但不简单等同于"代理",而是兼备"运输"的意思. 正因如此,直到目前,很多国家并没有将无船承运业务和货运代理业务明确区分开来,而是认为无船承运业务就是货运代理的应有之义.

agreed-upon procedures:约定审查业务

12 agents 代理人 | 13 agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务 | 14 analysis of errors 错误分析

Shipping agent:船务代理

船务代理(Shipping Agent)是指接受承运人的委托,代办与船舶有关的一切业务的人,主要业务有船舶进出港、货运、供应及其它服务性工作等. 船方的委托和代理人的接受以每船一次为限,称为航次代理;船方和代理人之间签订有长期代理协议,称为长期代理.

chartering agent:租船代理人

3.通过租船经纪人洽谈那成交租船业务 租船运输和班轮运输又一区别是:班轮运输由船务代理或货运代理为承运人和托运人促成运输合同;而租船运输中一般是由出租人和承运人分别委托船东经纪人(owner"s broker)和租船代理人(chartering agent)洽谈租船业务.

business agent:营业代理人,业务代理人

business agency 派出机构 | business agent 营业代理人,业务代理人 | business background 企业背景