英语人>词典>汉英 : 代沟 的英文翻译,例句
代沟 的英文翻译、例句


generation gap
更多网络例句与代沟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Generation gap refers to a vast difference in cultural norms between a younger generation and their elders.


While her sons wrestle with their own personal difficulties and secrets, Pancho's wife, Amalia, attends to the normal inter-personal conflicts that occur within an extended family and bridges the gap between the three generations by hosting the family's large music-filled cookouts and lively dinners.


While her sons wrestle with their own personal difficulties and secrets, Panchos wife, Amalia, attends to the normal inter-personal conflicts that occur within an extended family and bridges the gap between the three generations by hosting the familys large music-filled cookouts and lively dinners.


Little is known about the causes of fatigue in cancer patients, and there is a "profound communication gap" between doctors and patients regarding cancer-related fatigue, Arndt and colleagues write.


They were called Generation Gap, because of the differences in ages of the members; the bassist was like 48 and the drummer was like 60


Free sb / sth of … a frequent visitor be friends with sb keep friends with sb a week from today for fun make fun of sb have fun (=have a good time) function as… relief funds furnish a room with… further notice in future = from now on in the future 使…摆脱常客和……友好和……保持友好从今天算起的一周后为了乐趣嘲笑过得愉快起……作用救济金给……配备家具另行通知从今以后,今后在未来 gain experience gain speed No pains, no gains play a close game host the 2008 Olympic Games generation gap gaze at general knowledge have a general/rough idea of in general it is generally believed/considered get on well with get over get through have a gift for be gifted with give out give away give in to give off be only too glad to do sth at a glance cast a glance atn.

for the glory of the school go about go across go around go wrong go in for go into the army 第 19 页共 50 页获得经验加速一分耕耘,一分收获进行一场势均力敌的比赛主办 2008 年奥运会代沟凝视,注视一般常识有总的/大致的了解一般说来一般认为与某人相处好,某事进展顺利从恢复,痊愈完成;通过;接通电话有……的天赋具有……的才华分发,散发,用光,耗尽泄密屈服于某人某事放出非常乐意做某事一看就扫了一眼为了学校的荣誉忙于,从事横过,穿过传播;足够分配出故障,出错参加,爱好从军高考词组汇编 31。

The bounding of a father and son is very obvious.


He made a bid to bridge the gap between he and his father.


And there is another cause for hope that we can do better in the future at bridging the generation gap.


The portable transistor radio preceded it, but it was the Walkman that took the burgeoning cultural iconography of cross-generational misunderstanding that grew out of the Industrial Revolution and urbanization, and updated it with a technological motif that turned the conflict on its head.


更多网络解释与代沟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


本尼迪克特借鉴了尼采在古希腊悲剧的研究中所使用的两个概念:"阿波罗型"(Apollonian)和"狄奥尼斯型"(Dionysian). 米德着眼于整个人类文化史的发展,认为代沟问题的出现,其主要根源是文化传承的差异. 她认为全部人类文化传承可划分为三种基本类型,

By generation gap we mean that young people and old people:我们所说的代沟是指年轻人和老人

gap n. 间隙,缺... | By generation gap we mean that young people and old people ;我们所说的代沟是指 年轻人和老人 | have misunderstandings of each other and that both generations have diffrent ;相互之间的...

By generation gap we mean that young people and old people:我们所说的代沟是指年轻人和老头

gap n.间隙,缺... | By generation gap we mean that young people and old people ;我们所说的代沟是指年轻人和老头 | have misunderstandings of each other and that both generations have diffrent ;相互之间的误...

generation gap:代沟

摇滚乐,和一九四六年出生的第一批战后婴儿,他们于一九五九年刚好满十三岁,"三九少年"的第一年. "三九少年"一词从此在美国文化上刻上了它的大名. 与此同时,"代沟"(generation gap)一词也因而诞生.

generation gap:代沟问题

在同一民族和文化里,教育下一代只有代沟问题(generation gap);在不同民族和文化里教育下一代不但有代沟问题,更有文化冲突问题,子女对文化和民族的认同问题,和自我认同(Self-Identity)等问题,这些问题在孩子的成长过程中产生很多的困扰.

generation gap:第十一课 代沟

Harmonious 第十课 融和 | Generation Gap 第十一课 代沟 | Line 第十二课 线

the generation gap:代沟

战后成长起来的一 代对他们父辈的那一 套并不认同, '代沟' (The generation gap)一在这样的大趋势下,澳大利亚的白澳政策一 点点的坍塌,慢,但是不可抗拒.

the generation gap:论代沟

7.Never Put off Today s Work for Tomorrow 今日事,今日完 | 8.The Generation Gap 论代沟 | 9.Good Health Is Important to Students 健康的体魂对学生来说很重要

v Generation Gap:(代沟)

v Road Accidents-交通事故 | v Generation Gap-代沟 | v The First Snow-第一场雪

Deepening generation gap:加深的代沟

4. Can not manage on pension 靠养老金无法过活 | 5. Deepening generation gap 加深的代沟 | 6. Be confined to limited social relationship 被限制在有限的社会关系网中