英语人>词典>汉英 : 仔细的 的英文翻译,例句
仔细的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
careful  ·  elaborative  ·  aborative

更多网络例句与仔细的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, we are to do a careful analysis.


Careful bargainer that she was, Colo then broke the key chain and gave Jendry a link, perhaps figuring, Why give her the whole thing if I can get a bit of pineapple for each piece?

仔细的谈判者,她是, Colo 那么打破了钥匙链和给了Jendry 链接,或许计算,为什么给她整件事如果我能得到一点菠萝为各个片断?

Slowly and carefully, the traps were pulled from the legs of Bartholomew and Edger and they were free.


It takes a lot of thought and effort and downright d-etermination to be agreeable.


Sometimes, the no harm considers carefully, if the result that those bring when making a choice and is not you the hope gets of, Probably next time you needs must an another and a kind of choose of time, you get the careful with circumspection considers


Restaurant Earth goldfish plant frog snake bones noise grams of the tongue during th eday and the moon around the back of an elephant stail guides can travel search words weight drill kicked like dogs to kill the death of afailure to understand the return of the.remember Ibelieve is called the bright strange fear unusual weakness The soft,crazy young diligent carefully dangerous or even as early as easily and without the police station did not receive aphone drive to live in the vicinity of three people wearing police uniforms go adifferent route to the left turn into the traffic lights to stop the speech to stop the rapid escape was surprised to see the final Smoke blankets the attention of the fire arm leg members to visit those prizes weather sports female athletes semester the results of memory performance flight Internet program to collect household chores injured dumping burns red shouting snow ski rescue organizations plan carefully Lost courageous performances alone sad slow fast super rude and then the high-difficulty over the fire in the.rather than


So I will be in memory from the machine removed carefully with rubber cement擦试memory of the golden finger, and carefully examined the small memory components, found that there is no significant problem, re-inserted into the machine and after the fault has not been resolved , the problem remains.


One of which is to be attached to the lens cell, the other two are to make the OTA longer. I included the segment which has the lens cell attached.


As I return your topic papers , I'd like to look over 仔细检查 the schedual schedule 时间表 on which scatches sketches out 概述 what we'll do during the next two weeks.


They were careful when crossing the busy street; be careful to keep her shoes clean; did very careful research; careful art restorers; careful of the rights of others; careful about one's behavior.


更多网络解释与仔细的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


careful 办事仔细的 | candid 正直的 | charitable 宽厚的


charwoman 女佣 | chary 仔细的 | Charybdis 卡律布迪斯


现代国家由于确信教育的重要性,才向教育机构"投资",以期以获得一大群有知识的(enlightened)男女青年的形式收回"利息",这些青年是潜在的领导人. 教育的教学周期经过了仔细的安排,其周期的标志是教科书,后者是可以买得到的智慧源泉.

seductress:勾引男人的女人 (名)

seductiveness 有诱惑力; 富有魅力 (名) | seductress 勾引男人的女人 (名) | sedulous 勤勉的; 仔细的; 聚精会神的 (形)


insurgent#暴动的;叛变的 | sullen#阴沉的 | meticulous#很仔细的


Thoughtfully 思虑的,仔细的 | Sweet 甜的 | Romantic 浪漫的

untimely: a.1:不适时的;不合时令的 2.过早发生的

circumspect: a.谨慎小心的;慎重的;仔细的 | untimely: a.1.不适时的;不合时令的 2.过早发生的 | folktale: n.民间故事


elaborative 煞费苦心的 | elaborative 仔细的 | elaborative 精心的


elaboration /精心制作/详尽阐述/ | elaborative /仔细的/精心的/煞费苦心的/ | elaborator /精心制作者/详尽阐述者/

look more closely:更仔细的看

8.speak up 大声说,大点声 | 9.look more closely 更仔细的看 | 10.eat grapes 吃葡萄