英语人>词典>汉英 : 从旁边走过 的英文翻译,例句
从旁边走过 的英文翻译、例句


come by
更多网络例句与从旁边走过相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The traveller pushed open the door, elbowed an ancient calash under the porch, and entered the courtyard.


The traveller pushed open the door, elbowed an ancient calash under the porch, entered the courtyard.


Her cardiologist walked by and asked what I was doing.


Did I turn the coffeemaker off? I walked over, but did I turn it off?


Herons came, with a great bold noise as of opening doors and shutters, out of the boughs of a plantation which they frequented at the side of the mead; or, if already on the spot, hardily maintained their standing in the water as the pair walked by, watching them by moving their heads round in a slow, horizontal, passionless wheel, like the turn of puppets by clockwork.


He passe d by me without taking any notice of me.


Just at the moment a PLA man passed by.


Some Scourge creatures walk right by a person, oblivious, completely focused on their current task, but others drop everything in order to convert a person — meaning kill him and reanimate him as one of them.


He passed by me without taking any notice of me.


"That's showbiz for you," she said,"especially in Harry Potter" she added as she saw a bunch a pint sized people with pointed ears walk by holding a sword.


更多网络解释与从旁边走过相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

come between:离间;干预......间的事;妨碍

come by 从旁边走过;(偶然)获得 | come between离间;干预......间的事;妨碍 | come down 倒下,(温度,价格)下降,病倒;传下来;


),此时可在他旁边找到一支油漆刷(paintbrush),并顺便将油漆刷在油漆桶内沾满油漆. 接著再走过天桥底下的通路,来到码头广场处. 走下码头到尽头处找到一支木棒(stick),接著再从广场往左走,看见一名独眼大汉在此看守,

to turn into:把......变成

to walk right past视而不见;从旁边走过而没注意到 | to turn ... into把......变成...... | to lose weight减肥

wake up to:警觉...... ;认识到

wake up醒来;觉悟 | wake up to 警觉...... ;认识到...... | walk away from从......旁边走过;从......平安地脱身

walk away with sth:顺手牵羊地拿走

walk away from从......旁边走过;从......平安地脱身 | walk away with sth.顺手牵羊地拿走 | walk into走进......;很快地用完......;严斥某人

walk away from:从......旁边走过;从......平安地脱身

wake up to 警觉...... ;认识到...... | walk away from从......旁边走过;从......平安地脱身 | walk away with sth.顺手牵羊地拿走

He dodged past me:他躲躲闪闪地从我旁边走过

4531. He dodged the falling rock and escaped unhurt. 他闪身躲过了滚落的岩石,安然脱... | 4532. He dodged past me. 他躲躲闪闪地从我旁边走过. | 4533. He is a doer, not a talker. 他是一个实干家,不是一个空谈...