英语人>词典>汉英 : 从文化角度 的英文翻译,例句
从文化角度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与从文化角度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think it's entirely culturally acceptable now in Britain to be anti-American.


This phenomenon was the result of the duplex impact from modern bourgeois culture and the traditional Chinese culture.


Knowledge and information must be diffused with the correct use of good typography, which must be culturally appropriate.


As a part of it, Chinese college gardens have been developed as early as in the Tang Dynasty.


For the cultural level, this thesis further points out that Philip Roth calls for the readers' deep thinking of the reasons why the Jewish Americans' destiny is tragic from three aspects. Whether those Jewish Americans can truly realize their so called American Dreams and whether they can finally find their undistinguishable identity through the way of assimilation are all under discussion.


translation is a cultural activity;it's more than the transformation between two languages.what translation should achieve is to explain and spread culture between two languages.under the guidance of susan bassnett and andre lefevere,urger and impeller of'cultural turn',translation has been elevated to the height of cultural construction.culture discussion has become one of the newest headings in translation research.traditional chinese medicine is the embodiment and one of the most important parts of traditional chinese culture.as a result,in the procedure of translation of traditional chinese medicine,translation of culture characteristic is the most important thing.translation research of traditional chinese medicine has always been focused on what method should be used,such as the discussion about literal translation or free translation,the discussion whether use foreignizing method or domesticating method in the translation of traditional chinese medicine.it is only the argument of whether convey traditional chinese medicine culture in english translation and how much the culture should be conveyed.

翻译本身是一种文化活动。翻译不仅是两种文字的相互转化,翻译活动所完成的是将文化内涵在两种语言之间阐释和传播。在翻译研究"文化转向"的两位主要倡导者和推进者susan bassnett和andre lefevere研究进展的启发之下,翻译被提到文化构建的高度。从文化角度研究翻译成为翻译研究的前沿课题,为翻译理论的发展注入了新的活力。中医体现了中国传统文化,是其重要组成部分,对文化内涵的处理得当与否决定了翻译的好与坏。中医翻译学术界在操作层面上一直有直译与意译之争,归化与异化之争,说到底不过是对中医传统文化在英译文中是否体现以及体现多少的争论。

This thesis is an attempt to make a contrastive study of courtesy language in English and Chinese.


To discuss about the reason that the smallholding economy is being redundant has an important edification and consulting meaning on developing the socialistic market economy, accelerating our country's citifying construction procedure, building the resource save-type society, and shun the currently economic crisis, etc.


Looks we have only one in mind since childhood the Hwangyen mandarine orange declined day after day in recent years, we were really burning with impatience, therefore the decision launched our research, through the material search, we found has cut into from the cultural angle, might give Hwangyen the mandarine orange by the new vigor, recent development opportunities.


Chapter one analyzes theconnotation of Mikhail Sholokhov\'s ecological philosophy and its originof formation from the view of culture.


更多网络解释与从文化角度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


从艺术史角度看,它特指19世纪后期以库尔贝(Courbet Gustave)为代表的一种艺术运动. 这一艺术运动为欧洲近代文化观念转变所催生,针对被当时艺术家(古典主义与浪漫主义者)普遍尊崇的"理想主义"而提出,主张艺术以 "准确而详尽"的形式关注当代社会生活,

Electra complex:厄勒克特拉情结

也就意味着对女儿有着最为深厚影响的成熟男子的离去. 而图中被依靠的壮年男子(可能是父亲的兄弟或者朋友)便是这个重要角色的替代. 从文化隐喻的角度来说,这或许是"厄勒克特拉情结"(Electra complex)⑨,即"恋父情结"在现实中的投射.




文章摘要:本文从跨文化角度对体态语在不同的文化背景中的不同含义作了简要介绍,分析了东西方人在诸如空间距离(Space and Distance)、目光注视(Eye Contact and Gaze)、身体接触(Touch)、姿态动作(Gesture)和面部表情(Facial Expression)等方面的文化差异,


其他省份的城市像里昂(Lyon)、蒙比利埃(Montpellier)、里尔(Lille)和尼姆(Nimes),也渐渐受瞩目. 在千禧年的前夕,地方主义、多元文化和两性议题都让政治和文化的视野更加广阔. 使我们能从各种角度去欣赏法国的风貌.


(6)"马赛克"(mosaic)式或复眼式观察允许我们从许多角度综合一种强烈的视觉感知,使我们把镶嵌某一对象的环境连贯起来,从而使意义充满张力. (7)比之以往的纸笔(印本)文化,信息时代的学习文化借助于赛伯文化(cyberculture),

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" 现实主义 "(realism)是一个外来词语. 从艺术史角度看,它特指19世纪后期以库尔贝(Courbet Gustave)为代表的一种艺术运动. 这一艺术运动为欧洲近代文化观念转变所催生,针对被当时艺术家(古典主义与浪漫主义者)普遍尊崇的"理想主义"而提出,



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