英语人>词典>汉英 : 从开始 的英文翻译,例句
从开始 的英文翻译、例句


from the jump
更多网络例句与从开始相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One pace teachs me to make a station, arrive from the domain name space, from analytic to upload, arrive from HTML CMS, I what let do not have a technology also made a way station, the scene warbling of the oriole at that time is in eye, a website from begin conception to build SEO, true, very excited, I am very clear remember these courses, begin corn of bought a CN, with the space of a 100M, spent 76 yuan, 75 yuan space, 1 yuan rice


I am from the "Start" button to start to speak.


Hundreds of nominees from the Han Geng China's Heilongjiang Nationality juvenile, graduated from the department of the Central University for Nationalities, from the beginning of the 12-year-old practice of traditional Chinese dance, ballet, Chinese martial arts, and so on, a number of occasions on behalf of the Chinese in Hong Kong, Macao, the United States to participate in the exchange of performances.


By the end of 2004, early 2005, the Government in order to curb the overheated real estate market started to increase some taxes such as stamp duty, real estate speculation in the risk of almost zero from the beginning, become larger and larger.


From start to finish;from beginning to end;from first to last


What to do from the beginning to now find themselves moving slowly will not know squat significantly, then watched Lee fruit Brother video that was something fishy about this technology jump And encountered a second person were killed and seconds playing a ghost jumped俩位skilled chef, gradually began to study rapid technological ghost dance.


That as from the beginning, a projection OF that form that assumed its position or condition in the earth as from the beginning, and with those so endowed with that as may be called an insight into psychic sources there may be visioned about a body its astral, rather its THOUGHT body, as is projected FROM same in such a state; especially so when there is the induction, or the inducing of, an unconsciousness of the normal brain, or normal mental body.


Windflowers Windflowers,windflowers my father told me not to go near them He said he feared them always and he told me that they carried him away Windflowers,beartiful windflowers I couldn't wait to touch them to smell themPeople need homes: children assume their parents' place as home; boarders call school 'home' on weekdays; married couples work together to build new homes; and travelers … have no place to call 'home', at least for a few nights. So how about peopleA thick crust, coarse-grained as limestone rough-cast, hardened gradually on top of the four crocks that stood, large pottery bombs, in the small pantry. After the hot brewery of gland, cud and udder, cool porous earthenware fermented the butter milk

水的天堂-The paradise of water Private Cars-私家车阳光给予的天堂爱的教育,从爱父母开始护士工作心得体会楚布寺导游词高三历史教学工作总结 XX解放思想学习心得:用科学思维谋求科学发展西安碑林导游词实习总结2 大学生毕业实习总结(2)音乐老师个人工作总结六年级思想品德教育总结历史教学总结童年是首歌 2007年湖南高考满分作文:诗意地生活3 Beauty 残缺的圆 Love Your Life 我渴望飞翔我的学生我的爱关于骆驼和老虎的联想向来痴,从此醉从开始到现在金融改革职务转正考核述职报告黑松林山水记大象的遭遇告别夏天听爸爸妈妈的话机电一体化专业实习报告我家女儿初长成调查报告的写作格式热门文章文章列表

Abramoff to begin 6-year prison stint Wednesday 艾布拉姆周三开始其6年的刑期 Jack Abramoff, the lobbyist known for lavishing politicians with football tickets or whisking them away on exotic golf junkets, will start life Wednesday with a new identity: federal inmate No.


More and more precocious children, then they will increasingly have their own ideas, but also more and more parents do not want to hear you preach, then, it is better, we from the beginning to tell them how to walk, we began to let go of their own, We watched them when necessary to render them assistance hand, perhaps the beginning, they would throw a small fall, but the future of life on the road and go astray, fall over the cliff together, these磕磕绊绊also a small fall算得了What does?


更多网络解释与从开始相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

从......开始 begin...with... 从......开始:start...with

243 some...others... 一些......另一些...... | 244 start...with... 从......开始 begin...with... 从......开始 | 245 stay away from 远离......

commence with:从...开始

commence v.开始, 着手 | commence on 着手 | commence with 从...开始

date from=date back to:追溯到,从......开始就有

10.辨析:date from, date back to | date from = date back to追溯到,从......开始就有 | My interest in stamp collecting dates from my schooldays. 从学生时代起我对集邮就开始感兴趣了.

begin with / end up with:从......开始/ 从......结束

140.hope for sth 希望得到某物 | 141.begin with/end up with 从......开始/从......结束 | 142.cope with 应对,解决

from the beginning:从开始,从一开始. 如

It happened at [in] the beginning of this century. 此事发生在本世纪之初. | 3. from the beginning 从开始,从一开始. 如: | Recite the poem from the beginning. 从头开始背诵这首诗.

from the outset:从开始时

在开始时 at the outset | 从开始时 from the outset | 政府的年限 the life of a government

start off with:从...开始, 用...开始

start in life 开始到社会上做事[谋生] | start off with 从...开始, 用...开始 | start on sth. 开始做某事; 从做某事开始

start with:从......开始 begin...with... 从......开始

243 some...others... 一些......另一些...... | 244 start...with... 从......开始 begin...with... 从......开始 | 245 stay away from 远离......

start with sth:从...开始;以...开始

have equal access to all areas and facilities 有权进入所有的场所和设施 | start with sth 从...开始;以...开始 | be frustrated 感到受挫折的

da capo al fine:从头开始到结尾. 从开始处重复唱奏,直到完结或有fine处

2. da capo 从头开始,简写为D.C | 3. da capo al fine 从头开始到结尾. 从开始处重复唱奏,直到完结或有fine处. | 4. da capo aria 反始咏叹调