英语人>词典>汉英 : 从契约 的英文翻译,例句
从契约 的英文翻译、例句


accession contract
更多网络例句与从契约相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From the perspective of contract theory, firms' networks or the intermediate state between firms and markets can be depicted as "super market contract", which is a special market contract and is the exchange between firms owning key resources, by controlling and exporting management, and others.


The Chapter 2, aiming at the issues in the research field of accounting policy choice, sets bases and research framework for the influencing factor analysis of accounting policy choice and the academic ground and research framework of corresponding contract theory. The second part, includes the Chapter 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Based on the research framework and theoretic bases illustrated in the first part, it emphasizes and investigates on the five external factors that would greatly influence the accounting policy choice: 1 Research on the restriction from accounting laws and regulations.


The reasons for these issues interrelate with governance structure of family enterprises.


Compared with its role in traditional branch laws, policy is such an important means to realization of interest of economic law that it plays a key role in the running of multipartite participation mode.


This paper begins with the origin of the principle of relativity of contract, by putting forward the notion of the inviolability of creditor"s right try to justify the necessity and rationality of the system of infringement of the third person upon creditor"s right, and proposes the stand our nation should adopt, to realize the biggest function of that system.This paper is divided into four parts:Part I, principle of relativity of debt.


Because of asymmetric information, principal-agent issue is at the bottom of sepration of ownership and domination in modern stock corporation. From point of view of contract economics, modern stock corporation is a incompleteness contract between stock holder and handlers.


On terms that develop market economy and interests pluralistically today, to make at all levels government bodies and his staff member admit and take serving administrative idea inside really in terms of agreement is thought guide to advance administrative information opening.


Our research start from the basic point of view, that the economic organization is coupling of a aeries of contracts.


They can't solve moral hazard and hold-up problems, so the project finance companys need a new pattern.Secondly, the paper rescans corporate governance from the contract theory view. It uses contract theory and specialty assets theory as basic analytic tools. It takes the companys as a group of contracts and analyse corporate governance problems from the view of contract governance. So the corporate governance of project finance company is how to governance the long term contract of specialty assets.


This was especially useful in view of the fast-track nature of this project: 4 months from the signing of the lease to the moving-in date!


更多网络解释与从契约相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


[w17]转让(alienation)是财产权的本质要素. [w18]有一种财产权,即存在于自身(self)、身体(body)和精神(mind)的财产权,必须与只是将意志体现于其中的财产权的典型例子进行必要的区分. [w21]从私有财产权和自由契约的严格(并且一般来说还是现代的和市场的)定义出发,

Hannah Arendt:汉娜.阿伦特

其中最有学术价值的当推汉娜 阿伦特(Hannah Arendt)和约翰 罗尔斯(John Rawls)的两篇论文. 阿伦特从宪法的契约本质入手,指出在默示同意的基础上,公民不服从和结社自由,实在是用一种危险的权宜之计来避免更大的危险――多数人的暴政.



bottomry bond:船舶抵押契约

船舶抵押(ship mortgage)的原始形式,即船东从船舶的船籍港(home port)出发时,通过签署船舶抵押契约(bottomry bond)利用船舶信用借钱用于为保持船舶状态或完成航运而必须的食物和维护.


所以,契约(DEED)才是真正给您权力的东西. 它的功能有二:把TITLE的王冠从卖方的头上摘下来然后戴到您的头上(契约的签署),然后再把这一行为在市政厅存档备案(契约的备案). 两个过程,缺一不可.


这是魔法师(magus)与夥伴(minister)订立暂定契约时所使用的咒文,这种咒文可以将两人的意识从自我内心引出来,引发意识出窍的状况. 除了念咒文之外,还需要进行某种仪式. 但是订立[正式契约]时,会使用更强力的契约魔法,


幻魔菌能够产生幻觉,有了它我就能够得到魅力系中的契约(Obligation)技能了!举例来说,自然系的采集(Gathering)技能,就能从大自然中的植物(Plant)上寻找到各种草药(Herb). 然而,自然系却没有能够利用这些草药的技能,

rule of law:以法治国

在"诚信"问题大讨论中,我们有不少同志总是沉浸在道德品性的层面上呼唤"诚信"回归,殊不知此"诚信"非彼"诚言",在一个契约文明极不成熟而满纸道德写了几千年的社会,集中的问题是如何实现从人治走向法治,从依法治国(rule by law)走向以法治国(rule of law).


对于人的"尊严"、"唯一性"(uniqueness)等概念亦可从同样的思路做出解答. 最后是规则. 在通过契约达成相对统一的概念和原则之后,人们就可以进一步通过契约来达成可供大家共同遵守的规则. 规则可以是法律、道德与伦理等. 一般而言,


2.契约(Contracting)以契约稳定组织间关系,并去除关系中的不确定性. 从谈判中争取与供应商及客户的长期友好关系. 契约固然去除了组织环境的不确定性,但组织自身也受到制约必需履行契约. 3.相互委派代表(Cooptation)最常见於企业的交叉董事席次,