英语人>词典>汉英 : 人造物 的英文翻译,例句
人造物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Was exchange an early agent of human evolution or is it merely an artefact of modern civilisation?


Right? All of those are man-made, artificiality brought into the woods by you, and by the very nature of being there.


Although Science of Design Art and the education of design art of the time have made a rapid progress in China, the faculty construct and theory research of design art keep developing tardily, furthermore the object of the research of Science of Design Art is not very legible and the academic frame of the Science of Design Art research still has not been built.


Construction, as the largest artificiality of human's life space, which are usually used by gerent to express their point of view or as the intermedium to overstate their ascendance. So these buildings are undoubtedly regarded as varieties of symbolic decorations.


Sick refers to the incompatibility at heart, which is caused by bringing in artificialities in our life.


The second section expounds the application of the relationship of nervous system, merchandise and nature and probes deeply the physiological psychology, natural power and social psychology base of esthetics of coexisting.


Relative technological phenomena and the ideas of technology of different disciplines and schools, it is necessary to look for a foundational supporting point for study of technology.


I propose a primordial place to live before a notional 'house' became a 'house;' when it was uncongealed to be all at once a house, a city, a garden, a forest, a prairie, the natural and the artificial.


One is: The Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space with the naked eye.


Productivity, originally made by man, now enslaves man in return.


更多网络解释与人造物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在现代经济中,市场制序决非是这样出现的,而是法律和政府设计的人造物(artifacts). 照格雷看来,非原始形式的市场秩序均是法律(如产权法、合同自由的条件与限制)的创造物,而非自然演进的结果. 因此,格雷认为,


artificer 巧匠 | artificiality 人造物 | artificiality 不自然之物


artificiality 人造物 | artificiality 不自然之物 | artificialize 使人工化

artichoke,globe artichoke:朝鲜蓟

节孢子 arthrospore | 朝鲜蓟 artichoke,globe artichoke | 人造物 artificial

Firthian linguistics:裴斯派語言學

first-order objects 一元事物(談論自然物或人造物的詞彙) | Firthian linguistics 裴斯派語言學 | five-point scale 五度制聲調符號


例如,自然界的风雨雷电,江河流水:溪流"淙淙"(murmur)或"潺潺"(babble),波浪"汩汩"(swish), 雨点"啪嗒"(patter), 雷声"隆隆"(rumble, roll),风吹草木"飒飒"(rustle),再如,车船枪炮、机械器具等人造物发出的声音:子弹"嗖嗖"(zip),


并且脑中的运算需要建立在在先的(preceding)纸上运算基础上. 那么在脑中进行的就是建立在人造物上的,据人造物造出来的东西一定也是人造物. 3. Q:这套理论难道不会太人类中心(anthropocentric)了么?A:基本上是以人类为中心的,

NASA Endeavour SpaceShuttle Start:奋进号航天飞机发射、太空作业及返回

BURN-E 电焊工 2008 ***** | NASA Endeavour SpaceShuttle Start 奋进号航天飞机发射、太空作业及返回 ***** | Man-Made:Earth Movers 人造物:推土机 2005 ****


雨点"啪嗒"(patter), 雷声"隆隆"(rumble, roll),风吹草木"飒飒"(rustle),再如,车船枪炮、机械器具等人造物发出的声音:子弹"嗖嗖"(zip),喇叭"嘟嘟(toot),钟表"嘀哒"(tick), 铃声"叮当"(tinkle),汽车嘎然刹住(screech),

Creation Of The Humanoids:《造物弄人>

<<血色走廊>>corridors of blood (1959) | <<造物弄人>>creation of the humanoids (1962) | <<黑暗星球>>dark star (1974)