英语人>词典>汉英 : 人物描写 的英文翻译,例句
人物描写 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与人物描写相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An editor and journalist, he is an adroit sketcher of historical events, but even more of character.


The method of depiction in Red Broomcorn had close relations with the theory discussing about the complicacy of character at that time.


Readers of "Intuition", however, will battle with themselves over whether to savour Allegra Goodman's exquisite ★filleting[2] of character, as the scientists are themselves dissected like their experimental mice, or to rush ★headlong[3] to find out what happens next.


LI Bihua who owns many years of the empirical background to dramatize has the very strong silver consciousness of "write for the silver screen", because of this its novel have the special and strong photoplay feature: First, a painting montage of environment describing; Second, the person depiction of manuscript turns; Thrid, the details structure is enantiomorphous; Fourth, the descriptive language can be seen and felt, which is also concise and comprehensive.


There many aspects such as the description of people, scene, event, as we ofen detect, in the field of literary description. However,the description of color as embodied receptiveness of the writer's subjectivity is much too often ignored.


The paper analyses religious factors in works of Turgenev, like east Buddism factor in his description of scenery, Chinese Taoism and philosophy factor in his description of love, and Christianity factor in his descriptions of characters.


LI Bihua who owns many years of the empirical background to dramatize has the very strong silver consciousness of "write for the silver screen", because of this its novel have the special and strong photoplay feature: First, a painting montage of environment describing; Second, the person depiction of manuscript turns; Thrid, the details structure is enantiomorphous; Fourth, the descriptive language can be seen and felt, which is also concise and comprehensive.


Obviously there are some common grounds in portrait description, it shows the feature of phyletic biography of people.


To prove the emotion words for telling are important and even indispensable to depict characters of novels,and A Dream of Red Mansions proffers a canon about that,this paper provides a systematic investigation of these words of the classic,including four steps: the depiction of looks,actions, words and minds of the characters in the novel.


She thinks that the characterisations, or the different people in the novels, are what make Dickens' novels so special.


更多网络解释与人物描写相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Describing People:描写人物

Colours 顏色 | Describing People 描寫人物 | Pieces 塊, 片

Panicle characters:穗部性状

资合性:Characters based on capital | 穗部性状:Panicle characters | 人物描写:descriptions of characters


portraitportrayeikonikon 画像 | portraiture 肖像画 | portrayalportraiture 人物描写


[写作指导] 描写(Portray)就是用生动、形象的语言将人物、事物、景物等的特征和性质活灵活现地刻画或描绘出来,使读者如见其人、如闻其声、如临其境. 为了使人或事物的特征跃然纸上,我们往往在写文章时把叙述和描写结合起来.

Jean Renoir:雷诺阿

法国著名的电影导演让"雷诺阿(Jean Renoir)曾跟我说过:描写一个混蛋比描写一个好小伙子更有戏剧性效果. 这是值得我们好好想想的. 首先,把你的人物的生活分为三个基本组成部分--职业的(Professional)生活部分,个人的(Personal)生活部分,


电影剧本 (SCRIPT) 泛指以文字描述整部影片的人物和动作内容,所采取的各种写作形式. 电影剧本的构成的四个基本要素:场景描写(Scene)、人物(Character)、对话(D


portrayal /描写/描画/绘画/肖像/人物描写/ | portreeve /副手/市长/ | portress /女门房/

Who portrayed king Lear:谁扮演李尔王

17.portray vt. 画(人物, 风景), 画(肖像) 描绘; 描写; 描述 [戏]扮演; 饰演 | Who portrayed king Lear? 谁扮演李尔王? | portrayal n. 画像,绘画 描写,描绘

UNIT 2 Portraying a Person:第2单元 描写一个人

Connecting链接 15 | UNIT 2 Portraying a Person第2单元 描写一个人 16 | Composition Focus:Biography作文要点:人物传记

