英语人>词典>汉英 : 产油 的英文翻译,例句
产油 的英文翻译、例句


oil-producing · produce oil
更多网络例句与产油相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By Neil King Jr. and Guy Chazan


In July 2005 Exxon Mobil's new oil platform came into production.


The paper introduces mechanism of producing oils from microorganism,expounds the species of oleaginous microorganism and the factors influencing oil synthesis,and analyzes the application prospect of biodiesel produced from microbial oils .


Various factors such as pine needle dosage and extraction time which may influence the oil yield were investigated.

用水蒸气蒸馏法从广西产马尾松和湿地松的针叶中提取精油,探索了松针投料量和提取时间对产油率的影响,确定了最佳工艺条件为:松针投料量700 g,提取时间5 h。

The edible, nutlike, oily seed of this plant, used for food and as a source of oil.


The edible,nutlike, oil y seed of this plant,used for food and as a source of oil .


The oil yield rate of sewage sludge is higher th an that of putrescible garbage,the oil yield rate of activated sewage sludge i s the highest,lacquer sludge and digested sludge in successi...


The results show that:First, concentration of hydrogen peroxide have the most obvious influence to oil yield and carbon black yield,with the increase of concentration of hydrogen peroxide the oil yield first increase then decrease,when concentration of hydrogen peroxide is 8.19% or so,the oil yield reach to the biggest value, and with the increase of concentration of hydrogen peroxide carbon black yield decrese;Then,reaction time have more obvious influence to oil yield and carbon black yield,oil yield increase but carbon black yield decrease with the increase of reaction time;Thirdly,reaction tempreture have some influence to oil yield and carbon black yield,samely,oil yield increase but carbon black yield decrease with the increase of reaction tempreture;Finally,reaction pressure does almost no influence on oil yield and carbon black yield.


The oil yield of six types of Huadian oil shales were measured on a Fischer assay retort,and the factors which effected the results of Fischer assay of oil shale were investigated,such as heating rate,particle size,final retorting temperature and retorting persistent time.

结果表明,页岩油的产率随着挥发分含量的增大而增加,在一定范围内提高升温速率,页岩油产率增大,但升温速率过快,反而使页岩油产率降低;终温在500℃~510℃,持温时间20 min的条件下,产油率最高,继续增加干馏终温和持续时间对产油率影响不大;同时适宜的粒度可以适当提高页岩油的产率。

Oil palm is the main woody oil crop in tropic area, and is also the highest productivity oil producing plant in the world. The main products of oil palm, palm oil and palm kernel oil have widely application field.

摘 要:油棕是热带地区重要的木本油料作物,也是世界上生产效率最高的产油植物,其主要产品棕榈油和棕榈仁油具有广泛的应用领域。

更多网络解释与产油相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


oil-pressurestabilizer 油压稳定器 | oil-producing 产油 | oil-proof 防油的 耐油 不漏油 不透油

oil-producing capacity:产油能力

oil-pressure shut-off switch 油压开关 | oil-producing capacity 产油能力 | oil-producing formation 产油

oil-producing sandstone:产油砂岩

oil-producing rate curve 采油量曲线 | oil-producing sandstone 产油砂岩 | oil-producing unit 采油单元

oil-producing formation:产油层

oil-producing capacity 产油能力 | oil-producing formation 产油层 | oil-producing pay 产油

unproductive area:非生产面积,不产油地区

unprocessed material 未加工材料 | unproductive area 非生产面积,不产油地区 | unproductive capital 非生产性资本


corasil (液体色谱固定相)表面多孔的玻璃珠 | oleiferous 产油的,含油的 | nonearning 无收益的


petrolic 石油的 | petroliferous 产油的 | petrolift 燃料泵

blow in:开始猛喷产油

blow down a boiler 吹除炉底沉积 | blow in 开始猛喷产油 | blow job 蒸汽吹扫作业

oil of vitriol:矾油

oil of paraffin 石蜡油 | oil of vitriol 矾油 | oil off-take target 产油目的层

fixed oil production platform:固定式产油平台

fixed loop antenna 固定环形天线 | fixed oil production platform 固定式产油平台 | fixed range rings 固定等距圈