英语人>词典>汉英 : 交锋 的英文翻译,例句
交锋 的英文翻译、例句


cross swords
更多网络例句与交锋相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is contest of opinion in politics as well as religion which makes us take great interest in them and bestow our money liberally on those who furnish aliment to our appetite...


Actually, five years ago, China and Christie's have crossed each other as the British auctioned in Hong Kong antic sculptures from the summer palace.


She had not half the fascination of that solitary, intrepid figure who faced all alone the shadows of the Dark Valley and the encounter with Apollyon.


Seen from an elongated perspective, Arendt's youthful collision with the sociology of knowledge assumes greater significance.


I've fought all of these enemies at one time or another.


Meanwhile, Mrs Palin is playing the traditional running-mate's role of attacking Mr Obama's character; but after his bare-knuckle primary battle with Hillary Clinton there are no new charges to fling.


Not that I less endure, or shrink from pain, [ 925 ] Insulting Angel, well thou knowst I stood Thy fiercest, when in Battel to thy aide The blasting volied Thunder made all speed And seconded thy else not dreaded Spear.


We all know what the road to hell is supposed to be paved with. It does not follow from this that the road to heaven is paved with bad intentions.


Norway himself, With terrible numbers, Assisted by that most disloyal traitor The thane of Cawdor, began a dismal conflict; Till that Bellona's bridegroom, lapp'd in proof, Confronted him with self-comparisons, Point against point rebellious, arm 'gainst arm.


This shows that the Diderot and Rameau's Nephew in the community occurred in the level of two of the confrontation between the moral values, in Rameau's Nephew inside of the heart, is still contradictory, the confrontation of each other.


更多网络解释与交锋相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Battle Line:全线交锋

巴别塔 Babel 153 | 全线交锋 Battle Line 153 | 孟买 Bombay 320

Desert Capriccio:荒漠奇情

8.The Encounter/交锋 | 9.Desert Capriccio/荒漠奇情 | 10.in the Old Temple/古寺


路透形容这是一嘲历史性辩论"(a historic debate),美联社形容两人"激烈交锋"(a heated exchange),法新社以"冲突"(clash)形容两人针锋相对,BBC说两人"没共识".

The Encounter:交锋

7.Through the Bamboo Forest/穿越竹林 | 8.The Encounter/交锋 | 9.Desert Capriccio/荒漠奇情

Gary Lennon:魔鬼交锋

Universal Soldier / 魔鬼命令 | Gary Lennon / 魔鬼交锋 | Junior / 魔鬼二世

Criss Cross:十字交锋

儿童文学作家林恩.雷.帕金斯的新作<<十字交锋>>(criss cross)和插画家克丽思.拉西卡与作家诺顿.贾斯特合著的<<问候和告别的窗>>(thehello,goodbyewindow)分别获得这两个奖项的金奖.

cross swords:交锋

cross section 横截面 | cross swords 交锋 | cross talk 干扰

cross swords:交锋, 争论

Crooked as a dog's hind leg 极不正派 | Cross swords 交锋, 争论 | Cross that bridge when you come to it 问题来了再解决

delay of game:延遲交鋒

2.延迟交锋 (delay of game)攻方若在「交锋定时器」倒数结束前仍未发球,便犯此规,要罚5码. 3.非法发球 (false start)发球前,进攻一方的球员在列队之后是不可以抖动身体,以引诱防守球员的「越位」或「侵犯」行为的,否则就构成「非法发球」.

Lola And Billy The Kid:性的交锋

Little More Than A Year Ago 我的粉红生涯 | Lola And Billy The Kid 性的交锋 | Lolita 一枝梨花压海棠