英语人>词典>汉英 : 交通警察 的英文翻译,例句
交通警察 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pointsman  ·  pointsmen

traffic policeman · traffic constable · traffic cop · communication police · point constable
更多网络例句与交通警察相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

John has become a traffic policeman now and his first day of work will be a baptism of fire .


In beijing the traffic police has started to clamp down on illegal taxies on the street.


20 When there is a traffic police on the spot to direct traffic, the motorized vehicle should 机动车遇有交通警察现场指挥时,应当按照通行。

The Ministry of Communications sent 300 more traffic police to direct the traffic .


This situation ended until the pointsman came and gave directions.


Because drank wine, he already forgot from the back still pulled a tractor the boss is very fast overtook BMW, proper they with 280 stridden speed whirlwind cars when, was discovered by a pointsman of roadside, want to bar had had not enough time, take out interphone at once, follow police of below one a section of a highway to contact: Hello, hello, hello, discover two Che Zaibiao cars, rate is very rapid, one is BMW, one is to run quickly 600, ask your block them, incorrect, it is 3 Che Zaibiao cars, return from the back closely follow a tractor, and the tractor still is hitting left-hand rotation Xiang Deng, miss overtake other cars on the road...


The Road Accident Study and Consulting Center of DUT is authorized by the Dalian Pointsman Detachment, and approved by DUT in 1994. Vehicle Energy Conservation Institute in Energy Sources Academe at DUT is authorized by DUT in 2006. In 2007, the two institutes were combined and renamed when the School of Automobile Engineering established.


" My dad works in the traffic police department, and the estate I grew up in is like the living quarters for the police."


Allows you to play a traffic cop is responsible for a good road traffic problems.


Allows you to play a traffic cop is responsible for a good road traffic problems.


更多网络解释与交通警察相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Connected transaction:交通警察

联动效应:Connected Effect | 交通警察:Connected transaction | 三角连通:triangularly connected


points of the compass 罗盘的三十二个方位 | pointsman 交通警察 | pointy 非常尖的


draughtsman起草人,立案者,打样人 | pointsman 交通警察,板道工 | huntsman 猎人


pointolite /点光源/ | pointsman /扳道员/交通警察/ | pointwise /逐点/逐点的/

traffic police:交通警察

维持繁华城市交通秩序的功臣,除了交通警察(traffic police)外,就要算交通信号灯(traffic signal lamp)了. 1868年12月10日,伦敦市里奇大街和警察厅拐角处一根7米高的钢柱上,装上了铁路信号工程师奈特(Night)发明的交通信号装置.

traffic police:交通警察. police 是集合名词,后面用复数动词

1. if he lets you go without a ticket. 如果他没给你罚款单就放你走. Let( someone ) go是"放开"的... | 2. traffic police. 交通警察. Police是集合名词,后面用复数动词. | 3."No Parking area. "禁止停放起的地段...

traffic policeman:交通警察

司机开车不系安全带、乱停车要被罚款、罚分. 其实,处罚只是约束人的一个手段,自觉才是新加坡人养成的美德. 新加坡所有的十字路口(crossing)都见不到交通警察(traffic policeman),路上也很少见到巡警,但是,你一旦违章,说不定哪个电视监控系统就将你记录在案.

traffic policeman:交通警员/交通警察

由热心巿民捐给警队was given to the police by a member of the public | 交通警员/交通警察traffic policeman | 刑事纪录科Crime Information Bureau

He is a traffic policeman:他是一个交通警察

② Traffic in large cities is controlled by traffic lights.大城市的交通由交通灯来控制. | ③ He is a traffic policeman.他是一个交通警察. | 5.It takes more than an hour .这要花一个多小时.

traffic cop:交通警察

traffic control 交通管制 | traffic cop 交通警察 | traffic island 交通岛